I posted this in my Rosin thread, but I’ll put it here too.
As it would have it, today I made some very potent Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO), or close enough. A great deal of people are always asking me what I do with the leftover Rosin Pucks. Well, I freeze them and today I decided to make some FECO with one jar of pucks and about a 1/2 bag of some fresh frozen trim. Here’s what I do:
1. I used Everclear for this extraction. All I do is half the pucks into two jars and cover slightly with the alcohol. Then back in the freezer until I’m ready to filter. I normally shake this two or three times before it’s ready.
2. All I do is use a strainer and a coffee filter to get all the big contaminants out. I use an old Folgers Coffee can to filter it all:
3. Then, I use the same filtered alcohol/extract to get the goodness from the fresh frozen trim. I let it sit in the freezer for about 15 minutes; shaking the mixture two or three times. Same as with the pucks. I had two bags for fresh frozen trim, but I only used about 3/4 of one bag for this batch.
4. This is what it looks like after another filtering. All i do is place it in a Pyrex pan that is in another larger Pyrex pan that is 1/2 filled with water. The larger pan is sitting on a griddle. I keep the heat at a medium to medium low and let it evaporate. (Please remember that this stuff is volatile. Alcohol fumes can blow-up! As in BOOM! No open flames PERIOD! Let’s be safe out there kiddies!
) I am doing this in my garage, with the garage door 1/2 open, I also have a screen on my garage, so no bugs can get in, and I have a large fan oscillating the fumes out. Safety first!
4. It takes about 1.5 - 2 hours depending on how much you have naturally, to render down most of the alcohol. I use razor blades to scrape/collect the oil. It’s very sticky stuff so I always use gloves. The final product is some purple/black-tar-like substance. Vey potent!
That’s it! That’s what I do with my rosin pucks. A little bit goes a long way. I put a dab or two in my coffee. Or, I’ll make some gummy’s, or even cook with it.