Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Fast Day41 (and Clones)

I cleaned up the bottoms of the Fast toddlers.
Fast 7-7-21 D41.jpg

Hold on girls! :Rasta:

Dunno, they look like actual plants from here!
Well, yeah, they are plants. I knew I couldn't slip that by you! :laughtwo:

But I like to give them little descriptors at various stages in their growth. Hoping with every grow to get to use a fatter descriptor, like from baby to toddler, to girl, to lady, to fat lady...obese...humongus. You get the idea. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

A really quick update today.

One of the Fast "children," the Bruce Banner, shot up overnight. Yesterday, the Fast ones were all pretty much the same height but not today.

Didn't see that coming! :Rasta:

Proud Uncle
A short while ago I gave one of my buddies a clone of my Grand Daddy Purple (while foolishly neglecting to keep one for myself). When I gave it to him he put it in a 4 gallon pot in his 4x4 tent. Some weeks later, however, he got a greenhouse and soon moved it out there in a 10 gallon pot.

I stopped by to see her today and she's about 5 feet tall and looking wonderful! My buddy is giddy and I'm licking my chops! :Rasta:
Nephew GDP.jpg

Fast ones were all pretty much the same height but not today.
So now you've got "fast" ones and "faster" ones.. ;)

That GDP is quite a looker!
I'm guessing this isn't your buddies first rodeo?
It's been a while since poking my head in here. I hope all is well in your world GDB! :love:
Thanks for stopping by, Mr.S.

All is well. I hope you're doing well also!
Hello growers.

I'm excited today! Clonely is done!

She flopped her way to the finish line with some very hard and heavy buds. It was no surprise that she flopped her way home considering the beating she took growing up. At one point I blasted her undersides with my water hose to combat mites. She looked like this after that beating and never really regained her posture:
Beat up Clonely 5-23-21.JPG

Here she is right before being literally stuffed into the Box of Darkness. (I was barely able to fit her in there!)
Clonely (SBG) End 7-11-21.JPG

Now the way is clear for me to up-pot the Fast children and the other clones, move them to the 5x5 and bring the GF-CB up to finish in the 2x2.

I may not be able to do all that today as it's my mom's birthday and much of the day will be spent at her place. But the coast is clear!

Congratulations mate.. she's a beast.. why not invite your mom to your place to celebrate her birthday and she can help you up pot the others. Great way to spend quality time with each other and be productive at the same time.. Problem solved :cheesygrinsmiley:
Congratulations mate.. she's a beast.. why not invite your mom to your place to celebrate her birthday and she can help you up pot the others. Great way to spend quality time with each other and be productive at the same time.. Problem solved :cheesygrinsmiley:
She's allergic to smoke! :laughtwo:
Looking at the Fast children (day 45) and the clones today I think Clonely finished just about at the perfect time!

I could not up-pot these until she was out of the 5x5 (all of the pots wouldn't have fit in here).
FAST 7-11-21 D45.jpg

I have no desire to grow any huge plants in this grow. So after I up-pot them I'll only let them settle in for a week or two (or three depending on how they react to training) and then I'll flip them all.

As always thanks for looking in.

The front ones might need to learn SQL in the new tent.
Thanks for the reminder, Shed!

I will elevate them and try to keep all equally distant from the light (for as long as I can). :Rasta:
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