Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

I, like big plants and I cannot lie,
you otha brothas can't deny...
I like em round and juicy!!!

hahaha:rofl: Happy shatterday GDB!
I had the backbeat for 'ya! :laughtwo:
Thanks for lookin out!

Man, I better go make a drink if this day starting off like that.. hah
Make two and have one for me!
I won't miss what I can't see
Have two and drink them both down
I won't mind if I'm not around
Pour two into only one glass
If any one says a word tell 'em
Kiss your ass
Tell 'em you drinkin' one for you and one for me
I won't miss what I can't see:Rasta:
Make two and have one for me!
I won't miss what I can't see
Have two and drink them both down
I won't mind if I'm not around
Pour two into only one glass
If any one says a word tell 'em
Kiss your ass
Tell 'em you drinkin' one for you and one for me
I won't miss what I can't see:Rasta:
That's awesome, I love it lol.
I was ahead of you and already had one made, I better go make 2 more :high-five:
Those autos look fantastic and congrats on getting your first prick!
I’ve read that the autos require a lot less nutes then other strains.
I have found that to be just another false claim you can read on the internet. If anything, autos need their feeding levels (with synthetic nutes) ramped up quicker so you will be at the full amount when they decide to flower. With the GeoFlora, feed according to the website/bag.
Great news on shot#1!
Autos are looking great...even if they are "old and in the way" ;)
Hello growers.

I had promised some pics of the photos today but things just didn't (haven't) worked out.

I didn't have to feed them today and had errands to run, a golf tournament to finish watching and now I'm immersed in the Sweet 16 games of the NCAA tournament.

So I only peeked into the tent once today, I'll do better tomorrow.

I did snap a flap-open pic of the Grand Daddy Purple, just because she's so colorful (but not purple).


Getting my first vaccination this morning was a breeze. No lines, no waiting - it couldn't have been easier!

I ready to go now. I'm ripping this mask off and buying a plane ticket to Miami! :laughtwo:

Make two and have one for me!
I won't miss what I can't see
Have two and drink them both down
I won't mind if I'm not around
Pour two into only one glass
If any one says a word tell 'em
Kiss your ass
Tell 'em you drinkin' one for you and one for me
I won't miss what I can't see:Rasta:
:bravo: Nicely done.
Hello growers and happy Sunday.

An update on the auto tent this morning.

The Chocolate Kush and Blue Dream'atic both reached day 100 today, while the Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush is now on day 90. Opening the tent from day to day has a "Groundhog Day" feel to it. None of these plants has changed their drinking habits. They're still guzzling and so it goes on...

CK & BD in the back
Auto Tent Mar 28th (2).JPG

I'll be back later today with a photo update and a small "reveal." hope to see you then.

Thanks for stopping by.

Little miss chonky up front there. Buds are fattening right up on her.

Looking great gdb!
Hello again growers.

Before venturing down to the photo tent I thought I post of pic of the clones.

They continue to grow but the 2 Grand Daddy Purples has some weird looking wrinkled leaves at the top. The Strawberry Banana Grape, which was much smaller than the GDPs, seems determined to catch up with them, and all her leaves look normal.

Anyone know what's behind the wrinkly leaves?

GDBs are the 2 on the left:

Did this plant start flowering first before you cut the clones? I've seen plants do this when they were reversed back to veg. They would show 5 and 7 fingers leaves, then all the new growth would be like yours is, 1 and 3 finger leaves that were growing weirdly. Not sure if that's the case here.
Did this plant start flowering first before you cut the clones? I've seen plants do this when they were reversed back to veg. They would show 5 and 7 fingers leaves, then all the new growth would be like yours is, 1 and 3 finger leaves that were growing weirdly. Not sure if that's the case here.
They may have been in flower, but I'm not sure. They were cut about 9 days after flip.

If that was the case are you saying that they will eventually right themselves?
They all look really dry along with some clawing of the leaf tips, so I'm thinking you should transplant them. And water them too!

Congrats on V#1 this morning. Betcha can't wait for the trip to DeSantisville. :cheesygrinsmiley:
They are dry, Shed. But what about the "clawing?" I've never seen that happen just because a plant wants water.

Plus, both GDPs look the same kind of weird while the SBG, well, doesn't. What gives?

DeSantis, what a piece of work he is. "Come on down. Have a good time. We've got special offers that include free rooms and a free meal plan!"
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