Gov's PlatinumLED Adventure With DocBud's High Brix Kit

Congrats Gov
Gov, congratulations on your harvest! :)
they look great!:bravo:

Very nice Gov! I can almost smell the goodies!

Thats a lot of nice chunky goodness Gov!!! Beautiful work sir :)

Congrats on the nice harvest, Gov. :goodjob:

:volcano-smiley: Congrats looking very nice.

Congratulations on the harvest man, looks great :peace:

Congrats Gov

Thanks so much folks. I really DO appreciate the good vibes. :cool:

I gave the second cat drench this morning too. They were even a little on the dry side, but I didn't soak the hell out of them. I mixed in 7ml cat, 2ml trans and 2.5ml tea and bubbled for 15 mins then split the 2.5 gals between the lot.

I will get in and do some cleanup and do their mid-bloom prune tomorrow morning. They'll get another shot of brix Sunday most likely.

Thanks so much folks. I really DO appreciate the good vibes. :cool:

I gave the second cat drench this morning too. They were even a little on the dry side, but I didn't soak the hell out of them. I mixed in 7ml cat, 2ml trans and 2.5ml tea and bubbled for 15 mins then split the 2.5 gals between the lot.

I will get in and do some cleanup and do their mid-bloom prune tomorrow morning. They'll get another shot of brix Sunday most likely.


Always nice to harvest. Your gonna love pulling down HB produce.

Soak the shit out of them with the second cat drench. It should be week 4 or beyond and that root mass is definitely ready for a good wetting.
Always nice to harvest. Your gonna love pulling down HB produce.

I would say "I can't wait!", but I can. The anticipation is still electric though. :)

Soak the shit out of them with the second cat drench. It should be week 4 or beyond and that root mass is definitely ready for a good wetting.

Well, I guess it officially is in the 4th week (3 weeks 2 days), barely. However there's not supposed to be watering between the cat drenches (according to the directions) and they were getting veg-cycle dry so I went ahead. :blushsmile:
Very good-looking bud! This purpling is the sign that everything went exactly as it was supposed to :tokin:
Very good-looking bud! This purpling is the sign that everything went exactly as it was supposed to :tokin:

Grazie Conradino. I'll get to sample some shatter and bubble in the next day or so from her. :cool:

Congratulations on your harvest!


So then, here is what I have still working in there. This is the start of their 4th week. They got water + 1/4 transplant this morning (no tea), and then some brix foliar mid-morning.







Those above are all blue dream. These three are the 8bk clones...




Looking great Gov, congratulations on you harvest.
Ok, small update. First, I hope to have an update on the hempy results today/tomorrow. I still haven't sampled any except the scissor-hash on the day of harvest. I'm impressed with my own ability now to First time for everything. :)

The high brix clan is motoring along. I knew they were kinda thirsty yesterday and decided to let them go one more day (until this morning), so when I got home yesterday afternoon (4 minutes before lights-out!) and saw the big Blue Dream with the major droops, I split about a quart of water between the top and saucer to get her by until this morning. So, at 4 a.m. I bubbled up a nice breakfast of 7ml energy+ 2ml transplant+ 2.5ml tea in 2.5 gals of RO.

I also moved a fan into a more direct angle on them so they can "dance" a bit more right now. I always seem to think they benefit from the extra air-flow during flower.

Anyway, weekly update on tap... :cool:
Yeah, I've been pretty careful to not let them dry out. The "pucker-factor" was pretty high when I went in there yesterday and saw it...ask Curso. :blushsmile:
O.k., so the hempy 8bk is in the cans. Yield was a disappointment at first, but we've determined these 3.25 gal buckets must be at their limit yielding about 4-6 ounces per plant. I got 5 zips of tops and colas, 1.5 zips of popcorn and fluff (but heavily frosted, stinky and sticky as hell) and a plastic container full of good trim we already made some bubble hash out of.

The smells and overall condition of this produce is really good, and would easily be top-shelf in most places so I'm pleased with that (plus the fact I now have replenished my stash of flowers ;) ).

Here is a picture taken right after the buds were taken off the stem.


So a 2-week cure and this plant is a wrap.

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