Gov's PlatinumLED Adventure With DocBud's High Brix Kit

Friday update. :lot-o-toke:

While I have a couple pictures of the high brix plants, I'll be doing a picture update on them tomorrow. The 8bk hempy is now day to day. She's still putting on weight and as her leaves change color she's developed this earthy, floral scent, but when you touch it your fingers smell straight paint-thinner...and she's still alive.

Here's a sneak peek at the Blue Dream...



...and the 8bk hempy




















She's on her third flush...I doubt she'll make it to next Friday.

Awesome Gov.
lol...that's a hash-tip. On close-up, you can see it's just loaded with trichomes. It's a fairly common expression so unless it starts creeping down the bud or something unusual, I'm not worried.

Nice my tips have the exact same look. Thanks for the relief.
Here's as much of a close up as I can get with these pics. Not great, but you can see the leaves on top are just white and covered with trichomes. I've had them on many grows and they never seem to effect anything positively or negatively.


Here are the high brix plants this morning. I will also say this collection of pics isn't the best, but I was up at 5am this morning taking these right before I broke out my solo sprayer for the first time this grow and went all ninja on them with some brix. I also wanted to mention, last night I sprinkled about 2 tbls of recharge on the large plants and about a teaspoon on the smaller ones. I then spread about a cup of EWC on the larger plants and about 1/2c on the smaller ones then watered it in well with about a gallon each in the bigger ones and a quart in the clones.








and here are the BD clones set aside for seed-making. The first one has gotten ~50 ppm CS spray daily for the last 15 days. Still no nanners yet.



Gov., I just checked back in toker69s journal to see how long my CS plants took to get nanas..i had asked to post there, some of my pics.
I used 60 PPM CS, sprayed for 14 days on plant(started when plant was young), or branches if wanted partial. I wrote it took 40 days after that (so almost 8 weeks from start of spraying) did pollen show. :)
Gov., I just checked back in toker69s journal to see how long my CS plants took to get nanas..i had asked to post there, some of my pics.
I used 60 PPM CS, sprayed for 14 days on plant(started when plant was young), or branches if wanted partial. I wrote it took 40 days after that (so almost 8 weeks from start of spraying) did pollen show. :)

Thanks for that info Zig. I'm anxious to see some progress, but I knew it was still a bit soon. Spraying continues... :cool:
Gov man....This is an excellent example of some perfect plants. I bet you smile when you looking on those fine ladies. I think if BID saw those he'd be "jizzing all over the screen wanting to spend some time with them fine women"...Good job bro!!!

Told ya your shit looked better than mine.....:high-five:
Gov man....This is an excellent example of some perfect plants. I bet you smile when you looking on those fine ladies. I think if BID saw those he'd be "jizzing all over the screen wanting to spend some time with them fine women"...Good job bro!!!

Told ya your shit looked better than mine.....:high-five:

Thanks man. :high-five:
Looking at their first cat drench tomorrow. Thursday is 3 weeks since flip and 2.5 weeks since pushing out pistils. :)

I've gotta say...this high brix 8bk is out of control. She has stretched into the lights 3 times already and is a leggy girl. I really, REALLY should have worked to tame her a little better, but it is what it is. The Blue Dream has started to smell quite a bit too and if it's any indication, I'll need to shore up my odor control. Otherwise, they keep rocking along.

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