Gold from the 1970's

Dredging up some memories of that first Columbian Gold, buds were dense but long and thin, or slender, the color was actually gold, not shining like the sun gold but not yellow or brown, even at night, tripping, gold.
The raw flower aroma was soft, creamy vanilla with hints of coffee or toffee, when cut up or ground these terps became more pronounced with hints of lemon, lime or orange with vanilla, thick heavy smoke.
This is a memory of 20+ years ago.
The Colombian Gold I have grown has a faint incense smell or taste but the imported Colombian was strongly incense and cedar smelling. The CG I grew out gave me a better high than the imported CG. Not what I would expect but that was the case. USC has a good CG.

That Acapulco Gold though, I can not believe it really. I have been chasing that high from 50 years ago for maybe 20
years and all but gave up. This 'AG' looks very much like an Oaxacan I grew before. Who knows what it is really, but the high is there and that is what counts. Lots of fake Acapulco Gold strains back in the 60's and later, as the seller could get more money for his product if he labeled it what was popular at that time.

Lots of people never had real AG or Panama Red or likely other lines, but thought that they did. If you never had the real thing, it is impossible to know if what you are smoking is a fake. Colombian Red was common and Panama Red was rare. Guess how much 'Panama Red' was actually Colombian Red. Probably a lot.
Did you soak them in some water with a little peroxide in it? You can try to lightly scratch them and them use the peroxide, those are old seeds though.
Can anyone tell by calyx to leaf ratio, the wispy but full calyxes, trichomes, mostly structure, what strain(s) may be in this? It is very vanilla until touches then citrus bomb.
Pretty or ugly?


Can anyone tell by calyx to leaf ratio, the wispy but full calyxes, trichomes, mostly structure, what strain(s) may be in this? It is very vanilla until touches then citrus bomb.
Pretty or ugly?


There are tens of thousands of strains, so no clue, other than it’s leaning Sativa.
There are tens of thousands of strains, so no clue, other than it’s leaning Sativa.
Thanks, the leaf shape shows heavier sativa, thai, however this was in a sealed bag of purple kush auto seed!!!!
I did strain it earlier in the veg with hours of sunlight and lots of rain, trying to pull out the weaker strain and suppress the dominant to flip it to a sativa. Possibly the company mixed my order up as I have sativa strains also in the order.
The pheno is the environmental impact upon the geno, expressing it's surroundings, to my understanding all are the same or can be made to become something different.
The Acapulco gold was only a one time thing in the Boston area back in 1971. on the street that is it may have been more available to upper class users like college professors or doctors an lawyers. same with Panama Red only got one bag and it disappeared after that. the Colombian gold came in around 1973 it was plentiful and at fifty bucks an oz, I don't rember the high but the taste has never left my head. then from around 75 - 80 was the paraquat bullshite, not sure if it was a real thing but all that was available was shite. a dime bag of what if you got lucky was sugar leaves if not it was just what I throw away today. Hers a pic of a dime bag from the 80's things got better sensimelia and afagany came along so did 2 - 3 hundred dollar prices. the good ole days weren't as good as I remember them being, weed wise that is

Most pot from 70's and before was not very good, with some good, and rarely some crazy psychedelic stuff. Most who thought they had gotten Acapulco Gold or Panama, likely did not. As soon as AG or PR became famous for quality, the fakes appeared. It was not even offered to me during the 70's. I heard one guy say he had smoked PR and how good it was. That was it, one guy talking about it. No one had smoked AG or if they did, it was not mentioned.

I have heard stories from a guy that smoke during the sixties and seventies. This guy was very connected and had all the best stuff. Maui, Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Thai and most of the highly sought after lines. He had seedless Colombian during the sixties. Basically unknown to the average person.

The rich and connected did fine. The others such as myself, did the best we could. Like I said, I got lucky in '74. The memory of that inspired me to search high and low for such a strain and after years of looking, it happened.
And what was the strain that you found?
In the 80s I was a teen, most stuff we got was good ass sense, and I was poor.
The connected people always had the seedless or sensimilla, lime green stuff, CB, PR, BA*!*!*!, JP, therefore I became friends with those people.
Normal everyday smoke was Christmas tree red hair with seeds HOWEVER,,,,when I wanted or could afford serious stuff it was always always available, for a price.
The people that I bought from were about 10 to 30 years older than I at the time. If you have never had Black African, or heard of it, let me tell you something, I have never in my life smoked ANYTHING like that before or since. The Columbian Gold was coming out of New Orleans and it didn't circulate among my peers as much, until I got ahold of some!
Dayum!!! Talk about some really good medicine. Nothing today, and I say that with conviction, can possibly touch it unless it is the same geno.
I was a poor kid, and did what I had to do, no matter what it was.
Everything I smoke these days is either WAY too strong because its missing certain elements or its added to it.
There is nothing like that stuff we had, or if there is PLEASE inform me, I love to learn. Regards.
And what was the strain that you found?
In the 80s I was a teen, most stuff we got was good ass sense, and I was poor.
The connected people always had the seedless or sensimilla, lime green stuff, CB, PR, BA*!*!*!, JP, therefore I became friends with those people.

There is nothing like that stuff we had, or if there is PLEASE inform me, I love to learn. Regards.

That was the Acapulco Gold from Northcoast that I just recently found. Their Kroeng Krawia Thai is trippy too, and strong. Dr Greenthumb and Snow have a good Panama Red. USC has a good Colombian Gold. I have USC Jamaican seeds, going to pop some right away.

RSC has good Nepal genetics. Snow is out of commission it seems, but he had many nice old lines. Michoacan and Mexican red hair are nice from Snow. His Acapulco Gold is nice but not the real thing imo. Not so trippy to me anyways. The Northcoast AG is super trippy. So far.

I had heard of the Black African Magic strain and just grew out some/it was named that/ from 3 different seed banks. Good, but not super trippy or anything. I am growing out several African lines now, having finished Ethiopian and Congo. Neither are super trippy. These came direct out of Africa.
My connections back in the 70's were not wealthy. Bikers, truck drivers and merchant marines. Guess where those wealthy well connected people got there supply. They didn't fully search merchant marine ships or barge cargo containers coming up the Mississippi back then. When I found the rare seed, I kept it.

AG was the minimum smokable grade that was almost always available. Mexican dirt was not an acceptable option. Mowi, thai, Jamaican, panama and afghan were the main staples due to shipping routs. Panama will get a gold color but the high and flavor are entirely different.

Last panama run.
^^ You have my attention with that pic, along with your story. Wondering what the genetics are concerning your PR? Grown from your own seed you kept from buds? It does not really look like the PR I have grown/

Funny you say the AG was a minimum smoke. Lots would say it was the best they had. Lots of 'AG' fakes going around, sad to say. Then and now.
That was the Acapulco Gold from Northcoast that I just recently found. Their Kroeng Krawia Thai is trippy too, and strong. Dr Greenthumb and Snow have a good Panama Red. USC has a good Colombian Gold. I have USC Jamaican seeds, going to pop some right away.

RSC has good Nepal genetics. Snow is out of commission it seems, but he had many nice old lines. Michoacan and Mexican red hair are nice from Snow. His Acapulco Gold is nice but not the real thing imo. Not so trippy to me anyways. The Northcoast AG is super trippy. So far.

I had heard of the Black African Magic strain and just grew out some/it was named that/ from 3 different seed banks. Good, but not super trippy or anything. I am growing out several African lines now, having finished Ethiopian and Congo. Neither are super trippy. These came direct out of Africa.
The Black African I had in the early 80s was actually black or damn near it, also it was so sticky, kind of glistening moist. The smell was SO LOUD there was literally no way to mask a quarter bag from smelling up a house! I put it inside of a metal pipe with a metal cap inside of 3 bags inside of clothes inside of a suitcase,,,,,,,still reeked!! I am not exaggerating in the least.
The high was so intense it felt like vibrations beginning at the top of your hair vibrating all the way down through your body, over and over. It was possibly the most sensual and sexual feeling I've had from any substance including 3,4 mdma. I was only 13 or 14, maybe 15.
I would give a kidney to have some of that again!!!!!!!!
That was the Acapulco Gold from Northcoast that I just recently found. Their Kroeng Krawia Thai is trippy too, and strong. Dr Greenthumb and Snow have a good Panama Red. USC has a good Colombian Gold. I have USC Jamaican seeds, going to pop some right away.

RSC has good Nepal genetics. Snow is out of commission it seems, but he had many nice old lines. Michoacan and Mexican red hair are nice from Snow. His Acapulco Gold is nice but not the real thing imo. Not so trippy to me anyways. The Northcoast AG is super trippy. So far.

I had heard of the Black African Magic strain and just grew out some/it was named that/ from 3 different seed banks. Good, but not super trippy or anything. I am growing out several African lines now, having finished Ethiopian and Congo. Neither are super trippy. These came direct out of Africa.
The Black African I had in the early 80s was actually black or damn near it, also it was so sticky, kind of glistening moist. The smell was SO LOUD there was literally no way to mask a quarter bag from smelling up a house! I put it inside of a metal pipe with a metal cap inside of 3 bags inside of clothes inside of a suitcase,,,,,,,still reeked!! I am not exaggerating in the least.
The high was so intense it felt like vibrations beginning at the top of your hair vibrating all the way down through your body, over and over. It was possibly the most sensual and sexual feeling I've had from any substance including 3,4 mdma. I was only 13 or 14, maybe 15.
I would give a kidney to have some of that again!!!!!! All from a few hits off of a small joint as I was warned not to roll hooters with it:)....
Burma from RSC is trippy according their description. I have a pack and will pop them today. I ran the Mong Hsat from Indian Landrace Exchange, and it was trippy. It is Burmese. The Kroeng is trippy and I think, stronger than the Burmese.

Everyone raves about the Black African of old, none like that to be seen today though. I ran a few called that, none were super trippy. Not donating my kidney for any of them.

Snowhigh has been out of commission for some time now, he has MS or something like that. I would hold off ordering anything from him.
^^ You have my attention with that pic, along with your story. Wondering what the genetics are concerning your PR? Grown from your own seed you kept from buds? It does not really look like the PR I have grown/

Funny you say the AG was a minimum smoke. Lots would say it was the best they had. Lots of 'AG' fakes going around, sad to say. Then and now.
I still have and grow my old original seed lineage but also source new seeds occasionally to compare. The pic was from a modern growers choice seed. The plant, smell, flavor and THC% are the same as the originals. But the original has a much more pronounced panama mental effect. Psychedelic isn't the right word exactly.

After us both smoking original Panama my wife walked into the room explaining she was on her computer and lost the flower on her desktop. We spent at least an hour searching for it on my computer. Every search just kept taking us to pictures and info on cows. We both spent over an hour typing cow instead of flower, on my computer, to find the figurine sitting on her desk. We knew she was talking bought the figurine when she first walked into the room. The computer search made perfect sense at the time.

Three of the top five shipping ports in Mexico are near Acapulco so there was always some thrown in to top up the shipping container. Standard run was to the bay of Bengal, South china Sea, or Hawaii. Stop in south west Mexico, through Panama then barged up the Mississippi. Container was trucked 8 miles to the back farmers road of an orchard. Every one evolved was considered blood relations. Whether by family or military tours.
Logically, the same geno may be available with same name etc, however I create the environment in which it develops, food, darkness, light, music, taking care of it, THAT is the pheno if I am not mistaken, not 100% but to the extent of naming my own harvest, dried and cured, sometimes for months......This is when the true characteristics really and clearly define their intentions.
I'm still learning, however people I know go to dispensary, and prefer mine.
My best mix at present is J Herer, WW, NL, PK, Sknk, and a few others, and I mean rolling one up with some of each .
I would love a challenging specimen to bring to maturity.
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