It shouldn't, it's still daylight before the full sun. :)
That's usually what I would think, but this year something has me wondering.
My neighbour to the North has a couple of plants going, and his yard got shaded by those trees even more than mine did.
His plants started flowering 2 weeks before mine did. 2 different strains, one heavily sativa dominant, one with hybrid leaves (that all have 3 leaflets).
That has me wondering if the shade plays more of a role in flowering than I thought.
It probably will, but in a good way...
and, they'll get a little thirstier....
Yeah, you're right.
So long as they don't pause flowering the more light the better.
And watering more will give me something else to do when I'm out there looking at them besides vaping...or more likely while I vape :D
Melville the ladies are looking fantastic. great job!
Thanks Ramblinrose!
what is the difference in earth
Not sure what you mean?
They're both in soil I mixed together from a few of last year's pots. The rain and snow flushed it out pretty thoroughly between last year's harvest and planting these girls. They're both being fed Mega Crop, at the same concentration. The only differences are slightly different genetics, soil volume, and the bigger plant is in a SIP.
The top of Godzilla is getting a brief taste of light at 7am, then they get slight shade until 8, now that those trees are gone.
That's an extra 3 hours a day of direct light!

They're both pulling nutrients from inner leaves, and any that weren't getting much light before. Kong is also pulling from leaves that have heavier damage from whatever was eating them, which seems to be over.
Based on the timing I'm thinking it was beetle damage.

Gorilla Glue #4

Godzilla Glue #4

Damn! They are looking super healthy! love the dark green they have going on! Your going to get nice full jars for sure!
Thanks Ke0ncp!
Speaking of jars, I should go take a look at how many I have.
@Roy Growin I think you were spot on in another thread when you mentioned that plants are growing differently this year.
These girls are definitely behind in bud production compared to where I usually expect them to be around now.
It’s odd our veggie garden is behind this year too and we only started getting tomatoes the first week in August! About a month behind normal
@Roy Growin I think you were spot on in another thread when you mentioned that plants are growing differently this year.
These girls are definitely behind in bud production compared to where I usually expect them to be around now.
The jet stream shifted way off to the west over the Atlantic this year, whereas it's usually over Scandinavia to the east, so the Azores high never made it to the Bay Of Biscay
Instead the low pressure was mid-Atlantic, pushing Arctic air first south to the US east coast, then to UK as a westerly
It wasn't until the end of June that night temps were above 10°C, so everything is late
Crops that usually go in end of April/May are about 8 weeks late
The jet stream shifted way off to the west over the Atlantic this year, whereas it's usually over Scandinavia to the east, so the Azores high never made it to the Bay Of Biscay
Instead the low pressure was mid-Atlantic, pushing Arctic air first south to the US east coast, then to UK as a westerly
It wasn't until the end of June that night temps were above 10°C, so everything is late
Crops that usually go in end of April/May are about 8 weeks late
I'm impressed Roy! You got a green screen too? :Rasta:
The jet stream shifted way off to the west over the Atlantic this year, whereas it's usually over Scandinavia to the east, so the Azores high never made it to the Bay Of Biscay
Instead the low pressure was mid-Atlantic, pushing Arctic air first south to the US east coast, then to UK as a westerly
It wasn't until the end of June that night temps were above 10°C, so everything is late
Crops that usually go in end of April/May are about 8 weeks late
The long range forecast for my area (although it is mostly an educated guess) is for Autumn to be warmer and drier than normal.
How about yours? Do they think you'll be able to get some of the later crops in?
It’s odd our veggie garden is behind this year too and we only started getting tomatoes the first week in August! About a month behind normal
My peppers didn't start setting fruit until July, which is later than usual, although they're trying to make up for it now.
The long range forecast for my area (although it is mostly an educated guess) is for Autumn to be warmer and drier than normal.
How about yours? Do they think you'll be able to get some of the later crops in?

My peppers didn't start setting fruit until July, which is later than usual, although they're trying to make up for it now.
Yes, I think so - I'm gonna try some spring onion, sprouting broccoli, kale and cauliflower - I'm still pondering whether some potatoes might be ok for harvest Xmas time - King Edward & Desiree might be ok
I do have carrots, parsnip and swede that are doing well
We are harvesting peppers and aubergine early, because they are prone to blight which fucked up my tomatoes this year
What fun ;)
I'm impressed Roy! You got a green screen too? :Rasta:
Mate, the OCD/Autism causes an insatiable need to understand everything going on around me, or I won't sleep
It's great to know stuff, but it is also a bit of a curse at times
The top of Godzilla is getting a brief taste of light at 7am, then they get slight shade until 8, now that those trees are gone.
That's an extra 3 hours a day of direct light!

They're both pulling nutrients from inner leaves, and any that weren't getting much light before. Kong is also pulling from leaves that have heavier damage from whatever was eating them, which seems to be over.
Based on the timing I'm thinking it was beetle damage.

Gorilla Glue #4

Godzilla Glue #4

Thanks Ke0ncp!
Speaking of jars, I should go take a look at how many I have.

:morenutes: beast mode Mel :high-five: the big one on the right hand side is pulling it down.
Definitely going to be a pounder +
Great job buddy
Godzilla is moving a bit faster than I expected. She's building buds back along the horizontal branches better than other strains I've had back there.
Other than that, everything is pretty much the same as ever.
1.5g/litre of Mega Crop, twice a day.

Gorilla Glue #4

Godzilla Glue #4

Yes, I think so - I'm gonna try some spring onion, sprouting broccoli, kale and cauliflower - I'm still pondering whether some potatoes might be ok for harvest Xmas time - King Edward & Desiree might be ok
I do have carrots, parsnip and swede that are doing well
We are harvesting peppers and aubergine early, because they are prone to blight which fucked up my tomatoes this year
What fun ;)
We never got any tomatoes in this year. We've had problems with a fungus, can't remember the name, that causes ring shaped spots to show up, and blossom end rot.
Mate, the OCD/Autism causes an insatiable need to understand everything going on around me, or I won't sleep
It's great to know stuff, but it is also a bit of a curse at times
Neurodivergence is often both a blessing and a curse.
The day I learned I could highlight a word or phrase and hit search was the day I lost the ability to finish reading a page all at once, lol!
:morenutes: beast mode Mel :high-five: the big one on the right hand side is pulling it down.
Definitely going to be a pounder +
Great job buddy
Thanks Sparkey!
She's definitely impressing me!
We never got any tomatoes in this year. We've had problems with a fungus, can't remember the name, that causes ring shaped spots to show up, and blossom end rot.
What kind of tomato’s were you growing that had that issue? I’ve only ever had end rot on Roma tomatoes so this year we didn’t do any Roma and instead did San Marzano’s along with about 6 other varieties and no rot at all for the first year in like 7!
What kind of tomato’s were you growing that had that issue? I’ve only ever had end rot on Roma tomatoes so this year we didn’t do any Roma and instead did San Marzano’s along with about 6 other varieties and no rot at all for the first year in like 7!
Blossom end rot is often a shortage of calcium thing so adding some bone meal or other high calcium inputs can help.
What kind of tomato’s were you growing that had that issue? I’ve only ever had end rot on Roma tomatoes so this year we didn’t do any Roma and instead did San Marzano’s along with about 6 other varieties and no rot at all for the first year in like 7!
Beefsteak, and another, smaller one. Not sure of the name, but it's almost perfectly spherical, and a bit bigger than a golf ball. Grows a lot like a Cherry tomato.
Blossomed end rot is often a shortage of calcium thing so adding some bone meal or other high calcium inputs can help.
Yeah. We mixed a bunch of fish bone meal into the soil in the Autumn, but it didn't make a difference. Still got it the next year.
I'll probably try again in pots, use some type of fertilizer.
Blossomed end rot is often a shortage of calcium thing so adding some bone meal or other high calcium inputs can help.
Yeah that’s what I had thought. I know the wife was adding banana water to them and that helped a bit but did not fix it entirely.
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