GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Day 42
Week 6

Gave the girls a super watering last night. 2 gallons among all 5 plants, 6.6 ph. They loved it too because they blew up last night. I will definitely be able to begin tying down a couple
of plants tonight and take some better pics. They all look great!

GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

So I really hope to get some quick hits and answer my questions and help with my first LST in real time!

First questions

As I am unburying some of this little undergrowth/would be tops, should I defol it or let it grow up big and strong?

The one in question my scissors are pushing here....

As far as advice I dunno. The only things I did differently were: 1) I didn't do a full topping, just a FIM, 2) I started lst later on and mostly did a lot of tucking and pulling early on instead of lst.

Which none of that is advice, just variations on the same training your doing. .
As far as advice I dunno. The only things I did differently were: 1) I didn't do a full topping, just a FIM, 2) I started lst later on and mostly did a lot of tucking and pulling early on instead of lst.

Which none of that is advice, just variations on the same training your doing. .

I appreciate the feedback nonetheless! Thank you! I definitely could have waited as some of the shoots weren't quite ready but I don't think it hurt and it's good practice! The main tops were pretty thick so I may have been right on time. I am hoping with all that light hitting the inside they are gonna explode!! This is so cool!
GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Day 43
Last day of week 6

Our temperature this morning was a very nice 77° with cool south easterly breeze making the 41% humidity perfect for enjoying your cannabis and coffee this morning! Happy Friday! Now let's get to the good stuff!!

I would say the ladies responded pretty well to the LST 16 hours ago!! I was hoping to see a little change but when I unzipped the tent this morning I may have, yeah I did, giggled like a little girl when I saw the change!! So much for all the light I let in yesterday! Very excited to get them all out again and tie them back down and some defol. I'll give them another day of growth and recovery and do it again tomorrow morning. Sounds like a great Saturday morning to me!

Thanks everyone that has followed along and has given feedback. This is my first grow, I want any and all constructive criticism and please offer your opinions or advice. Other than reading A LOT, I'm just now applying it. Don't be shy! I need to do a better job of participating in others so I pimp my sig a bit!

Happy Friday team! ✌️

Yesterday 14:00

Today 08:00

So a thought occurred to me. Tom Smith asked me in the beginning of my grow, "how long are you going to veg?" I had know idea, still don't, but I said 4-6 weeks. Well, here we are starting our 7th week.

How long am I going to veg? If this was your grow, based on where we are at, when would
you flip ? What am I basing it on? Size horizontal or size vertical?

How long until i need to be concerned about my 3 gallon pots being too small?

How many tops should my goal be?? Is there a formula to that question or personal preference?

Because these things are moving fast and I'm loving it!!

Thanks all!!
Most important besides age of plant is size after stretch. I pushed my first two plants when they were too young. They were six inches tall and finished about 16 inches. Close to double but close to triple also. My strain is 50% Sativa and 50% Indica. If youre plants are full sativa youll triple in height, indica is double. For me Stretch is what worried me. When i finished, the lights were 12 inches from the plants. So thats Vertical size youll be considering.

Not sure how long for your 3 gallon but i just transplanted from a five gallon after 2.5 months and plenty of room for roots. You can always take a peek.

Tops is based on your plant and growing style. You can force and then trim anything unwanted at 3 weeks then just focus on what you kept. Personal Preference.

BTW, the stretch is real!
GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Most important besides age of plant is size after stretch. I pushed my first two plants when they were too young. They were six inches tall and finished about 16 inches. Close to double but close to triple also. My strain is 50% Sativa and 50% Indica. If youre plants are full sativa youll triple in height, indica is double. For me Stretch is what worried me. When i finished, the lights were 12 inches from the plants. So thats Vertical size youll be considering.

Not sure how long for your 3 gallon but i just transplanted from a five gallon after 2.5 months and plenty of room for roots. You can always take a peek.

Tops is based on your plant and growing style. You can force and then trim anything unwanted at 3 weeks then just focus on what you kept. Personal Preference.

BTW, the stretch is real!

Sir, thanks for being here and helping since the beginning! Your help has been invaluable and soothes my self doubt!!

So both of these strains are indica/indica dominant. The OG kush is not supposed to stretch too much. The BJOG I can can't find any details but it's described as medium size from breeder.

-I have 53.25" between the top of the pot and my light at its highest spot in my tent.

- Mars suggests 12-18" during flower.

- my tallest plant is almost 6"

Now with this data I can say that even if my plants double in height between now and whenever I determine I flip, and I should still have plenty of height in my tent.

Hopefully with the work I have done and the foundation we have established, I get some good horizontal growth and 6" of height in the next couple weeks.

I trimmed a lot of leaves off of one of the OGK last night and you can't even tell this morning! Crazy!

Thanks bro! What would you do??
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