GiGaBaNE's 4th - HydroGanics 600w HiD + Flouro

It was pure desperation gig, I realised that I could do nothing positive without Him. He is in charge now and I have a natural propensity to do what He wants done. The corruption of my self was replaced with the Holy Spirit of God. Like the apostle paul noted that he didn't even examine himself after recieving the forgiveness of God. Bro, trust me, I needed alot of forgiveness, and still do every day! LOL...... kinda

On another note, I am smokin the best hash I ever had. My buddy said its bubble hash, compressed to however much a 4 ton jack can compress it. Sooooo smoooth and stony! Good times!

Happy that you found a path that works for you! For me, that's the gist of it all. Many roads leading to ultimately the same destination. Truth is a subjective experience and should never be confused w/ fact IMHO. I think that's where people get hung up. Others shoving their truths at you and calling them facts. I keep mine close to breast, but will share if asked. :)
Deep I think they are tweking JK hey seen you talk mobile. I have a friend that grows his personal on his sailboat. I never seen what he's got but he said it was self contained solar power sourse. I kind of wished I'd asked abit deeper about what all he had. But is no way to find that fool again. If I was to guess he's probably surfing stoned over around Bali or close to there. Dude lived in Guam on and off. Just driving thru to see whats up there GiGKeepem Green
It was pure desperation gig, I realised that I could do nothing positive without Him. He is in charge now and I have a natural propensity to do what He wants done. The corruption of my self was replaced with the Holy Spirit of God. Like the apostle paul noted that he didn't even examine himself after recieving the forgiveness of God. Bro, trust me, I needed alot of forgiveness, and still do every day! LOL...... kinda

On another note, I am smokin the best hash I ever had. My buddy said its bubble hash, compressed to however much a 4 ton jack can compress it. Sooooo smoooth and stony! Good times!

sorry my friend, im glad it worked out for you, but
I realised that I could do nothing positive without Him. He is in charge now and I have a natural propensity to do what He wants done.
just doesnt work for me.

no matter how hard i try to brainwash myself this african water situation is just a serious dealbreaker. from what i can understand, it will only cost a few hundred million to put a water well every 5 square miles ending death by dehydration in africa. the roman catholic church can afford to do this, but they might have to liquidate some of their prescious 'stuff' to do so. whwn pushed, proponents of the church basically give the opinion that the church is in the business of saving souls, not lives or some such.

now im sorry, but even if god is very real and there is a hell and heaven and all that jazz....all those thousands of babies that die in africa for lack of water...if man isnt suppose to fix it ourselves and its all part of 'gods plan'...then i dont want to know. i cannot follow someone with those kind of plans. ill strike out on my own and see if i can do better...and if im going to get thrown into a burning pit of larva for eternity for that..well i rest my case, i wont be blackmailed and i wont be gagged and i certainly wont sit by and not help the world by any means i can just because it messes with the plan. god can go swivel imho.
sorry my friend, im glad it worked out for you, but just doesnt work for me.

no matter how hard i try to brainwash myself this african water situation is just a serious dealbreaker. from what i can understand, it will only cost a few hundred million to put a water well every 5 square miles ending death by dehydration in africa. the roman catholic church can afford to do this, but they might have to liquidate some of their prescious 'stuff' to do so. whwn pushed, proponents of the church basically give the opinion that the church is in the business of saving souls, not lives or some such.

now im sorry, but even if god is very real and there is a hell and heaven and all that jazz....all those thousands of babies that die in africa for lack of water...if man isnt suppose to fix it ourselves and its all part of 'gods plan'...then i dont want to know. i cannot follow someone with those kind of plans. ill strike out on my own and see if i can do better...and if im going to get thrown into a burning pit of larva for eternity for that..well i rest my case, i wont be blackmailed and i wont be gagged and i certainly wont sit by and not help the world by any means i can just because it messes with the plan. god can go swivel imho.

It's our choice.
I played Black Sabbath at 78 speed:)
a rep for anyone that gets this:)

i put my fastbud and afrodita at around 11 days old(went into water)

as you know, ive been having problems with fungus gnats. well my first treatment failed because my soil was so dry that the watering just ran off it mostly and very little absorbed. so this next part of my journal is dedicated to the fixing of bone dry soil.

Hydrophobic soil

Hydrophobic soil (waterproof) is caused by organic matter leaving a waxy residue on the surface of the soil particles, as the soil dries this seals the dirt from absorbing water.

the cure?
now we have all heard about using dishsoap (washing up liquid) to make water 'wetter', but i dont like the idea of the mixed chemicals and antibacs in there and what is really needed is just a detergent to dissolve the wax layer. so i have gone with pure soap.

i mix up 30l and grind up 1 table spoon worth or 15l and a teaspoon worth. i make a small cup of boiling water and sprinkle in the soap granuals as i stir then pour the lot into the water and bubble for a while. for my 2 and 3 litre pots i flushed with 1l of soap solution and left for over an hour to soak in before feeding again with a normal ph balanced nutried drink of half a litre.

so far as i can tell this does a very good job and doesnt appear to cause any harm.




Here we have a side by side comparison. right one is plain tap water and left one is my solution. there are visible differences =)





just me mixing up the food for post soap solution. i fill my tanks up at 30degrees celsius and bubble it until its 25C then add my foods and PH down and feed right away. my grow room is always between 25 and 30c so i like my water to be thermally invisible to the plants sorta thing.

I dropped one of my KC45s and snapped a limb, here is my quick fix..worked a treat.


Group shot...look at the size of the central afrodita's!!! 2 weeks ago they were dry seeds.


a few of my kc45 #2 are starting to get very tall. i can drop them by a foot soon and keep them on the edge of the grow for best spread of the light left over from my fastbud grow.

this is my gnat infested kc45 #1 batch a few days after a defoliation...thats definate new growth at the top so they are coming right out of shock, but still look pale.

and thats it for this mini update =D
Ouch that defoliation hurt me. I myself, well I'd never give my kids that radical a haircut. I mean I lollipop, most my indoor plants to a degree. And I trim alot of leafs that shade buddage. And I remove most fans leaf by time she's 3 or 4 weeks in. But leafage is the power plant for a plant. Least the way some the older timers than me beat into my head. Outdoor I won't hardly ever trim a leaf off unless it's turning yellow. Any yellow leaf could attract bugs. Makes sense why some traps are yellow.....
Well just wanted to shout out and see what going on. And throw ya rep's + Keepem Green
yeah couple of things on the defoliation

firstly i dont follow the main school of defoliators much im learning my own path. this is leading me to believe that defoliation during veg is not needed, but to boost nodal tightness you defoliate just the penultimate pair of leaves on each growing branch to trigger faster nodes, i need to test this out fully on my next long veg plant.

secondly, these plants are under attack from gnats and have had sever root loss, i defoliated this much to slow down the demands of the plant to give it time to repair its root structure. with less happening up top there should in theory be less demand on the poor roots as in their damaged state i would get all manner of deficiencies if running at full steam. thats the theory anyway ;)
yeah couple of things on the defoliation

firstly i dont follow the main school of defoliators much im learning my own path. this is leading me to believe that defoliation during veg is not needed, but to boost nodal tightness you defoliate just the penultimate pair of leaves on each growing branch to trigger faster nodes, i need to test this out fully on my next long veg plant.

secondly, these plants are under attack from gnats and have had sever root loss, i defoliated this much to slow down the demands of the plant to give it time to repair its root structure. with less happening up top there should in theory be less demand on the poor roots as in their damaged state i would get all manner of deficiencies if running at full steam. thats the theory anyway ;)

Gig, the sns pest control products seem to be working for me, I have battled witn the g nats every grow, and figured out how to treat them. I have noticed that the plant will put out these fan leaves ( and all leaves for that matter ) to support the plant. After much thought and consultation I have come to the conclusion that unless, like you said, you want to slow growth and development, never, never ever, will I defoliate. The rate of growth ( roots included ) will be determined by the plants ability to photosynthesise. My last grow finished in 86 days....seed to weed,not immature plants, big frosty buds! My 40 year plus grower buddy was just here from nor cal and honored me with a copy of the growers bible by cervantes. He just keeps telling me to keep it simple, and apply the fundamentals of any fruit bearing crop, which I am already very comfortable with managing, and LET THEM GROW!
Oh but it is .... when you need to smoke the leaves :) ;)

this is leading me to believe that defoliation during veg is not needed
Go gnats works good for that problem. Hey I wanted you to see what I'm doing with a similar grow, only mine is a smaller scale. I have 4 Vantage plants that I've trimmed to have only 4 branches and staked them. I've got them in what look like maybe 1/2-2/3 gallon pots. All 4 fit nicely in a 16"X36" flood tray. I'm seriuosly hoping for better than a Oz per plant. I really hoping for closer to 2 oz's. Time will tell. Sorry it's not the best pic but gives ya a idea what I call defoliating;

GL with the grow, oh always turn the top inch or two of your soil with like a fork or something. That will rid ya of that soil problems and the gnats. I've used Go Gnats myself, just don't let the product get to cold or it turns to trash. Keepem Green
Go gnats works good for that problem. Hey I wanted you to see what I'm doing with a similar grow, only mine is a smaller scale. I have 4 Vantage plants that I've trimmed to have only 4 branches and staked them. I've got them in what look like maybe 1/2-2/3 gallon pots. All 4 fit nicely in a 16"X36" flood tray. I'm seriuosly hoping for better than a Oz per plant. I really hoping for closer to 2 oz's. Time will tell. Sorry it's not the best pic but gives ya a idea what I call defoliating;

GL with the grow, oh always turn the top inch or two of your soil with like a fork or something. That will rid ya of that soil problems and the gnats. I've used Go Gnats myself, just don't let the product get to cold or it turns to trash. Keepem Green

hehe that looks like one of those line ups the cop goes can you pick him out mam?
"yeah the green one on the right, you know the one with the shady leaves:)
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