GiGaBaNE's 4th - HydroGanics 600w HiD + Flouro

I can't wait to see what you come up with on this!

I've been mulling over a way I could get my HID to charge a panel in my light chamber during "on" time to free up some watts from my monthly bill. Haven't thought it through entirely. Be awesome to somehow design an automated self-sustaining grow box! But, alas, Jack of all trades, master of none - me. :tokin:


sounds like a fantastic fucking idea brother..thanks!

its impossible to self sustain this way...however if you make your grow room walls out of solar panels you will definatly reclaim a lot of lost energy that could power the smaller items like pumps and bubblers.

this way it does reduce the overall draw from a wall socket and can still be fully compatible with external solar systems.

this was something else i was thinking of.

rather than a stealth forest grow, its just as pheasible to do a solar caravan style grow, but you take a small solar farm and set it up somewhere all out of a vehicle trailer for fast redeployment and harvest sunlight away from your grow and bring it back in battery may have practical scenarios

im desperate to think of a way to reclaim the heat also. ive come up with one possible idea. anyone familiar with a mineral called bismuth? i beleve they use it in those usb coffeecup heatmats. if you apply a current then one end gets hot and the other cold....however i also believe its possible to put one end in a hot place and the other in a cold and it generates a current from the potentiol difference.

im thinking one end in the res and the other end soaking up heat near the light, this could possibly reduce the current draw even further. down side is it will speed up greatly how long it takes for air and water temps to equalise. so it may need its own water tank maybe even with running water to keep it cool

it would be nice to think its possible to run a 1kw hps in this combined manner at a power draw of 600w...that would rock!
sounds like a fantastic fucking idea brother..thanks!

its impossible to self sustain this way...however if you make your grow room walls out of solar panels you will definatly reclaim a lot of lost energy that could power the smaller items like pumps and bubblers.

this way it does reduce the overall draw from a wall socket and can still be fully compatible with external solar systems.

this was something else i was thinking of.

rather than a stealth forest grow, its just as pheasible to do a solar caravan style grow, but you take a small solar farm and set it up somewhere all out of a vehicle trailer for fast redeployment and harvest sunlight away from your grow and bring it back in battery may have practical scenarios

im desperate to think of a way to reclaim the heat also. ive come up with one possible idea. anyone familiar with a mineral called bismuth? i beleve they use it in those usb coffeecup heatmats. if you apply a current then one end gets hot and the other cold....however i also believe its possible to put one end in a hot place and the other in a cold and it generates a current from the potentiol difference.

im thinking one end in the res and the other end soaking up heat near the light, this could possibly reduce the current draw even further. down side is it will speed up greatly how long it takes for air and water temps to equalise. so it may need its own water tank maybe even with running water to keep it cool

it would be nice to think its possible to run a 1kw hps in this combined manner at a power draw of 600w...that would rock!

Run with it man!! ;)

I wonder if you could maybe do a small, almost pc like, grow like that though? Maybe channel the charge from a larger op to power a 15w LED, in a tiny box in soil. For experimental purposes of course. To see if it would fly. The panels would be bigger than the space probably. :rofl:

There is this dude who's claimed he's figured out how to create something akin to zero point energy and is
Looking for funding to get it off the ground. I'm on my mobile right now changing out buckets in the basement. But when I get upstairs I'll shoot you a link. Fwiw. :)

my own personal champion is running water. using a river i believe its possible to run an underground grow with no external connections other than the water inlet. this water can generate a small amount of electric on its way in via a turbine, this power would then be used to crack the water..this cracked water could provide the heat energy needed to boil steam for a steam powered generator (no fumes) which would make your electricity for everything else.

since the sun made the rain climb to the top of the hill your river comes from, its a form of soalar energy really ;)
Light one up! Let's get Physicscal!:rofl:


very interesting!

im reserving my judgement on the science for now, its a step up for me, my 'faith' in science only stems as far as string theory at the moment and that was scary enough for now because if string theory is truth, then god does indeed exist...somewhere.

the problem i had with that video is the speaker. he isnt very good at it. in places he came off as whimsical and in others a lack of trust in his own ability to convince others.

ill look more into this if i can find 3rd party reviews of this work.

good stuff tho, ive been on my way to believing in the sheer depth of the part geometry and mathmatics play a part in the creation on the physical universe. like the whole 'flower of creation' thing.
im getting ambitious. im currently designing a grow cabinet. based around a 150w hps vertical rockwool drip hydro. with pumps and sensors e.t.c i dont see these as taking more than 200w. i reckon you can use that on a normal timer with no contactor.

i plan to use distilled water.

what monitoring equipment do i need that can be built into the box? and just how automated can it be made?

im thinking cooltube heat extraction and a semi sealed positive pressure grow atmosphere, bottles of co2 poring in in fairly low pressure and leaking passivly through a strip of cabon filter. trying to design them for small plants and stackable to or 3 high.

in an ideal world they would contain a 12v battery and a 220 AC inverter so that i can hook them up to solar but thats probably going to be a retro fit for when my op goes mobile ;)

You know gig, I've often thought about total automation, and it would be perfect as long as nothing went wrong! LOL.
very interesting!

im reserving my judgement on the science for now, its a step up for me, my 'faith' in science only stems as far as string theory at the moment and that was scary enough for now because if string theory is truth, then god does indeed exist...somewhere.

the problem i had with that video is the speaker. he isnt very good at it. in places he came off as whimsical and in others a lack of trust in his own ability to convince others.

ill look more into this if i can find 3rd party reviews of this work.

good stuff tho, ive been on my way to believing in the sheer depth of the part geometry and mathmatics play a part in the creation on the physical universe. like the whole 'flower of creation' thing.

I'm no proponent. Don't get me wrong. I just really like outside the box thinking. :) there are some very interesting elements being explored by that kid. Giving credence to the idea that anyone before the 19th century had any idea of higher math or physics, always makes folks pause. But that's just our cultural xenophobia taking place of reason, IMHO.

I've got the whole god thing sorted out for myself. So I don't hassle w/ the religions (science included) and let them be. Fundamentally, they all say the exact same thing when you really think about it. It's the minutia that differentiates them. :)
I like the idea of a solar grow... I would love to see it come to be.
i dont beileve a word any of the earthbound religions profess. im a utter atheist in that regard.

but according to string theory (which rattifies infinite parallel universe theories) stats that anything is possible in infinity, so somewhere out there in another dimension exists the possibility that a super all knowing being has been 'born'

Atheist to the bone as well over here. To me religion is used mostly as a tool to control and and manipulate. That said, the base fundament of all of them is everything is "god". Interject whichever similie for "god" you like. Some downplay it, some embrace it. But it's there all the same.

I'm not sold on string theory mainly for the reason you fear. It maintains the perspective of a created thing. Nothing real is created. (It's a crude articulation, I know I can touch a car. :)) you and I weren't made. We were grown. There's a difference. Trees aren't made of wood. Trees ARE wood. You see? I'm gonna start proselytizing soon, and I abhor that. So I'll stop now. :rofl:

I'm more of a quantum relativist myself.

religion is control plain and simple, but i have a hard time imagining myself not existing, i have had some very powerful experiences that more or less prove to me that we go on after physical death, our energy cant just cease all matter is constantly moving to another form i think no differently of our essences it goes somewhere ,where what? i dont know but im pretty sure theres more to a person than just a big bio machine that ceases to exist one day, thats my thought on it, hell maybe "god" is what the aliens that bred with apes "implanted" in our cultures to keep the attention off them lol theres the missing link :rofl:
religion is control plain and simple, but i have a hard time imagining myself not existing, i have had some very powerful experiences that more or less prove to me that we go on after physical death, our energy cant just cease all matter is constantly moving to another form i think no differently of our essences it goes somewhere ,where what? i dont know but im pretty sure theres more to a person than just a big bio machine that ceases to exist one day, thats my thought on it, hell maybe "god" is what the aliens that bred with apes "implanted" in our cultures to keep the attention off them lol theres the missing link :rofl:

If you guys knew me before God got my would believe!
mate been there. gone through the whole born again and baptised stuff. i wont deny that i got suckered in because my life was at such a hopeless place i needed to believe in anything that could give some justification, but i saw behaviour in people of faith that snapped me out of it again pretty sharpish.

no these days i believe in humanism. and my faith revolves around the fact that this planet is fucked..and we are entirely responsible..and we are also the only ones that are going to fix it. i think its a humans responsibility to consciously balance their own karma and always try to do more good in the world than bad. im not saying be all goody two shoes or anything, sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do, but whatever harm we cause, we should repay our race back with a greater amount of benefit.
mate been there. gone through the whole born again and baptised stuff. i wont deny that i got suckered in because my life was at such a hopeless place i needed to believe in anything that could give some justification, but i saw behaviour in people of faith that snapped me out of it again pretty sharpish.

no these days i believe in humanism. and my faith revolves around the fact that this planet is fucked..and we are entirely responsible..and we are also the only ones that are going to fix it. i think its a humans responsibility to consciously balance their own karma and always try to do more good in the world than bad. im not saying be all goody two shoes or anything, sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do, but whatever harm we cause, we should repay our race back with a greater amount of benefit.

Having once been in the prescence of God, I understood that I belonged to Him. I now have more freedom over my thoughts and actions than I ever did when I ran hard. I'm freer? LOL....He made me the way I am and goody two shoes was never in my cards. I'm not perfect, just a member of the infinity with Him club. My choice!
Having once been in the prescence of God, I understood that I belonged to Him. I now have more freedom over my thoughts and actions than I ever did when I ran hard. I'm freer? LOL....He made me the way I am and goody two shoes was never in my cards. I'm not perfect, just a member of the infinity with Him club. My choice!

sounds like an easy choice if you 'met' god.
my problem is that crap like that ALWAYS happens to someone else.
sounds like an easy choice if you 'met' god.
my problem is that crap like that ALWAYS happens to someone else.

It was pure desperation gig, I realised that I could do nothing positive without Him. He is in charge now and I have a natural propensity to do what He wants done. The corruption of my self was replaced with the Holy Spirit of God. Like the apostle paul noted that he didn't even examine himself after recieving the forgiveness of God. Bro, trust me, I needed alot of forgiveness, and still do every day! LOL...... kinda

On another note, I am smokin the best hash I ever had. My buddy said its bubble hash, compressed to however much a 4 ton jack can compress it. Sooooo smoooth and stony! Good times!
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