GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

Hi GG7. Buddy you had me worried there for a while. I think you said it, it's totally not like you to miss any days at all. Even though your back...take it easy. The clones sound good and you learned a bit there too. The trees growing to block the sun was something we just don't consider sometimes. Take your time...I don't think you've lost your audience. We all love to follow your grows.
Take care!

Thanks as always Med Man!

I was feeling pretty lousy there for awhile. The nearly triple digit temps up here the last two weeks didn't help either! I just needed some down time to relax and get my strength back and relief from the summer heat. Thank god we have AC! Lots of folks up here still don't, but with climate change and all, our summers are getting far too hot to survive without it these days.

The tomatoes and peppers LOVE this kind of heat though, so that is one upside to the record breaking high temps we have seen so far this summer.

Glad you enjoyed the latest update! I plan to post another one as soon as those stubborn cuttings in the cloner reveal themselves and I can finally figure out how many females I have out back. My plan is to put a male Harlequin in the bath tub along with one of the shorter GDP clones and flower them together. Since I am not going to over winter the GDP this year, it would be nice to get some seeds from one of them for the future. A Harlequin/GDP cross should prove interesting if I am successful.

Thanks again for checking in and stay tuned! :thumb:

Cheers mate! :)
Those clones are looking great! And I'm glad you got the full sun on em now, I bet it will be a blessing in disguise, making them grow out super extra double jumbo plenty tops.

I'm sticking around for the long haul!

Glad to hear it SurfBuddy! Thanks for sticking around! :thumb:

I hope you're right about the end results of all this strange behavior this season. I feel sorry for the GDP and the BC! Just about the time they fully reveg, they will be forced to head back into flower mode for a second time! If these last batch of clones weren't already spent, this whole ordeal surely sealed their fate! Glad I was not planning to clone them again! ;)

I'm really glad that I decided to move a few plants to the back deck a few weeks ago to see what would happen rather than simply chopping them all down as I was considering back when I was fighting off this terrible summer cold/flu I got saddled with.

The Blue Cheese strain seems to be taking longer to reveg than the GDPs did once moved, but as I said in a previous post... We still have about 5 weeks of solid 14+ hours of sun, so hopefully, all of the clones come around in time before the light cycle really starts heading back in the other direction in mid August. ;)
Thanks as always Med Man!

I was feeling pretty lousy there for awhile. The nearly triple digit temps up here the last two weeks didn't help either! I just needed some down time to relax and get my strength back and relief from the summer heat. Thank god we have AC! Lots of folks up here still don't, but with climate change and all, our summers are getting far too hot to survive without it these days.

The tomatoes and peppers LOVE this kind of heat though, so that is one upside to the record breaking high temps we have seen so far this summer.

Glad you enjoyed the latest update! I plan to post another one as soon as those stubborn cuttings in the cloner reveal themselves and I can finally figure out how many females I have out back. My plan is to put a male Harlequin in the bath tub along with one of the shorter GDP clones and flower them together. Since I am not going to over winter the GDP this year, it would be nice to get some seeds from one of them for the future. A Harlequin/GDP cross should prove interesting if I am successful.

Thanks again for checking in and stay tuned! :thumb:

Cheers mate! :)

LOL! I told you guys it was hot here in California!

I'm pleased to report that in what seemed like an overnight transformation, all of the clones in the cloner have FINALLY showed their sex! I'm even more pleased to report that ALL FOUR of the Harlequin plants ARE FEMALE! :yahoo:

Purple Rhino #1 which was the only PR cutting I included in this little experiment turned out to be MALE. Now I need to decide what to do with these plants. They all have a dense root bundle that reach nearly a foot long from the base of the stalk, but the plants themselves are only about 6 inches tall.

The tallest of the group is the PR male, and I am not sure how to proceed from here with that plant in particular.

I guess I could use it to fertilize one of the GDP clones and perhaps one or two of these Harlequin clones. I was kind of hoping that I would get a male Harlequin to use for the GDP, so now that I know that the only chance of any male plants is going to come from the PR crop, I am not as excited about the whole GDP seed production idea. Gonna think on that for a bit, but now that I know what I have, it is time to get these new clones out of the cloner and into pots!

I discovered the change too late tonight to get any photos, but I now plan to post a photo update of these plants tomorrow and include some shots before and after transplanting into soil.

Meanwhile out back, the remaining GDP and BC clones are all quickly transforming from their previous 50/50 state into veg mode with growing tips emerging rapidly on all the remaining plants! :thumb:

Stay tuned for a more indepth update tomorrow (07/18/12) :)


I'm pleased to report that in what seemed like an overnight transformation, all of the clones in the cloner have FINALLY showed their sex! I'm even more pleased to report that ALL FOUR of the Harlequin plants ARE FEMALE! :yahoo:

Purple Rhino #1 which was the only PR cutting I included in this little experiment turned out to be MALE. Now I need to decide what to do with these plants. They all have a dense root bundle that reach nearly a foot long from the base of the stalk, but the plants themselves are only about 6 inches tall.

The tallest of the group is the PR male, and I am not sure how to proceed from here with that plant in particular.

I guess I could use it to fertilize one of the GDP clones and perhaps one or two of these Harlequin clones. I was kind of hoping that I would get a male Harlequin to use for the GDP, so now that I know that the only chance of any male plants is going to come from the PR crop, I am not as excited about the whole GDP seed production idea. Gonna think on that for a bit, but now that I know what I have, it is time to get these new clones out of the cloner and into pots!

I discovered the change too late tonight to get any photos, but I now plan to post a photo update of these plants tomorrow and include some shots before and after transplanting into soil.

Meanwhile out back, the remaining GDP and BC clones are all quickly transforming from their previous 50/50 state into veg mode with growing tips emerging rapidly on all the remaining plants! :thumb:

Stay tuned for a more indepth update tomorrow (07/18/12) :)

w00h00!! Grats 4x! About the male, I would introduce him to a lady GDP, and shut them in a room with a strong fan one night. Let them make some Granddaddy Rhino seeds. Just make sure to give her a good shower before putting her back with the maidens.
w00h00!! Grats 4x! About the male, I would introduce him to a lady GDP, and shut them in a room with a strong fan one night. Let them make some Granddaddy Rhino seeds. Just make sure to give her a good shower before putting her back with the maidens.

That sounds like a good plan!

Is 24 hours all that would be required for the GDP to get fertilized? Problem right now is that none of the GDP are in flower so I am not sure if that would work at the moment. I assumed that I would need to put one of them under 12/12 for a few weeks to get it back into flower and then stick the male in there with it. ?

Photos coming up in the next post. Uploading them now.
Cloner Photos
Four Harlequin Females and one Purple Rhino Male


Purple Rhino


Root Bundle


Harlequin Females


I've decided to wait another day to do all the transplanting. Since the PR male's flowers have still not fully developed, I figure I have at least a few days to get these into pots and separated.

After I transplant these into pots, I need to get the two remaining Harlequin plants out back transplanted out of their 1.5 gallon Air Pots and into 5 gallon versions.

Stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Cheers. :)
That sounds like a good plan!

Is 24 hours all that would be required for the GDP to get fertilized? Problem right now is that none of the GDP are in flower so I am not sure if that would work at the moment. I assumed that I would need to put one of them under 12/12 for a few weeks to get it back into flower and then stick the male in there with it. ?

Photos coming up in the next post. Uploading them now.

Yeah, veg the male up for a while until the GDP that you want to breed starts to flower. Then let the male start to flower, when he's just about ready, the GDP should be pretty far along in flower be about 3 weeks or so. Put them both in a room for the night, turn on the fan, and close the A/C vent, and shut the door. A room with hardwood floors would be best for cleanup after the blows all over the room, but that's really your choice. Check them in the morning, if he has at least 3 open nanners, she's prego. To be sure, though, collect some of his pollen and "paint" her buds, and wait 15min. Then, giver her a shower and set her back out with the virgins, and let her gloat and mature.

4/5 weeks later, she'll be ready to pop, and the calyx will swell and open at the bottom, but any new flowers on top of that will be smoke-able.

By doing it EARLY you'll have mature seeds, but not the whole harvest will be seeded. It'll be like the 70's all over again, picking out the seeds. This will still give a lot of seed, but not so many as to ruin the smoke. You'll have some decent GDP smoke, and Grandaddy Rhino seeds to collect in the process.
OH!! I almost forgot. The fertilized flowers' pistils will turn and recede very quickly after that, because they have done their job. So don't get upset when you see it happen, lol. I've seen a few new breeders have that "OH CARP!" moment, so I just wanted to prepare you for it.

Also, if you want to stabilize the strain lable the first set F1, save the strongest male back from the seed you germ, and cross it back with one of the best females you get from that same seed set. The offspring of the second breeding (F2) will show less variation, and you can selectively breed to liking from there. (Potency, structure, color, aroma, flavor, etc...)
hi, hows the grow going, hows you jandre, i found 3 or 4 of them bananas on my auto bomb, i harvested the 2nd half yesterday and when i got to the bottom i found a few tiny bananas under one of the buds, im so hoping their is at least 1 seed in the last harvest i did, i think harvesting the first half stressed it enough to make it hermie on me, but they was only small so chances are no pollenation, if i knew i had got the male parts i would of left it to seed, but it was only when i was trimming the buds that i noticed the open bananas which done my head in as i would of loved some seeds of this strain, ill find out im sure when the buds dry, but the calyx are well swollen, ill soon find out im sure
OH!! I almost forgot. The fertilized flowers' pistils will turn and recede very quickly after that, because they have done their job. So don't get upset when you see it happen, lol. I've seen a few new breeders have that "OH CARP!" moment, so I just wanted to prepare you for it.

Also, if you want to stabilize the strain lable the first set F1, save the strongest male back from the seed you germ, and cross it back with one of the best females you get from that same seed set. The offspring of the second breeding (F2) will show less variation, and you can selectively breed to liking from there. (Potency, structure, color, aroma, flavor, etc...)

Thanks for the tips Jandre! I figured that I would need to flower them for a few weeks along with the PR male main plant in order to get the best chance for seeds.

I just got done transplanting all the clones from the cloner and took some photos of the fginished job. Going to post that as a separate update in a minute along with some GDP reveg progress shots.

Thanks again for the useful info! :thumb:
Thanks for the tips Jandre! I figured that I would need to flower them for a few weeks along with the PR male main plant in order to get the best chance for seeds.

I just got done transplanting all the clones from the cloner and took some photos of the fginished job. Going to post that as a separate update in a minute along with some GDP reveg progress shots.

Thanks again for the useful info! :thumb:

You're quite welcome!
Harlequin/PR Clone Transplants Complete! + GDP/BC Reveg Progress Photos

Just got done transplanting the last of the Harlequin clones into an Air Pot with Cocoblend, so now I just need to figure out what to do with these! :laugh:

Here are a few photos...


H1 turned out to be the largest of the four clones, so I used a 3.5 gallon Air Pot and plan to leave this one out back to hopefully reveg in time for a normal flowering later in the season. We shall see how she does.


PR 1 will be going into the bathtub grow area to continue under the 10/14 light cycle along with at least two of the Harlequin clones.


GDP/BC Reveg Progress Photos!

The remaining GDP and BC clones have begun revegging very nicely and are putting out nice healthy "normal" looking growing tips! :yahoo:



Blue Cheese clone finally putting out a normal looking growing tip, but the BCs are definitely lagging behind the GDP in terms of how long it is taking for them to pull out of that 50/50 state.


Here is GDP #1 which has completely revegged and is putting on vertical inches like there is no tomorow! This plant is our largest GDP clone right now at close to 5 feet tall and nearly the same in width! :thumb:


So... That is the latest from here folks! Going to let the clones stay out back for a few hours to drain before moving anything to the tub.

Until next time! :thanks:

That gdp1 is a special girl! I am revegging two plants and one is recovering ok but the other is still putting out single bladed leaves its so wispy and frail.
Your tomatoes look great by the way! mine did ok but we went through a 100 degree week and the blossoms have almost all fell off.
Good luck with the rest of the season cant wait for harvest!
That gdp1 is a special girl! I am revegging two plants and one is recovering ok but the other is still putting out single bladed leaves its so wispy and frail.
Your tomatoes look great by the way! mine did ok but we went through a 100 degree week and the blossoms have almost all fell off.
Good luck with the rest of the season cant wait for harvest!

Good luck with those reveggings Gitter! I figure that if I could pull mine out of that 50/50 state then anything is possible! ;) Just give them plenty of strong light and at least 15 hours until they come around and you should be fine.

Mine were apparently primed and ready for the slightest nudge in the right direction cause once I moved all of them up onto our back deck where they could get a full day of direct sunlight, they took off and started pumping out normal growing tips in less than 7 days! :thumb:

Thanks for noticing the tomatoes in the background of some of those shots! :) We've got 5 cherry and 5 ACE plants this year and they are all growing like weeds with tons of fruit on all of them. The ACE have already started turning which is a good month early and we have already picked some of the largest ACE fruit we have seen in the 5 years we have been growing that strain.

Still waiting on the peppers to turn red. We have tons of pods and all of them are on the large side, but so far, none of them have started to ripen up yet. Hot weather is back up here right now, so that always helps!

As far as the GDP goes... I am going to give them another 7 days and then decide which one of them is going to go under the 12/12 with that big PR male. Going to have to prune that guy down at least two feet to fit under the lights! Hopefully I get a few female PRs out of this crop so we can see what kind of bud these make and if they turn that beautiful purple color like the female Rhino plant did last year.

Stay tuned and thanks as always for sticking around! :thumb:
DUDE!! I forgot about your Bathroom Growspace!! THAT'S PERFECT!, just set an oscillating fan in there on high, and close the door. You could put a paper towel over the bathroom vent and turn it on, also, to keep the pollen getting out, but to vent humid air.

You're definitely correct on that score! The bathtub grow area is the perfect flowering station, and that is primarily what I have always used it for. I've got three fans in there that run on a timer. My plan is to put the PR male main plant in there along with one of the shorter GDP clones and see what happens. I already have the PR male clone and two Harlequin clones in there right now, so I need to come up with something to get the small plants up at the same height as the larger ones. Getting all that to fit into the tub will be the biggest challenge.

Going to give the GDP another 7 days to reveg before I make my choice as to which GDP clone is going to go under the 12/12 with the PR male.

Stay tuned for another photo update when that moment arrives! :)
Yeah! GDP #1 is going to be a monster! I'm glad they all reveged for you! I hear you about wanting one plant to be male, but then it being that *other* plant LoL. I think I' going to run into the same thing, but may just freeze pollen... Any ideas about how long it takes males to bust nuts once they switch to 12/12? I know it's faster than ladies, but if you are using fresh pollen, how far apart do you introduce them?
Yeah! GDP #1 is going to be a monster! I'm glad they all reveged for you! I hear you about wanting one plant to be male, but then it being that *other* plant LoL. I think I' going to run into the same thing, but may just freeze pollen... Any ideas about how long it takes males to bust nuts once they switch to 12/12? I know it's faster than ladies, but if you are using fresh pollen, how far apart do you introduce them?

Hey Surf Buddy!

Based on my observations last year, I would say that the male flowers start opening at about week 4 or 5 of the 12/12 cycle.

I would just put them together right away and leave them together through the entire flowering process if possible. Last year I had that one single Rhino male that I left out back next to the Purple Urkle females for about three weeks before I was advised by folks here to cut the male down as a courtesy to possible surrounding grows in the area since the pollen can travel a long distance.

After I cut the plant down, I bagged the male flower tops and saved them as instructed, but this year when I attempted to use the saved pollen on the overwintered GDP mother plants during their flower cycle, I didn't get any seeds, so I think fresh living pollen would be best.

As you know, the majority of the Purple Urkle females that spent those three weeks with the living Rhino male out back produced what we are calling the Purple Rhino seeds that I planted this season.

My latest plan with mine is to move the Harlequin and PR clones into my bedroom closet grow space under the same light cycle and use the tub just for the original PR male and one of the shorter GDP females. After doing some measuring, I determined that the tub would just be too crowded if I tried to squeeze all the plants into the tub. Plus there would be the issue of height since the GDP clone and the original PR male are well over 2 feet taller than the small clones, and I didn't want to hassle with trying to get everything the same distance from the light fixture.

I'm pretty sure now which GDP female I am going to use. Its one of the plants that is still in the process of revegging, but I figure that it should be fully revegged by this time next week. I am going to then give it another full week before putting it in the tub. I figure that it just got done coming out of that semi-flower mode and I didn't want to plunge it right back in again after it just got done adjusting to the veg cycle! ;)

Today I lopped off a good 2 feet from the PR male to bring it down to the same vertical height as the GDP clone I plan to use. The extra time will also give the male plant some time to fill out after such a radical topping and generate a new set of growing tips. :)

In my next photo update sometime next week I will take a photo of both plants by themselves so everyone can get a good look at them instead of being all blended into the tomatoes and other Cannabis. :thumb:

Stay tuned and thanks as always for stopping by! :thanks:
GDP/Purple Rhino Seed Project
The selected plants

As I mentioned in my last post, I have finally selected the GDP clone that will be going into the bathtub grow area under 12/12 with the PR male in the next 10-14 days. The male plant has been topped to bring it down to the same height as the GDP female it will be paired with under the lights. My goal is to get some GDP/PR seeds for use in my next grow since I am not going to be overwintering the GDP strain this year.

If I am successful, the resulting seeds will hopefully provide me with a GDP heavy cross strain for my next outdoor grow.

Here are some photos of the plants...

Purple Rhino Male
As you can see, the main plant has yet to show its sex, but thanks to my cloner/cutting experiment, we already know that this plant is a male. ;)


GDP Clone
After 7 days out in the direct sunlight and with the addition of timer controlled CFLs running an additional 2.5 hours after natural sundown, these plants have finally emerged from their 50/50 flower/veg state and are rapidly putting out large and healthy normal veg growing tips!

I picked this clone because it was short enough to comfortably fit under my indoor grow light setup, and it has 5 well defined growing tips with additional secondary tips emerging lower down. Should provide enough bud sites for a high probability of successful/viable seed production!



I've got a large CFL clipped to a stake right above the this GDP to help it complete its reveg process as soon as possible. The lights run until 9:30PM each night which gives the plants a total of just over 16 hours of light each day. The last 2.5 hours coming from a half dozen high output 6500k CFLs like this one.


The plan is to let these two plans continue to veg for another 10-14 days before I move them inside and put them under the 12/12 cycle. I might start the flowering sooner if the GDP completes its reveg process ahead of estimates.

Stay tuned for a full grow photo update next weekend! :)


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