GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

Weekend Update III
GDP #1 Trichomes

I was just out back checking all the buds with my Belomo Triplet 10x Loupe and I was surprised to see how many amber trichomes were already visible on the buds of GDP #1! She is officially hitting week #7 tomorrow, so what I am seeing is a lot more degradation than I saw with GDP #2 at the same point in time.

So... I decided to take a few bud leaf samples and put them under the microscope.

Here is what I saw...


Based on what I am seeing with my loupe and under the microscope, I am starting to feel that it may be time to harvest this plant as early as Tuesday or Wednesday. I definitely don't think there would be anything to gain by letting her go until week 8. This rapid ripening could be caused by the extreme temp swings we have been getting up here the last two weeks. Our lows have been in the low 50s, but our highs have been in the high 80s to mid 90s!

That kind of weather could definitely cause the buds to ripen faster than normal. The color is obviously looking like a GDP ready for harvest!

I'll keep you posted!

That will probably conclude our weekend updates for this week! Have a great weekend everyone! :thanks:
I had a busy day and now I'm like 4 pages behind....Congrats on your win, have fun with your new toy, very sorry for your loss, everything is looking great, excellent update. Think that covers it.....Regarding the "share a toke" idea, I think we should call it "Smoke Pal"

Thanks OG!

I just can't shake the sorrow and depression. I just can't stop thinking about him and every time I go out to the garden its just so hard to make it through my watering and feeding without loosing it.

Glad you liked the update! Hope you also like the trichome update I just posted too! :thumb:
Iv'e never harvested before, but based on the stuff I'm reading they kinda look ready to me. what ration do you look for? Unless I am interpreting wrong, In those first 3 or 4 pictures it looks like your already at 50% amber.

Hi Dexter!

I usually go for around 50% ish. Its kind of a feel thing for me. That ratio is not constant through every bud though. With the loupe I can see more like a 30-40%, so that is why I figure another few days. I haven't flushed this plant yet either, although it has only been getting plain water for the last 7 days. Gave it and the other one a feed about 8 days ago. (Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Molasses)

Just got done watering both plants with my home made Clearex.
Sorry for the loss of a loved one. Dealing with the loss of a family member is always hard.

Congratulations on PoM and your new toy.

Great update as always. Plants look outstanding, won't be too long and you will be knee deep in trim. :welldone:
Sorry for the loss of a loved one. Dealing with the loss of a family member is always hard.

Congratulations on PoM and your new toy.

Great update as always. Plants look outstanding, won't be too long and you will be knee deep in trim. :welldone:

Hey HMG!

Thanks for the kind words regarding our tragic loss my friend! I appreciate it very much! Glad you enjoyed the latest updates too! :thumb:

What's going on with your plants? Last I read you were still trying to sort out that odd yellowing issue. Did any of BPN's suggestions help, or are you still wrestling with the problem?

Hope you were able to get them back on the right path! I still think a Clearex flush followed by a slow drip flush would have been the way to go, as opposed to giving them more BPN products. ;)
Hey HMG!

Thanks for the kind words regarding our tragic loss my friend! I appreciate it very much! Glad you enjoyed the latest updates too! :thumb:

What's going on with your plants? Last I read you were still trying to sort out that odd yellowing issue. Did any of BPN's suggestions help, or are you still wrestling with the problem?

Hope you were able to get them back on the right path! I still think a Clearex flush followed by a slow drip flush would have been the way to go, as opposed to giving them more BPN products. ;)

I did an update in my journal a little bit ago if you want to check it out. I do not want to bring my problems to your journal. We can discuss it over there if you would like.
Hey GG7.

Im sincerely sorry to hear about Kimba. Its hard losing a loved one, no matter what species. Ill give my pet bird some extra love this weekend for Kimba. Just remember that you probably gave your little buddy the best life they couldve asked for: Full of affection and adventure and he probably died a very happy feline.

Youre plants look very lovely. Good luck with the harvesting.
Sorry for the loss of a loved one. Dealing with the loss of a family member is always hard.

Congratulations on PoM and your new toy.

Great update as always. Plants look outstanding, won't be too long and you will be knee deep in trim. :welldone:

Thanks HMG! No problem... I just went over there and posted a comment. No worries about discussing your grow over here! Heck! I asked the question, so I wouldn't have minded!

Only thing I ask of my readers here is to not post photos unless they check with me first. :)
Hey GG7.

Im sincerely sorry to hear about Kimba. Its hard losing a loved one, no matter what species. Ill give my pet bird some extra love this weekend for Kimba. Just remember that you probably gave your little buddy the best life they couldve asked for: Full of affection and adventure and he probably died a very happy feline.

Youre plants look very lovely. Good luck with the harvesting.

Thanks as always MB!!

You're right about him having a happy life! He LOVED his yard and "his" forest! He loved them too much and would not let us get any sleep if we closed the cat door when we went to bed and tried to keep him in overnight. Like clockwork at about 2AM, he would start walking on you and making biskits on your leg, arm or stomach deliberately trying to wake you up. When he saw you were up, he would run to the back door and put his little "hand" on the knob and curl his paw around it! It was SO CUTE, but at the same time, he really made it impossible to get any sleep and ultimately to keep him in.

We always knew the dangers, but we couldn't go on with 3 hours of sleep every night either, so we started letting him come and go as he pleased at the start of summer. Since he didn't seem to stray too far from the property line, we didn't think any harm would come to him out there unsupervised.

Obviously, we were mistaken and in retrospect, we are all kicking oursleves that we didn't try to find some other solution besides just leaving the cat door opened and letting him come and go as he pleased!

That is one of the worst parts of something like this. You are constantly thinking of all the "shoulda woulda coulda" s which obviously never accomplishes anything! Its too bad that he couldn't have been content to be out in the daytime and come in at night like our two female cats. But, being a male, you know how they like to explore and roam their territory!

Kimba was no exception.

What kind of bird do you have? I've got two Budgies myself! The older one is very well trained and loves to play with toys! Neither of them can talk because I never bothered trying to teach them. Instead I focused on the physical stuff, and they are both really fun to play with. I keep them in our spare bedroom where I have my closet grow. Obviously, Kimba never got a chance to see what was in that room. He loved to bring us birds from out back, and was VERY good at catching them as well as Lizards!

In fact, we still have a Bluebelly lizard loose in the house from last Saturday when he brought it into the house and let it go, which he was doing CONSTANTLY! Actually, the last time I saw Kimba was last Saruday evening when I was trying to catch HIS lizard that had gotten under the fridge as Kimba anxiously looked on. After I caught it and took it outside, Kimba rushed out into the forest and that was the last time I ever saw him. :(
Thanks HMG! No problem... I just went over there and posted a comment. No worries about discussing your grow over here! Heck! I asked the question, so I wouldn't have minded!

Only thing I ask of my readers here is to not post photos unless they check with me first. :)

I just want to keep the conversation on how not to grow in my journal where it is easy for me to locate and learn from my mistakes.
Thanks as always MB!!

You're right about him having a happy life! He LOVED his yard and "his" forest! He loved them too much and would not let us get any sleep if we closed the cat door when we went to bed and tried to keep him in overnight. Like clockwork at about 2AM, he would start walking on you and making biskits on your leg, arm or stomach deliberately trying to wake you up. When he saw you were up, he would run to the back door and put his little "hand" on the knob and curl his paw around it! It was SO CUTE, but at the same time, he really made it impossible to get any sleep and ultimately to keep him in.

We always knew the dangers, but we couldn't go on with 3 hours of sleep every night either, so we started letting him come and go as he pleased at the start of summer. Since he didn't seem to stray too far from the property line, we didn't think any harm would come to him out there unsupervised.

Obviously, we were mistaken and in retrospect, we are all kicking oursleves that we didn't try to find some other solution besides just leaving the cat door opened and letting him come and go as he pleased!

That is one of the worst parts of something like this. You are constantly thinking of all the "shoulda woulda coulda" s which obviously never accomplishes anything! Its too bad that he couldn't have been content to be out in the daytime and come in at night like our two female cats. But, being a male, you know how they like to explore and roam their territory!

Kimba was no exception.

What kind of bird do you have? I've got two Budgies myself! The older one is very well trained and loves to play with toys! Neither of them can talk because I never bothered trying to teach them. Instead I focused on the physical stuff, and they are both really fun to play with. I keep them in our spare bedroom where I have my closet grow. Obviously, Kimba never got a chance to see what was in that room. He loved to bring us birds from out back, and was VERY good at catching them as well as Lizards!

In fact, we still have a Bluebelly lizard loose in the house from last Saturday when he brought it into the house and let it go, which he was doing CONSTANTLY! Actually, the last time I saw Kimba was last Saruday evening when I was trying to catch HIS lizard that had gotten under the fridge as Kimba anxiously looked on. After I caught it and took it outside, Kimba rushed out into the forest and that was the last time I ever saw him. :(

Sounds like he was a smart one. I remember I had a dog when i was young. He was an obese, clumsy beagle. He how to open the screen door AND the yard gate from the inside (but not from outside). He would always let himself out and the first couple times he ran away we weee frantic about finding him. One time, though we couldnt find him. We lived in the heart of a busy, urban, residential area and put signs up and everything. Then, one day about a week later at 1 am we hear his dopey howl outside. He came back home on his own! From then on we constantly struggled keeping him in the yard, but he always came back if he escaped. Sometimes if he escaped id chase after him with a hot dog and lure him back. I had friends that lived a couple miles away who reported spotting this adventurous k9 walking down their block! I one time had to take him home cuz he made his way into an open door in my elementary school i attended a coyple blocks from home. True story. His name was Bucky. It was heartwrenching when he died but it was just horrible how he died and it tears me up just thinking about it now. He ventures into a neighbor down the blocks yard and this asshole kicked him with a steel toed boot in his head. I was still pretty young and that was one of my first true experiences of the evil in man.

Sorry to fill your journal with a story with such a grim ending.

To answer youre question, though, the bird is a cockateal. I actually got her from am Ex-girlfriend who just kinda left her behind. I wanted to release her to the wild but she had her wings clipped and was raised as a caged bird, Poor little girl. I made sure to hooke her up with a nice, big cage and a lot of toys, though.
Oh my god! Thats is truly AWFUL!! It is hard for anyone who loves animals and has even an ounce of compassion in their heart to imagine how someone could be so cruel to an innocent animal!

Just like the SOB that dumped a 4 week old Kimba on our road in 31 degree weather in the middle of the night! How can someone be so heartless? While I love animals, I have complete disdain for evil people and won't hessitate kicking someone's ass if I catch them doing something like that in my presense! Got me into trouble more than a few times when I was a young buck! ;)

Damn good thing I wasn't able to make out the make, model and color of the truck the jerk who dumped Kimba was driving! While in a way I owed them for bringing Kimba into my life, they didn't know that when they dumped him like that. A thorough ass kicking would have definitely been on the agenda if I was ever able to track them down! An ass kicking or worse!

I LOVE animals! Cruel and heartless humans that the world would be better off without?... Not so much. ;)

A cokateal eh? Very cool! Those are super intelligent birds! I don't think I could live with the shreaking though! My aunt has one along with a managerie of budgies, turtles, cats, dogs, you name it! That Cockateal is the loudest one of the bunch! :laughtwo:
Ill tell you like this GG7. Without pain, joy wouldnt feel so good. Its the evil out there that makes the good shine from us. As much as I would like to rid the world of evil, its essential to our very being.

As a boy, I used to kick a lot of ass lol. But now, I try to avoid violence whenever possible. I have tactical and martial arts training and a couple years back I was forced to use them against acouple no good thugs. Long story short i left a guy with a collapsed lung and he lost an eye. Since then ive took it upon myself not to engage in any violent acts unless its life or death. I never want to cause anyone any more pain and suffering. Its just not right.

I have always had a soft spot for animals. I have to change the channel when they have those suffering animal commercials. They kill me inside.
Hey MB!

I hear ya! I try to keep to myself to avoid uncomfortable situations, cause I am one to speak my mind if I see injustice ocurring in front of me. Better just to avoid getting into those situations in the first place. One of the many reasons I live where I do! ;)
Saw your posts in XL's journal, awesome plants bro! will be watching your journal now :)

kind regards,
Saw your posts in XL's journal, awesome plants bro! will be watching your journal now :)

kind regards,

Cool man! :thumb:

Welcome to the family! Glad that you will be sticking around from now on! :)

Should have some new updates with my NEW camera by this time next week! :yahoo:
I hear ya gitter!

Well... GDP is an awesome strain if you are into Couch Lock type highs. I smoke for pain management reasons, so I always go for the Indicas and I've found that so far, all the purple strains I have grown and/or sampled provide just the type of medication I'm looking for.

In terms of a growing environment, I would say that any of the strains developed in Northern California should suit any mountain grow! We live at just under 5000 feet here in the Central Sierra and as long as I get them chopped before the middle of October, I can get the entire crop in without any losses due to frost or excessive rain damage. As I mentioned, we have our first winter storm of the season due in here starting Tuesday night and lasting through Thursday morning, so I am already making preparations for covering and moving my girls under cover.

The Urkles are too big to move, and too hard to cover up on the back hill, so they are going to get rained on. Hopefully the forest canopy will protect them from any seriously heavy downpours. The BBK and GDP are going to either be moved or covered.

In fact, I just checked GDP #1 this morning with my loupe and damn if it isn't looking like its ready to chop in the next couple of days! Definitely a bit early at week 7 tomorrow. I'm going to put a few bud leaves under the scope and snap a few photos with the scope camera and post here later today.

I think the rain hurts us more than the plants! lol. I had a nice suprise today my best plant has started to show some fall colors . nothing compared to yours but for free bagseed whos complaining.:peace:
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