GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

I hear ya! Too bad we are not neighbors! I would be happy to give you a couple of my clones. Those two Turbo Klone experimental sessions i ran in July resulted in an overabundance of baby BBKs! ;)

Cause of the light cycle change outside, they are all in flower now. Even the little 8" ones!

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Please let us all know when any of the homes in your neighborhood go up for sale! :)
That would be grand!! are you gonna let em run their course or reveg em?

The bulk of them are outside, so they are going to flower. Should make for some interesting photos.

(Here is what a 8" tall BBK plant looks like in full flower... Here is a 12", a 18" etc. etc.) :laughtwo:

In terms of trying to reveg some of these plants that have started flowering outdoors... That has been a real challenge over the last couple of weeks. Remember this indoor photo with the BBK on the left, the four GDP clones in the middle and the second BBK clone on the right?


The timer in here is set for 18/6 and gradually all of the plants in this line up have revegged. All except ONE...

The BBK on the right.


Despite the 18/6 cycle, this plant refuses to reveg. The flowers continue to grow larger and the tips are not revegging at all! The same thing happened with my Blue Cheese mother (POTM July 2nd place). It revegged great after the initial harvest, but then started flowering in late July right as I was ready to take cuttings, so I brought it inside and put it under the 18/6, but it continued flowering even under the 18/6. After two weeks of that, I gave up on the Blue Cheese and put her back outside about a week ago. I have no idea what kind of buds such a pruned down plant is going to produce, but she seems hell bent to do it! ;) Tonight, I did the same thing with this stubborn BBK clone.

It seems that for whatever reason, some particular plants just refuse to stop flowering, even when you give them an intense veg level light cycle. I couldn't go to a 24/0 in there because the cloner is just to the right of these plants, and I have enough trouble trying to keep the water temp in there at 72 F as it is! :trance:

Speaking of cloning... Because of the early flowering of my only BC plant, cuttings taken from her were just not rooting, even in the Turbo Klone which is hard to believe! Things were looking pretty bleak for the future of my Blue Cheese lineage until I checked the cloner tonight and guess what? ONE of the 18 cuttings has actually produced roots! :cheer: The little bugger still has her little puff ball flower top, just like her mom, but she bucked the trend and looks like she might be the salvation for my continuing Blue Cheese grow! :phew:

Today is day 15 for this last cloning run of the season, and the past two sessions have both produced roots in most cuttings by day 18. (except the BC cuttings which all failed last time) However, since the moms were in even deeper flower this time around, I will be more than happy to settle for one BC out of 18!

Yep! It was that bad! :icon_roll

Wow! That turned into a long reply! :laughtwo:
I am starting the "brew" tonight. I don't have any purples... but I do have conf cheese, resin bomb and BC roadkills in the FLR tent. I am going to see if this helps as it did my first go around.
Keep it up guys as this is exactly what this site and community are all about.

well as advertised here is the link to the brew setup. It is at the bottom of page 3 in my journal.
Thanks GG7 for original post with receipes! :cheer: and for allowing me to share this information!
Link To My Journal with the post at the bottom

I hope you and all of 420 has a great labor day weekend!!!
GG7 - btw I would go with the bbk over the GDP. there is just something so beautiful about that plant, d@mn what I wouldn't give to get a cutting of her.
:peace: brother!
LOL!!!Longest reply I got so far, hehe...and I'm with K, heck let me know if there is land, I will build the house!!!!

LOL! Yeah...I started tying to explain the whole situation and next thing you know, I have an UPDATE sized post! :laughtwo:

I had been meaning to feature the PITA situation trying to clone the Blue Cheese plant, but all the other grows got in the way. ;)
Your grow fine hemp my friend.

Thanks for all the help you give me and for checking in on my journal I appreciate it man

:Namaste: & :high-five:

My pleasure Jay! Good luck with those cuttings! I think you are out of the woods with them now, and they should be ready for transplant in a couple of weeks! :thumb:
well as advertised here is the link to the brew setup. It is at the bottom of page 3 in my journal.
Thanks GG7 for original post with receipes! :cheer: and for allowing me to share this information!
Link To My Journal with the post at the bottom

I hope you and all of 420 has a great labor day weekend!!!

FANTASTIC! :bravo:

I will be watching that thread with great interest! I just got back from town and was temped to swing by the feed store to pick up some Rabbit pellets, but I started thinking about everything else I have going right now and decided to hold off.

Now I can see how your's goes and hopefully pick up some tips! :thumb:

For those who may be wondering what we are talking about... MS is going to brew some Alfalfa Tea! Same main ingredient in all those expensive PURPLE products like PURPLE MAXX! :)

GG7 - btw I would go with the bbk over the GDP. there is just something so beautiful about that plant, d@mn what I wouldn't give to get a cutting of her.
:peace: brother!

Thanks for the input! I am leaning that way too, although GDP2 is going to be a pretty awesome looking plant when she gets done! ;)

I wish there was a way to get some these clones to you guys! Like I said, I have a bunch of small plants between 8" and 12" tall. They would make great gifts for my 420 buddies! :yahoo:


And they LOVE this stuff! :thumb:


I've started feeding this to the smaller clones early into their flowering cycle and it makes them turn that DEEP Green you see in the above photos! I generally wait till late in the cycle to give them any sugars, but maybe I might continue feeding them this mixed into their nutes once or twice a week. :)

(I use Plantation Brand because it has the best ratios of additional minerals like Potassium, Calcium and Iron and is lower in Sodium compared to other popular brands used for cooking/baking)

Stay tuned for some more news on GDP 2 soon! :)
we wish there was a way too my friend, u r not alone in that!!! And first thing I noticed about the blackstrap was how much K was in it... my plants love molasses too
GodsTrichome said:
we wish there was a way too my friend, u r not alone in that!!! And first thing I noticed about the blackstrap was how much K was in it... my plants love molasses too

Definitely :thumb:

This brand has about double what most of the others have. Don't know why there is such a difference in brands? This stuff was recommended to me by a relative about 12 years ago now. She has won many awards for her flowers so I figured she must know wazzup. Now that I know more about the stuff, the reason for the choice is obvious. (not our kind of flowers by the way) ;)

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Greenie said:
I was just wondering about the Molasses and the girlies. Thanks for the post! Lovely plants, soooo very purdy! :)

Thanks Greenie! Glad the post helped you out!

Whole Foods sells the entire Plantation line. They have organic too, but up here all I can get is the original BLACKSTRAP.

I think this brand has been around for like 100 years now!

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hey GG, why use unsulphured molasses......sulphur is needed for terpine development? I would think the sulphur is just to prevent spoilage, wouldn't be high enough to cause shock or lockup in soil.
hey GG, why use unsulphured molasses......sulphur is needed for terpine development? I would think the sulphur is just to prevent spoilage, wouldn't be high enough to cause shock or lockup in soil.

From what I have read on the subject, it has to do with the "type" and the vitamin concentrations of each. Unsulphured BlackStrap has the best vitamin content. The Sulphur is not naturally ocurring and is instead added as a preservative during the processing of young sugar cane into "second" molasses. Besides the lower concentration of additional vitamins and minerals in this type, I assume that Sulphur Dioxide is not something we want to be adding to our soil at the rates needed to feed the plant the sugar for any benefits, so Unsulphured removes this risk.

This from concerning Human Health Benefits:

Sulphured and Unsulphured Molasses
Molasses made from young sugar cane is called sulphured molasses because of the sulfur dioxide that is added to keep the raw cane fresh until it is processed and to preserve the molasses byproducts produced from it. Unsulphured molasses is made from matured cane plants that have been allowed to ripen naturally in the field. Blackstrap molasses can be sulphured or unsulphured. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says sulfur dioxide is "generally recognized as safe" for use as a preservative -- except on meats of vegetables meant to be sold as fresh food.

Unsulphured Molasses Benefits
Processing the sugar out of sugar cane takes out the empty calories and leaves the nutrition behind. Molasses is still sweet, but it has acquired the distinct molasses flavor and natural nutrients. Molasses contains iron, magnesium phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, cooper, manganese, selenium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and choline. The sulfur dioxide used during manufacturing does not add or take away from molasses's nutritional profile. If you are allergic to sulfur-containing food preservatives, however, look for unsulphured molasses.

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits
The triple boiling and sugar extraction process results in Blackstrap molasses being a more nutritionally dense sweetener than plain or "second" molasses. Blackstrap contains the same vitamins and minerals as "second" molasses, but in a more concentrated form. Blackstrap molasses also contains antioxidant compounds, which may help prevent cell damage from free radicals. Blackstrap can be used to sweeten beverages and to add flavor and color to cooked foods. As with "second" molasses, you should purchase the unsulphured Blackstrap if you are allergic to sulfur-containing food additives.


So basically, to get the type with the most "Bang for the Buck" as a plant food, you want the Unsulphured BlackStrap variety.
Weekend Update 1 • Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Blue Cheese Cloning Success!

I guess the "third" time IS the charm!

I am pleased to report that on day 16 of cloning session #3, I have successfully cloned my Blue Cheese plant DESPITE the fact that the mother and the cutting were/are both in flower!

Check it out!

Remaining cuttings in cloner


The "Official" Blue Cheese #2 on left still trying to flower even under 18/6 • Picked up some PM overnight in the dark, will dose with milk before transplanting


The roots!


I plan to transplant this clone later today, and will take a few shots during the process to add to this entry. I run my cloner for 18 days or so, so I may still get a few more cause I do see some root buds on a few other BC cuttings. Once the session is over, I am going to put the lights here in the veg closet on 24/0 and see if I can force the BC clone (s) to reveg once and for all!

This is where a cloning machine comes in! I seriously doubt that anyone could clone this flowering BC mother plant using Rockwool considering how long this session is taking and how many failures I encountered before this cutting actually rooted!

Stay tuned! :thumb:
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