GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Sorry about the stuck helmet, GDB...
the darkly colored top of the stem.
You're right, it looks like she was fixin' to "damp off" anyway... :straightface:
That might be why her head fell off so easily...
A little fresh worm castings in some rain water splashed across the top of the seed bed can ward off damping off disease which is a fungus as I understand it. There's actual professors of soil biology or something that have studied it and it turns out it's actually "a thing."

I usually soak my seeds in it for a day or two waiting for them to show some leg. Once they do, I plant the seed and water it in with that same worm castings water. Works great.
Hello growers.

I got a new addition to the group yesterday. The second Royal Queen Bubblegum seed I planted broke the soil. She came up with an easily removable helmet.
RQ BGum II 3-20-22.JPG

Here she is alongside her 5th day tentmates.
Bgum 3-20-22 Day 5.jpg

The RG Bubblegum twin is definitely favoring one side over the other.
RG Bgum twin 3-20-22 Day 5.JPG

There hasn't been a peep from the 2nd WSE Bubblegum I buried. :straightface:

And that's all I have for today.

Have a wonderful Sunday on purpose.

Hello growers.

The Bubblegum Grow is on Day 8 (mostly) and is will now be limited to 4 plants. The second WSE Bgum I buried has not come up after 6 days in the soil and I don't think she will.

I'll just go with what I have. Two Royal Queen Bubblegums, one Kera Bubblegum and a Black Cherry Pie from Herbies.

Bubblegum Grow 3-22-22 Day 8 labels.jpg

Que sera sera.

Thanks for looking in.

They look good. If the twin is favoring one side, are you going to get rid of the smaller twin?
I love it when you quote yourself! :Rasta:
They look good. If the twin is favoring one side, are you going to get rid of the smaller twin?
Thanks Budman.

I had said that I wouldn't disturb them, but now I'm thinking it is a possibility. I'm just gonna' sit back and watch for a while and see what "shey" does. If the little side is clearly going to get bullied out of existence then I might try to separate them when I up-pot.
Que sera sera.

Thanks for looking in.


InTheShed said:

I love it when you quote Doris Day!

Did you know that the song, Que Sera Sera was first introduced in the 1956 Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Man Who Knew Too Much? It was also the only movie that Hitchcock remade as he didn't like the original one he made 20 years earlier.
*slaps forehead*
Clear cup of soil sitting inside a red plastic cup.
That really helps you learn how to water and how the roots grow because you can see what they look like without disturbing the plant. And the outer cup shades the roots since they don't like light. Highly recommended!
Hello growers.

It Day 10 for the Bubblegum Machine.

The babies are starting to grow just a little but they're still my usual slow starters. They've been temporarily joined by a cut that I took from a Grape Ape that I've got going in another grow.

Bubblegum Tent 3-24-22 Day 10.jpg

From left to right: Royal Queen Bgum II, Kera Bgum, Black Cherry Pie and RQ Bgum (the twin).

As for the twin, one side seems to be taking all the energy!
RQ Bgum twin 3-24-22 Day 10.JPG

Thanks for looking in.

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