GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Hello gang.

It's Day 20 for the Bubblegum Machine.

These girls are about ready to come out of those solo cups. I'll be moving them into 2 gallon pots for their next stop.
Bubblegum Tent 3-30-22 Day 20 labels.jpg

All of them have lots of roots. An example:
Bgum roots 3-30-22 Day 20.jpg

Regarding the Royal Queen Bgum twin, the little side seems to be trying to grow up but it must be hard for her. I'm thinking of topping the taller side after the second node. Maybe that will slow that side down a bit and allow shorty to make some progress. What do you folks think?
RQ Bgum twin 3-30-22 Day 20.jpg

As always, thanks for stopping by.

I think survival of the fittest. If you smack down the fittest, will you be left with two weaker versions of what could have been? :hmmmm:
Fair enough. But the "what could have been" is sitting in the cup next to the twin. :)
I know with garden vegetables if you plant more than one seed in a cube, and then don't thin to a single plant, you get substandard results from the lot even if you plant them in the garden. I'd assume the same applies here. But fun experiment.
The fact that those plants are in 4 perfectly ascending sizes, but the cups are out of order, it's torturing my ocd...i want to jump thru the screen and shuffle those cups so bad, I had to step outside and take a smoke break. They look excellent, full of potential, gonna be a fun run with 4 different girls in the house.
The fact that those plants are in 4 perfectly ascending sizes, but the cups are out of order, it's torturing my ocd...i want to jump thru the screen and shuffle those cups so bad, I had to step outside and take a smoke break. They look excellent, full of potential, gonna be a fun run with 4 different girls in the house.
Sorry, Rhino! :laughtwo:
Hello grow folks!

It's Day 22 for the Bubblegum Machine.

Today I decided to get them out of the solo cups.

I prepped 2 gallon pots for three of them, but decided to put the RQ twin in a 1 gallon because she's so small. The pots were prepped with a mix of Roots Organics Lush soil and FF Happy Frog. I also had some already damp perlite on hand (from cloning) and dumped that in there too. Finally, because these will be going to the basement tent, where danger often lurks, I added some insect frass in the hopes that it will act as a kind of "vaccination" against the unspoken ones (mites).
Bubblegum up-pot prep 4-1-22 D22.jpg

Things did not go as smoothly as I would have liked.

I started with the Black Cherry Pie and found that its soil was just bit too moist. So her roots came out as a mass of roots rather than encased in a clump of soil. Not a real problem, but not ideal.

I didn't learn from that and next tried to do the RQ Bgum twin. Her solo cup was light as air and surely had to be dry.
Nope. :straightface:

But I got her done too!

I then got a brain flash and decided to wait a day or 2 on the other two so I can get that clumped root ball formed. Even slow trains get to the station eventually! :)

So here's what I got done (the one in the rear left pot is a clone and not a part of this grow).
Bubblegum partial uppot 4-1-22 D22.jpg

In retrospect, I should have let the twin get a little taller before I did this. She was so short and I was (am) so ham-handed that she ended up too close to the soil. I had to put some rocks under her leave to keep them off the soil. And the poor little short side of twin was almost completely buried! I had to dig her out a bit. I didn't have rocks small enough to fit under her tiny leaves so I stuck a couple of wooden golf tees under them and "teed 'em up." I'll have to be careful when watering this one.
RQ Bgum twin 4-1-22 tees and rocks D22.jpg

So that was my morning.

I hope your day is going well!

Hello grow folks!

It's Day 22 for the Bubblegum Machine.

Today I decided to get them out of the solo cups.

I prepped 2 gallon pots for three of them, but decided to put the RQ twin in a 1 gallon because she's so small. The pots were prepped with a mix of Roots Organics Lush soil and FF Happy Frog. I also had some already damp perlite on hand (from cloning) and dumped that in there too. Finally, because these will be going to the basement tent, where danger often lurks, I added some insect frass in the hopes that it will act as a kind of "vaccination" against the unspoken ones (mites).
Bubblegum up-pot prep 4-1-22 D22.jpg

Things did not go as smoothly as I would have liked.

I started with the Black Cherry Pie and found that its soil was just bit too moist. So her roots came out as a mass of roots rather than encased in a clump of soil. Not a real problem, but not ideal.

I didn't learn from that and next tried to do the RQ Bgum twin. Her solo cup was light as air and surely had to be dry.
Nope. :straightface:

But I got her done too!

I then got a brain flash and decided to wait a day or 2 on the other two so I can get that clumped root ball formed. Even slow trains get to the station eventually! :)

So here's what I got done (the one in the rear left pot is a clone and not a part of this grow).
Bubblegum partial uppot 4-1-22 D22.jpg

In retrospect, I should have let the twin get a little taller before I did this. She was so short and I was (am) so ham-handed that she ended up too close to the soil. And the poor little short side of twin was almost completely buried! I had to dig her out a bit. I didn't have rocks small enough to fit under her tiny leaves so I stuck a couple of wooden golf tees under them and "teed 'em up." I'll have to be careful when watering this one.
RQ Bgum twin 4-1-22 tees and rocks D22.jpg

So that was my morning.

I hope your day is going well!

Looking good, nice up pots on the others....even if it wasn't with ideal situations lol git er dun... Have a great day growmie
No update today!?
Yes, update today!

Its Day 23 for the Bubblegum Machine.

Yesterday I completed the up-pots, getting Kera Bgum and RQ II Bgum into their 2 gallon pots.

Here's the group. (Left rear plant is a clone and not a part of this grow)
Bgum Tent 4-3-22 D23 labels.jpg

They seem okay with the move and even the little RQ Bgum twin is trying to grow a little. At least one side of her is. Her short side remains a soil hugger, mired in the shadow of her other half.
RQ twin 4-3-22 D23.jpg

One day this week will be Moving Day, and the Bubblegum Machine plants will be relocated to the basement tent. That clone will remain in the 2x2 all alone.

Thanks for looking in and have a wonderful Sunday.

It's Day 25 for the Bubblegum Machine.

All look settled and composed from recent their up-pots.
Bubblegum Tent 4-4-22 Day 25.jpg

That's it. That's all I've got.

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