GDB's Auto Array

Hello growers. I haven't updated this thread for a minute so sorry if this entry is a little wordy!

Let me summarize what has happened since I last posted. The Caramel Cream and the Californian Snow both jumped into flower way early. Not sure of what day it was but it was fast. In addition, the CS turned out to be a genetic nightmare with odd-shaped leaves, twisting and curling every which way. They are both 47 days old and they are both runts.

On the other extreme, the Blue Dream'atic has been stretching like crazy and is showing no pistils at day 47.

The Brooklyn Sunrise is doing okay in her 1 gallon pot at day 23.

And lastly, the Stardawg (day 80) did eventually start to bulk up a bit, but she's still a runt.

What to make of these varied developments? Beats the shit out of me! I think is it just another auto grow and, as in the words of Forrest Gump, it's like "a box of chocolates.":Rasta:

The CS, CC and BD are on 4g of Mega Crop. The BS is getting 2g.

I won't toss a plant if it shows potential to produce even a single nice-sized bud. So all of these girls will be raised to adulthood.

On with the pics!

Brooklyn Sunrise

I had two of these but gave one to a friend. She stretched a little tall early but has just started developing her 5th node. I Chopped the 5th this morning and also took #1 and #2. I'm copying techniques I've seen other here perform just because this grow seems like a good time to experiment. Before and after:

P1030173.JPG P1030182.JPG

Caramel Cream

This is one of the first strains I ever grew (though in DWC). That plant was a monster, of incredible size, taste and potency! So naturally I had high hopes for running it again in soil. Well, the plant Gods said "bend over and spread 'em." She's no where near being a lost cause but she will be small, very small.


Californian Snow

Genetic Zombie. Look at those leaves! But...something is going on in the middle of this plant. It feels like its trying to make one large bud up the center of the plant. I can't see it so much as I can feel it!


Blue Dream'atic

This girl keeps going up but she ain't pushing nothing out. I'm not yet convinced that she's an auto.



She started slowly, real slowly. She eventually gained a little bulk, but no height. Smells inviting when you touch a bud and is loaded with milky trichs. I haven't seen a trace of amber yet.

She's getting close. I'm feeding her 6g of Mega Crop and 1g each of Bud Candy and Bud Explosion.


That's all for now.

One earth, one people, one love. :Rasta:


You have it going on GDB. Nice:yummy: Have a wonderful day.
That blue dream(atic) is gonna be a beast either way. Might have to supercrop some of those taller stems? If headroom is getting close. Quite the juggle you got going on :Rasta:it’ll really help clear up your plans as soon as you know which tent that BD needs to be in.
Yeah, that was me- I had to stick that Alaskan Purple in the broom closet 16 hours a day for about ten days before she grudgingly "turned the corner"
Carcass, that's so interesting. I would have never considered putting her in the dark for that long as a solution. Why did that work? (The simple answer if there is one.) Did the plant turn out to be an auto or a photo? How was the yield? How long did she stay in flower once she started?

Hope that's not too many questions. :Rasta:
Actually, "the darkness" was suggested to me by @shottafire for autos that seem "stuck"in pre flower.

Why did that work?
The extended darkness forces the plant to start producing sufficient bloom hormones
to get it fully flowering, as if it were a photo plant. (the equivalent of giving it a kick in the ass :cheesygrinsmiley: )

It flowered for 66 days after the "dark" treatment, but it preflowered for about 3 weeks before I stuck it in the closet, so 87 days total flowering time, Yielded 6.2 oz. (Alaskan Purple auto)

That plant was "funny" right from the start- it was a mutant, and stopped producing new growth at about ten days old, so I topped it down to node one (to get rid of the mutant stuff) at apx.11 days old.
Surprisingly, it survived that, and ended up pretty normal.
Did the plant turn out to be an auto or a photo?
It kept flowering when it went back into the box on a 19/5 light schedule,so it was
definitely an auto- A photo plant would have started to re veg under that schedule.
Actually, "the darkness" was suggested to me by @shottafire for autos that seem "stuck"in pre flower.

The extended darkness forces the plant to start producing sufficient bloom hormones
to get it fully flowering, as if it were a photo plant. (the equivalent of giving it a kick in the ass :cheesygrinsmiley: )

It flowered for 66 days after the "dark" treatment, but it preflowered for about 3 weeks before I stuck it in the closet, so 87 days total flowering time, Yielded 6.2 oz. (Alaskan Purple auto)

That plant was "funny" right from the start- it was a mutant, and stopped producing new growth at about ten days old, so I topped it down to node one (to get rid of the mutant stuff) at apx.11 days old.
Surprisingly, it survived that, and ended up pretty normal.

It kept flowering when it went back into the box on a 19/5 light schedule,so it was
definitely an auto- A photo plant would have started to re veg under that schedule.
Thanks for the response, Carcass! I'm still undecided about what to do with my plant, but now I've got another option to consider. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I've really been pondering about why this auto grow is so, so odd compared to my prior grows.

This evening a light bulb went off in my head! Not one of those fancy, new, really bright bulbs, more like a circa 1960s, regular old 25 watt light bulb.

To start this grow I was in a new tent. At 4 feet tall, its about three feet shorter than my first tent.

I had a new light, a QB setup, the likes of which I've never used. It can even be dimmed, a feature I've never had before (and that I did not use).

Even my most recently purchased light -- the one I use in my flower tent but have used to use for everything -- is a LED, COB combo. The LEDs have been used for germ/veg while both together have been used for flower.

And the dim 40 watt thought! I have always used LED blurples only for germinating and flowering my seedling!

This time I used the QB light for every phase of growth, and at full power!

That, in a nutshell, is what I believe at least contributed to the wack-a-doodle shenanigans I've been witnessing.

What do you all think? :Rasta:
Hello again, growers. I'm sure I'm not disturbing anyone at this hour so I'm posting away.

I have another questions and I want to ask it before it slips into the "I had a question but can't remember it" realm.

If you've been following this thread, you know that I have a 25 day-old Brooklyn Sunrise auto lurking about. It stretched up a bit more than I like early but is otherwise looking on point. It's in a 1 gallon pot containing FFOF and a bit of coco and is being fed Mega Crop.

Thing is, I went to my local hydro store today and scored their last bag(!) of HP Promix. I've been wanting to try it because so many of you seem to like it and it's in a cool-looking bag with those big high-tech words "biofungicide mycorrhizae" stamped on the front. I haven't researched what that stuff is yet, but it sounds like something I'd wouldn't mind having in my toothpaste.:Rasta:

Long story short, I want to take the unusual (for me) step of up-potting an auto. I have never done this, except with seedlings going from solo cups to pots -- but not with an auto this far along. And I've definitely never done it when it involved switching mediums in the process.

Anyone have any thoughts on whether this is a risky move? I am not fond of risks, so if need be I'll hold off on using the HP Promix until I have something new going.

This grow has been crazy enough without me adding another layer of crazy to it. :laughtwo:

Any thoughts, anyone?
Hello growers.

I've really been pondering about why this auto grow is so, so odd compared to my prior grows.

This evening a light bulb went off in my head! Not one of those fancy, new, really bright bulbs, more like a circa 1960s, regular old 25 watt light bulb.

To start this grow I was in a new tent. At 4 feet tall, its about three feet shorter than my first tent.

I had a new light, a QB setup, the likes of which I've never used. It can even be dimmed, a feature I've never had before (and that I did not use).

Even my most recently purchased light -- the one I use in my flower tent but have used to use for everything -- is a LED, COB combo. The LEDs have been used for germ/veg while both together have been used for flower.

And the dim 40 watt thought! I have always used LED blurples only for germinating and flowering my seedling!

This time I used the QB light for every phase of growth, and at full power!

That, in a nutshell, is what I believe at least contributed to the wack-a-doodle shenanigans I've been witnessing.

What do you all think? :Rasta:
Are you thinking the QBs were to intense for the ladies? How far away did you have the QBs from the plants? When you say QBs are they Hlg, budget led or a different brand. I've used my hlg lights from start to finish without issue, I've learned with my limited auto experience that you want to hit them hard and fast with light to get them to grow as fast as possible. It could be possible that the plants are just genetically messed up you never know what you'll get when popping beans and I've seen with autos they are more likely to be a bit messed up compared to photos.
Hello again, growers. I'm sure I'm not disturbing anyone at this hour so I'm posting away.

I have another questions and I want to ask it before it slips into the "I had a question but can't remember it" realm.

If you've been following this thread, you know that I have a 25 day-old Brooklyn Sunrise auto lurking about. It stretched up a bit more than I like early but is otherwise looking on point. It's in a 1 gallon pot containing FFOF and a bit of coco and is being fed Mega Crop.

Thing is, I went to my local hydro store today and scored their last bag(!) of HP Promix. I've been wanting to try it because so many of you seem to like it and it's in a cool-looking bag with those big high-tech words "biofungicide mycorrhizae" stamped on the front. I haven't researched what that stuff is yet, but it sounds like something I'd wouldn't mind having in my toothpaste.:Rasta:

Long story short, I want to take the unusual (for me) step of up-potting an auto. I have never done this, except with seedlings going from solo cups to pots -- but not with an auto this far along. And I've definitely never done it when it involved switching mediums in the process.

Anyone have any thoughts on whether this is a risky move? I am not fond of risks, so if need be I'll hold off on using the HP Promix until I have something new going.

This grow has been crazy enough without me adding another layer of crazy to it. :laughtwo:

Any thoughts, anyone?
I feel I'm the wrong guy to give you auto advice lol. I say do it for science! If it's not flowering it should be ok.
Are you thinking the QBs were to intense for the ladies? How far away did you have the QBs from the plants? When you say QBs are they Hlg, budget led or a different brand. I've used my hlg lights from start to finish without issue, I've learned with my limited auto experience that you want to hit them hard and fast with light to get them to grow as fast as possible. It could be possible that the plants are just genetically messed up you never know what you'll get when popping beans and I've seen with autos they are more likely to be a bit messed up compared to photos.

I feel I'm the wrong guy to give you auto advice lol. I say do it for science! If it's not flowering it should be ok.
I've read on other posts that care must be taken when moving plants from blurples to bright white lights. I threw caution to the wind and just switched mine over once the new tent was ready. My QB is a Mars Hydro TS 1000. I don't know it this created an issue, but the thought has crossed my mind because other than genetics, I'm lost for explanations.
, I want to take the unusual (for me) step of up-potting an auto.
Anyone have any thoughts on whether this is a risky move?
I don't think it's risky, as long as you're careful (true with photos as well)
I initially thought my Gelat.og auto was a runt,so I went from solo cup to 1gal pot....then the thing started to grow like a weed, so after about a week in the one gallon, I up-potted it to it the 3 gal pot that I usually use.
Didn't phase it a bit.
I was careful not to mess with the roots at all- just slipped it out of the 1 gal,and dropped it into the 3 gal,
then watered and fed to runoff, then left it tf alone for a week or so.
The only thing it did was to start growing faster almost immediately.
If you're careful transplanting, it doesn't shock the plant at all-
I also water with 80f water when I transplant- I don't know if that helps anything,but
it's just something I do...
Here's the Gelat.og auto this morning, 35 days old (20 days post transplant)
I don't think it's risky, as long as you're careful (true with photos as well)
I initially thought my Gelat.og auto was a runt,so I went from solo cup to 1gal pot....then the thing started to grow like a weed, so after about a week in the one gallon, I up-potted it to it the 3 gal pot that I usually use.
Didn't phase it a bit.
I was careful not to mess with the roots at all- just slipped it out of the 1 gal,and dropped it into the 3 gal,
then watered and fed to runoff, then left it tf alone for a week or so.
The only thing it did was to start growing faster almost immediately.
If you're careful transplanting, it doesn't shock the plant at all-
I also water with 80f water when I transplant- I don't know if that helps anything,but
it's just something I do...
Here's the Gelat.og auto this morning, 35 days old (20 days post transplant)
Thanks, Carcass! She's beautiful!

Your response is all the affirmation I need to move forward. (I'm easy :Rasta:). Currently, the BS dirt is bone dry so today is a good day to up-pot. I'm going for it!
Hello growers.

The deed is done. I up-potted the Brooklyn Sunrise from its 1 gal pot to a 3 gal and changed the medium from FFOF to Promix HP.

I even took her outside to do it. (I rarely take my plants out) because it was a beautiful, hot and sunny day here.
After up-potting, I gave her a good soak and let her sit out there for about an hour. She looks right at home! :Rasta:

Thanks for the nudge, Carcass!



Looks good,GDB!
Hello growers!

The Brooklyn Sunrise still looks happy after being up-potted yesterday at 25 days old. I've never tried that with an auto before. I usually start them where they will finish. Whew!

My Blue Dream'atic still has not thrown a single pistil at day 51. She's just not 'maticing! :Rasta: I'm getting an itchy trigger finger. I want to move her to the flower tent.

Here's a pic. As you can see, I've been doing all I can to get her to do the right thing, including a strict wet/dry cycle. This is the end-of-dry period before I watered her this morning. I'm trying to increase the search mode of the roots.


Trying to give her until day 60 before moving her. Now I'm starting to wonder, why wait?

Fully anticipating the new space that will soon be created by her absence in the auto tent, I dropped 3 more auto seeds today. Always hard for me to decide which ones to drop. There's really nothing new under the sun (please let me know if I'm wrong). Plus, I haven't grown most of the strains that I have, so almost everything is new to me. And, on top of all of that, it's a crap-shoot no matter what you pick! :Rasta:

Here are the newbies that I hope you get to see soon!


I always take a bit of mild sandpaper to my seeds before dropping them. This time, the Smoothie sunk to the bottom as soon as I dropped it and stayed there. I've never seen that before, though I'm sure many of you have. Usually, I have to prod and poke to get my seeds to stay down in the water. The insta-sink was a pleasant surprise. (Hey, I take what I can get!)

They will all be grown in 2 gallon pots. As seedlings, they will have to deal with the light at full power, which I think may have played a part in the sorta weirdness of the current crop. Damn! Why am I just thinking about that? Sorry, thinking while typing again.

Okay, I've messed my own head up! Time for a smoke break! :bongrip:

One planet, one people, one love.

I vote move that blue dream nightmare to the photo tent!!
Hooray for new seeds!!
I'm with you, DutchinAB! She's on day 53 and I see no good reason to wait until day 60 to move her.

I put her in the flower tent this morning and officially changed her name to Blue Dramatic. :Rasta:

I now have space in the auto tent for the three 2-gallon pots I'm using for my new seeds!

Caramel Cream, left rear. Genetic mutant, Californian Snow, right rear. Brooklyn Sunrise, front.

The CC is looking better by the day. But she is truly a "low-rider."


One planet, one people, one love.

Some exciting new strains coming up Gdb! I've seen the smoothie grown out here on 420 before it's another one that can go a nice purple color I think you'll really like that one. I'm like you I have never had a seed sink right away I usually have to let them soak for about 8 hrs then poke them a few times then they drop.
Hey, N420! The Blueberry won't push out a tap root, although I see her trying to.

The Smothie and Black Cream both sprouted and are now buried in Promix HP. I had little stickies on each pot to id the strains. But by the time I got them to the tent, both stickies had fallen off! Now I don't know which is which. :Rasta: Hopefully, later on the "Black" plant will be true to its name and become recognizable.:laughtwo:
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