GDB's Auto Array

Hello growers.

I got my new tent set up and the autos have been moved in! Everything is set with the exception of a 4-inch exhaust fan, which is on order and should be here in a few days.

My placement plan worked out fine. I took an old wardrobe that I had been planning to get rid of and turned it on its side. The tent was placed on top of the wardrobe and the its insides below are being used for storage of supplies and other junk. I still have some cleaning up to do, but its workable.

This old man is going to enjoy working with this set-up because I won't need to get on my knees or even bend over!


I may have to reconsider what size pots I use in this tent. Four 3-gallon pots in a 2x2 tent doesn't leave a lot of room for much else. I'm thinking 2-gallon pots will be a better fit and will leave me a little more room for new seedlings and clones.



Its a brave new world!

Later. :Rasta:

Hello Grand Daddy Black, I'm liking your tent. And, your plant are look good. Happy growing.:yummy::bong:
Got room for one more in here, GDB?
I dig autos, and yours are looking damn good!
Got room for one more in here, GDB?
I dig autos, and yours are looking damn good!
Come on in Carcass! Glad to have some company. :Rasta:
Hello again growers.

Just a quick update on the progress of a few of my plants.

The Star(slacker)dawg is 70 days old and still a runt, but she is trying to bulk up a bit. All of her pistils remain white some are at least staring to curl.



The Blue Dream'atic is fun to watch. I stretched her out a bit this morning. She got tall kinda' quick compared to her tent-mates and I think she's gonna' be a space hog.


The group.

Very nice, GDB. Shaping up to be some large yields for you!!

I’ve noticed the very tips of my leaves drooping much the same as yours, does anybody have any idea what causes this?
A simple thought, I think it relates to what time of the day you take the picture and the last time you fed them. Sometimes the plants are praying and sometimes they are not.
Lookin good Gdb! That Bluedreamtic growing like crazy should be a very nice yield off her!
Yeah, N420, I like her progress. She should be interesting! :Rasta:
Hello again growers.

Just a quick update on the progress of a few of my plants.

The Star(slacker)dawg is 70 days old and still a runt, but she is trying to bulk up a bit. All of her pistils remain white some are at least staring to curl.



The Blue Dream'atic is fun to watch. I stretched her out a bit this morning. She got tall kinda' quick compared to her tent-mates and I think she's gonna' be a space hog.


The group.


Looking good GDB.:thumb:
Hello growers. I haven't updated this thread for a minute so sorry if this entry is a little wordy!

Let me summarize what has happened since I last posted. The Caramel Cream and the Californian Snow both jumped into flower way early. Not sure of what day it was but it was fast. In addition, the CS turned out to be a genetic nightmare with odd-shaped leaves, twisting and curling every which way. They are both 47 days old and they are both runts.

On the other extreme, the Blue Dream'atic has been stretching like crazy and is showing no pistils at day 47.

The Brooklyn Sunrise is doing okay in her 1 gallon pot at day 23.

And lastly, the Stardawg (day 80) did eventually start to bulk up a bit, but she's still a runt.

What to make of these varied developments? Beats the shit out of me! I think is it just another auto grow and, as in the words of Forrest Gump, it's like "a box of chocolates.":Rasta:

The CS, CC and BD are on 4g of Mega Crop. The BS is getting 2g.

I won't toss a plant if it shows potential to produce even a single nice-sized bud. So all of these girls will be raised to adulthood.

On with the pics!

Brooklyn Sunrise

I had two of these but gave one to a friend. She stretched a little tall early but has just started developing her 5th node. I Chopped the 5th this morning and also took #1 and #2. I'm copying techniques I've seen other here perform just because this grow seems like a good time to experiment. Before and after:

P1030173.JPG P1030182.JPG

Caramel Cream

This is one of the first strains I ever grew (though in DWC). That plant was a monster, of incredible size, taste and potency! So naturally I had high hopes for running it again in soil. Well, the plant Gods said "bend over and spread 'em." She's no where near being a lost cause but she will be small, very small.


Californian Snow

Genetic Zombie. Look at those leaves! But...something is going on in the middle of this plant. It feels like its trying to make one large bud up the center of the plant. I can't see it so much as I can feel it!


Blue Dream'atic

This girl keeps going up but she ain't pushing nothing out. I'm not yet convinced that she's an auto.



She started slowly, real slowly. She eventually gained a little bulk, but no height. Smells inviting when you touch a bud and is loaded with milky trichs. I haven't seen a trace of amber yet.

She's getting close. I'm feeding her 6g of Mega Crop and 1g each of Bud Candy and Bud Explosion.


That's all for now.

One earth, one people, one love. :Rasta:

Those little girls might surprise you, once those buds start fattening up !
They look pretty good- that California Snow does have some odd stuff going on-I've never seen
that before- it'll be interesting to see how she ends up.
Good to see you update GDB, been wanting to see! You got a little bit of everything going on here, lol. That blue dreamatic is interesting to say the least! When will she pistil?! :popcorn: I have seen growers sometimes drop the light hours to get autos to initiate flower. Was that @carcass that had to do that? I forget :hmmmm: stoner memory + getting old. :laughtwo:
Good to see you update GDB, been wanting to see! You got a little bit of everything going on here, lol. That blue dreamatic is interesting to say the least! When will she pistil?! :popcorn: I have seen growers sometimes drop the light hours to get autos to initiate flower. Was that @carcass that had to do that? I forget :hmmmm: stoner memory + getting old. :laughtwo:
No joke, HH, a little bit of everything happening! While I am an big fan of normalcy, this has been interesting to watch. I'm not sure I'm learning anything about why these things happened, but if another grower experiences the same, I'll be able to weigh in. I can tell them I don't know why it's happening but it's happened to me before. :rofl:

Thanks for stopping by!
Was that @carcass that had to do that?
Yeah, that was me- I had to stick that Alaskan Purple in the broom closet 16 hours a day for about ten days before she grudgingly "turned the corner"
You got a little bit of everything going on over here Gdb! Stardawg looks like she is packing on the weight nicely! Wow the Bluedreamatic is really growing fast your not kidding she looks like a photo! Can't give you any advice as far as kicking her into flower as I'm popping my auto virginity lol.
Hello growers.

I took down the runt Stardawg today. In the end, she was beginning to eat herself and was drinking very little. She had all cloudy trichs. I searched and searched but could not find a single amber one. So I said to hell with amber this time! :Rasta:She's sticky and has a wonderful, sweet aroma. I got a measly 137 grams wet, and I am grateful for that much because I think it's going to be some high-quality, eyes wide open bud.

I don't grow for profit and I don't grow for volume (though I certainly have nothing against either :Rasta:). I grow for quality and for the joy of growing. I think I achieved quality and it was a joy to bring it about!




So one part of my auto tent circus has left on the train. It's on to the next town, now. What's left (all on day 49) is a Blue Dream'atic that I believe is a Blue Dream photo. A genetic mutant Californian Snow and a Caramel Cream (another runt that I expect quality smoke from). And there is a 25 day-old Brooklyn Sunrise that's probably just wondering about it's sorta weird tent-mates.

Time to drop some more auto seeds? Yes! Which strains, how many and what size pots are the questions I need to address. If I have to move the Blue Dream'atic into the flower tent, then my plans for my next photo grow will be smashed as I will have to wait it to finish before starting my next planned 4-plant photo grow. That means I'll probably want to leave some room in the auto tent to start some photo seedlings at some point down the road. But at what point would I start seedlings? Who knows. I'm going to give the Blue Dream'atic 11 more days to produce some pistils and if she does not, into the flower tent she goes. That means another 80+ days waiting for her to finish, while the current photos likely have about only about 50 days to go.

Sorry, I'm thinking while I'm writing. Helpful for me, probably TMI for you! :Rasta:

I'm leaning toward just starting 2 new seeds in 2 gallon pots. A Smothie from Fastbuds is definitely on tap, and the other will probably be another shot at the Seedsman Strawberry Cheesecake, my first run of which went off the rails.

Here's a pic of the Blue Dream'atic. The tent she's in is only 4 feet tall. The light is positioned as high as possible. She has 11 inches to go before she is touching the light and hasn't thrown a single pistil. Sheesh!


That's all for now.

One planet, one people, one love.

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