GDB Does Cosmic Lights & Other Photos

I took the advice of Shed, Chef and the Beez and tied down six branches of the Cosmic Lights. She is a lot more pliable that most of my previous plants. I think its due to the silica being added to the mix.

At day 45, I'm still letting her dry out between feeds. She takes about 2 liters of water every 4-5 days with 3.4g of Mega Crop. She has yet to be watered to run-off.

I'd let to get her to at least 60 days before I flip, but that will be a difficult wait for me.:Rasta:
Yeah, what Shed said!
Let the lowest ones get to the top and then lay them out while keeping the uppers flat. Then let everything get as wide as your light will cover in flower, then let them go up. Flip when you think you will be just about out of headroom at harvest.

Will do, Shed (if it can be done is 60 days or less)! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

A quick update on the Cosmic LIghts on her 48th day.

She has developed a nice canopy since being laid out and the lower branches have nearly caught the uppers. Today I watered her to runoff for the first time and upped her MC from 3.375 to 4. She took 3.6 liters. I also gave her a treatment of Plant Probiotics.

This is only the second time I've grown a photo. The first time I flipped at 51 days. I want to do better this time, so I will let this one go to at least day 52. :Rasta:


That's a great looking job forming that even canopy. That will help the plant be more productive.
That's a great looking job forming that even canopy. That will help the plant be more productive.
Thanks, Beez. And thank you for the tips that helped get me here. :Rasta:
Yeah you’re on a great route. Just keep er going outwards til your tents full then letter her go up an inch or two before you switch to 12/12.
Thanks, Chef. I will try to wait, but I don't know. :Rasta:
What Chef said! Unless you need to harvest by a specific date, don't count veg days. The plant will tell you when to flip.
Okay, Shed, you've got my attention. Exactly how will that message be communicated? What do I look for?
I was talking about what Chef was talking about and we were both talking about what I was talking about here. Chef just went with an "inch or two" to make sure you don't run out of headroom.
Got it, the height thing. Thanks! :Rasta:
Hello growers!

I've managed to let the Cosmic Lights veg for 53 days! Doing so has completed emptied my reservoir of will power, so I will be flipping her today.

I see at least 18 definite bud sites and a few more "maybes."


Then use your imagination GDB! Imagine it's harvest time and when everything is dried and trimmed up you're looking at the scale and thinking to yourself.....I should have listened to Shed and Chef.
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