GDB: A Sponsored Grow

They look great! Still not seeing the butt damage unless you're a lot wider than I'm not picturing...
They look great! Still not seeing the butt damage unless you're a lot wider than I'm not picturing...
You're on the wrong plant, Shed. I sat on the GDB in the left rear!

The outline below shows where growth would have been coming off of her had I not broken off 2 of the entire branches.
damage outline.jpg
Hello grow gang.

It's day 57 for the group and all is about the same. I really think these want to be flipped but I'm being bull-headed, waiting on the GeoFlora-fed CB to scoot upward a bit. And she's saying, "Wait all you want. I like it down here." There's also the issue of trying to get her to her next top feed on the 13th at least 5 days before flipping her. That would mean making all the others wait until the 18th to be flipped too.

For better or worse I'm going to go with my gut.

My 2x2 is now empty. So tomorrow or the next day I will flip the three other plants and move the GF-CB into the 2x2 until the 18th, 5 days after her next top feed. Then I'll move her back in with the others.

(BTW, @Mars Hydro the 2x2 also has one of your lights - the TS1000. I haven't forgotten that you're one of the reasons for this grow!)

GDB - back left, GOG - Back right, MC-CB front left.
Tent II 5-7-21.JPG

Looking great GDB! Can hardly even notice any butt damage now.

Makes me wonder if you never told us, if anyone would have noticed :laughtwo:

Can really see the differences in all of those strains now in the way they grow, and good color to boot. Keep up the fine work my friend!
Good morning growers and Happy Saturday!

I'm feeling vindicated today! It's day 56 for the group and the GeoFlora-fed @Weed Seeds Express C Banana has finally decided to stop hugging the soil. She has come up at least an inch since yesterday!

I had a feeling that given a bit more time she would move and she has. And so I get the pleasure of telling myself, "I told you so!" :Rasta:

GF-CB II 5-8-21 D56.JPG

I'll still be putting her into the 2x2 tent until the 18th to give her even more time to come up, but at least she has now shown a sign that she will.

The group with no flash: (GGDB back left, GOG back right, MC-CB front left.

Tent 5-8-21 D56.JPG

And using the flash:
Tent II 5-8-21 D56.JPG

That GF-CB is standing tall (on her 3 elevators). :laughtwo:

Looking great GDB! Can hardly even notice any butt damage now.

Makes me wonder if you never told us, if anyone would have noticed :laughtwo:

Can really see the differences in all of those strains now in the way they grow, and good color to boot. Keep up the fine work my friend!
Thanks, Dick. All of my grows (journals) are done in the spirit of full disclosure. So I'm obligated to report when I sit on one of my plants. :laughtwo:

Still, I like that you like what you're seeing now.

I'm definitely liking what I am seeing in your room! :Rasta:
Still, I like that you like what you're seeing now.

I'm definitely liking what I am seeing in your room!
Well, if I must say.. from what I'm seeing here, I need to go sit on a couple plants. I'll report back later :laughtwo:
Well, if I must say.. from what I'm seeing here, I need to go sit on a couple plants. I'll report back later :laughtwo:
Tell me how much you weigh and I'll give you the proper angle of descent! :rofl:
:rofl: But wouldn't butt width and density factor into this physics class? :nerd-with-glasses:
You are absolutely right! I'm basing my calculations on my dimensions only. I'd better butt out of this. :laughtwo:
I had the hilarious image of stoners all over the world squatting on their plants like a hen on her eggs. Puffing away, nothing to see here. :rofl:

Those plants are awesome too.
I thought that's what we were supposed to do with the seeds in the beginning, then I learned I was doing it in the wrong order according to GDB here. :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Not much to report on these days. I'm mostly just waiting on flip day. The Mega Crop plants are getting 4.5g per gallon.

The GF-CB continues to gain height, bit by bit. I changed my mind about flipping the other 3 and putting her in the 2x2 tent for some additional growth time (There may still be mites in the 2x2). She's due her next top-feed on the 12th, which is 13 days since she got her last one. But I'm going to do that tomorrow, reducing the interval between feeds to 12 days. About 4-5 days after the top feed, I'll flip them all.

So here's a few action shots of the group:

GDB left rear - GOG right rear - MC-CB front left - GF-CB - front right.
Tent II 5-10-21 D58.JPG

Tent 5-10-21 D58.JPG

And a filtered pic for fun:
Tent Filtered 5-10-21 D58.JPG

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