GDB: A Sponsored Grow

GDB your lady’s are looking fine. Actually very nice. Keep them chill today I see you will have the sun out in your neighborhood. HOT.
I‘ve noticed that on your adaption to the CarcassSkewers you have some with the pointy ends up. Are those skewers used with 2 pointy ends? Also will you be applying for a registered patent on them to protect your interest. :rollit:
Have a great day
Thanks, Nev.

Yep, we're in for a hot one today, the first of many I'm guessing.

The CarcassSkewers with the pointy ends up are a result of a glitch in the manufacturing process. ;) And, no, I won't be applying for a patent as I think mine might be a bit too similar to the original. :laughtwo:

Thanks for stopping by.
As long as neither Chiquita Banana is showing deficiencies I think you can chalk the growth difference up to the fact that they're two different plants.

Need and crave!
Hi GDB. Plants are looking lovely over here. Im curious what the bungee cords on either side of the tent are for? I’m nosy... :laughtwo:
Thanks Boo.

When I used to use Scrog nets I had them attached to the bungees. Made it easier for me to adjust the height of the nets by repositioning the bungees up and down.

I don't use nets anymore, the bungees are just there now to stir the curiosity of nosy folks! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

It's day 46 for the group and I'm getting an itchy trigger finger. :Rasta:

I'm going to flip these within the next 7 days. I'm not concerned about how big they get and I'm trying to free up as much time as possible for golf in late summer and early fall.

So today I went at them again! More bending and moving some of my copy-cat CarcassSkewers further out to extend the horizontal growth of a few main branches. Nothing really drastic, but it will open them up slight a bit more.

Tent Apr 28.JPG

Hello growers.

Just a quick pic today of the group after yesterday's little training session. I think they're set up okay for their trip to Flip City.

The GeoFlora-fed CB (front right) is due for her second top dressing of Veg today. Her color is now a little closer to the color of the MC plants but she is still a slightly darker green than they are.
Tent II Apr 29.JPG

Tent Apr 29.JPG

Hello growers.

The GF-CB was given her second top-feed of Veg today. It was a little more difficult than I anticipated.

The problem is that the plant is so squat that she's almost blocking clear access to the soil. Hell, I can't even see most of the soil. So I had to make openings by spreading leaves just to pour on the granules. Then, getting them evenly layered across the soil was mostly a blind, "by feel" exercise.

It was a minor obstacle but one I had not thought of.


getting them evenly layered across the soil was mostly a blind, "by feel" exercise.
I feel ya brother. I do the same. I start with a dental tool and go from the underside and scratch up the soil then do my best to get all the GF off the leaves after dropping then scratch the soil again and water with a 12oz condiment bottle. Now I’m happy it’s only an every other week process. :rollit:
The problem is that the plant is so squat that she's almost blocking clear access to the soil.
I use a long spoon to get the GF in under the foliage/ branches- I add an extra spoonful when I first measure it out, because I know I'm going to spill at least that much on the table...
Then when I water it in, I get to listen to Mrs.C. gripe about the smell until the topsoil dries out a little...
" No, dear, they don't make it out of dead fish"...or do they? :oops:
Now I’m happy it’s only an every other week process.
IKR! And in my case at least, I have to water them sooooo slowly.
I add an extra spoonful when I first measure it out, because I know I'm going to spill at least that much on the table...
Good quality control measure, @Carcass! :laughtwo:
I think GDB already has the trademark on a similar product.
I'll check, Shed. But if don't I'll bet I know who does! :straightface:
I think I need to restrategize, less holes maybe. 1/16" drill bit worked wonders though :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello growers.

There's nothing much to talk about. This is day 49 for the youngsters and they're chugging along. The GeoFlora-fed, @Weed Seeds Express C Banana (front right in the pics) remains a shorty. She looks healthy but lags so far behind the others in height that I had to give her another elevator.

I had said that I was about to flip these but I'm not. I want to let the GF-CB a little more time to catch hold and rise a bit, because I think she will.

Back left - Grand Daddy Black.
Back right - @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG.
Front left - @Weed Seeds Express C Banana
Tent 5-1-21 day 49.JPG

Tent II 5-1-21 day 49.JPG

As always, I'm looking forward.

Thanks for looking in and Peace.
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