Gavita 1000e Series - A Doc Bud Journal/Review

Ya....your right . Without the room , they don't make sense. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Paki will look like under the Gavita's. Cheers Doc.
Heat is not an ussue, I'm running 1050 in 4x4 with out AC. It can be done.


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How far above your plants do you have your light. It looks a little far but it could just be the pix. Beautiful ladies, plants are frosted nicely and look very healthy.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Hi Doc,

Wow is all I have to say looking at your plants under all the lights you've reviewed look so tasty. Hi-Brix for the win!

I have a question, Is the gavita an easier grow than the AdvancedLED or the G8? Every plant you grow is the best plant you've grown haha.
I was wondering this because you seemed to have an easy time with the G8, but the P1200 just oozed resin. What was your overall favorite LED?

I can't wait to see the nuggets you'll pull from this.:goodjob::love:
That's hard because your plants always look great! When I see those buds I want to reach into the computer and grab them.

I just harvested my best crop EVER of Lemon Paki under the Advanced lights. The next crop of Paki will be under these Gavitas and I'll run some Colombian under the Advanced I think.

Not a competition at all. Both lights represent the upper, upper end of the respective technology. Both grow amazing buds but the Gavita's are way more powerful and the plants are healthier in general, although I'm actually having a few mites. Not a big deal, no damage yet. They went to little webby tents on the distal petioles and leaves on the fans overnight, which means they're not liking the food and wish to fly off to another host. Thankfully, they made all those webs, cuz I wouldn't have been able to tell I had mites otherwise. I mean, I always have mites, but mostly I can ignore them as they don't do any damage, just a web or two now and then.

But these guys weren't just on one or two fans....more like 60% of them. It's unusual, but my helper did bring some nasty ass mites from some clones he got at the last cup event. One of the damn clones was male too. Anyways....

I sprayed them down with .5oz DeStress, .25oz WayAhead10x in 1.5 quarts of water. I pumped up the sprayer as much as it would take, held the leaves in my hand and blasted the bastards off with a strong, fine spray. Did the whole plant like that, stems and all.

I'll hit them with Brix in 3 days, about 1/3 strength, and do the same thing. Feed the plant, fend off the mites. I doubt they'll be a problem after that, but I'll keep ya'll posted.
Hi Doc,

Wow is all I have to say looking at your plants under all the lights you've reviewed look so tasty. Hi-Brix for the win!

I have a question, Is the gavita an easier grow than the AdvancedLED or the G8? Every plant you grow is the best plant you've grown haha.
I was wondering this because you seemed to have an easy time with the G8, but the P1200 just oozed resin. What was your overall favorite LED?

I can't wait to see the nuggets you'll pull from this.:goodjob::love:

The best LED's I've use to date are these Advanced 650's. I must also mention that I've not had the opportunity to use other brands of LED featuring the same types of diodes and wattage. I'm not a sponsored grower either. I just review them all call it like I see it.

But this thread is all about the Gavita 1000e! And yes, barring other factors, it outperforms the LED's.

The way I see it right now, in order the top 3 grow lights are:

HPS digital 1000 watts. 3rd
Latest tech LED 2nd
Double ended HPS like Gavita. Winner!
Yep, DE 5700 btu, 1k HPS 3750 btu. I love my 1k Eye, but lots of work to keep cool with out AC.


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