Gator's Cage

Re: Gators' Cage

Great idea for the drainage! I'm working on something similar for my setup...except mine involves a huuge funnel. Ha.
Re: Gators' Cage

mine involves a huuge funnel
lol, it's the problem with WTW: you gotta do something.
Maybe not full plumb like recirc systems, but something.

GWS random colas @60 days of 12s. End come soon :yahoo:




And the new batch, stretching and filling in
Re: Gators' Cage

Hey guys real noooob question..Is a T5 just a plain flourecent light fixture? Sorry but i just wanted to understand what everyone was talking about when they say T5. Thanks everyone Happy Growing.
Re: Gators' Cage

Hey guys real noooob question..Is a T5 just a plain flourecent light fixture? Sorry but i just wanted to understand what everyone was talking about when they say T5. Thanks everyone Happy Growing.

t5 is the bulb size. they also come in t8 and t12. t5's currently come on 24" and 46" bulbs for what we do the t5 give the best lumens and least heat. google "t5 ho" (high output) you'll see more of an explination I'm sure:tokin:
Re: Gators' Cage

Nice fat colas.
Yes thankyou Mr Sun, but my fun was nearly done:
A Borg attack on the popcorn rack put shivers on my buns
Top buds are all OK, and on a rack to dry, but...
If I'd have shined on one more day, they might have made me cry

I'm sure that they couldn't colonize where the sticky, thick trichs were.
I saw a few immobile mites who got stoned, and forgot to move ;)
I now have a bigger, stronger batch of canna-canola than I'd planned.
Boiled in oil. Tasty. Crash my party?

The other box got well sprayed with SNS 217. It's WAR!
Re: Gators' Cage

Yes thankyou Mr Sun, but my fun was nearly done:
A Borg attack on the popcorn rack put shivers on my buns
Top buds are all OK, and on a rack to dry, but...
If I'd have shined on one more day, they might have made me cry

I'm sure that they couldn't colonize where the sticky, thick trichs were.
I saw a few immobile mites who got stoned, and forgot to move
I now have a bigger, stronger batch of canna-canola than I'd planned.
Boiled in oil. Tasty. Crash my party?

The other box got well sprayed with SNS 217. It's WAR!
God no............ GATOR! kill them all! and their eggs!:goodluck:
Re: Gators' Cage

So I looked, and Irishboy says the Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strip does the job. HoDePo

they worked great for me, i had a real bad mite problem i used one of those no pest stripes and never seen them again :wood: but to let you know ive also heard others say they didnt work for them, its about a 50/50 thing i guess? i guess different mites get use to certain things and it dosent hurt them anymore. but yes home depot for under $7.00 its your safest bet. i spends tons and tons of money trying to get rid of those evil fu*kers and at the end a little no pest stripe for under $7 did the job.

they work best with the vent fan turned off if possible for you? i also like to have a fan blowing the fumes on the plants.

the thing with mites is one thing will work for someone and not the other person, all mites are different if different areas and can handle different chems and stuff. just hope the best stripe works for you brother, leave the vent fans off and in a few days they should be gone.
Re: Gators' Cage

It's night-time now, the Zerg find death
Silent fumes working, to stifle the breath
From overlord dark ones, lay them to rest
And their zergling cousins too get my best

Gas them all, let God sort them out
Caged salad bar is closed, for this rout
Everything mobile is marked for the grave
Gator will show them how to behave

Hasta la vista Baby, bye-bye
Nailing this note to your door: You die
If not dead soon, the Protoss arrive
And sterilize planet with fire. Oh, my!
Re: Gators' Cage

No more Goody, for busted Visa card holding, sap sucking Borg.

Yeah baby, would you like some more? Whassat you say, I can't hear you!
Not steppin sassy now, are you? You're dust

borg scoping for an easy mark
when they invaded Gator park
no GPS, wrong turn
Gator's on 'em, now they burn
I burned the Magna Carta.

Trespassers will be gassed!
i leave my no pest stripes 24/0 until a few weeks before harvest. every time i grow thats the first thing i buy. i had mites real bad tons of webbing in my buds, now that when u know you have them bad. i spent hours and hours reading different thing bought all kinds of shit spent tons of money to save my crop, nothing worked. so i fanaily bought a no pest strip and never seen them again. i know you want to use the strip when the vent fan is off thats when its the most effective. everythig els i used seem to just piss them off, bombs, sprays soap/watter alch. all if it. i will never grow without a pest srip in my room, i love being mite free. by the way you will no when their gone one you dont see then on the underside of ur leaves, check every few days for if eggs hatch. if your still in veg flora mite will kill them and the eggs on contact. i wouldnt use it in flowering if you already have buds.
In one 12 hr night! Thankyou. :yahoo:
Re: Gators' Cage

I examined many infested lower leaves today, and saw nothing moving. The larva/pupae is indeed the destructive stage and all may not yet be dead, but they are doomed. I'm so happy.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is virtually indistinguishable from magic."
For 7 dollars!
Re: Gators' Cage

I examined many infested lower leaves today, and saw nothing moving. The larva/pupae is indeed the destructive stage and all may not yet be dead, but they are doomed. I'm so happy.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is virtually indistinguishable from magic."
For 7 dollars!

i am so glad you read my post about the no pest stripes! they saved my ass also. i will never grow without one! every grow i put a fresh one in the room. i had mites real bad they webbed up everything, i tried all kinda od costly things and nothing worked then i seen the no pest striped and said what the hell its only $7. used it and the mother fu%kers were dead on the spot. i hate mites with a passion!!

glade they worked for you! they keep it to keep the air from letting sucked out too fast from the vent fans for when its dark its best to leave all the vent fans off so u gas the fu%kers.
Re: Gators' Cage

Plants do not uptake the toxin from those strips, so no worries there.

People can, hence the warning to not use them in a room where you spend more than two hours a day, but I have one hanging in a room four times the size of the recommended space to treat, and it's still been 100% effective.

I don't think I would use one continuously if I was growing in the same room where I'm sleeping, but even in that situation, you could hang one inside the tent, cab, etc., for acute infestations, and then seal the strip back up for future use.

If you seal it back up good in the original bag, or some airtight container, it will remain effective for a very long time when you need it.

These things are a godsend, both for prevention and for acute warfare.
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