Let me make one thing clear, I want you to hijack my thread and I want you to give me tips, advice and suggestions. Yesterday I took a look at the bed I am going to prepare. We started to turn the soil, but it is still a bit too wet and it only got warm yesterday. It was 86 degrees here! Today I am going to dump compost on the bed and some granular cert. org. fert. I use Medina. Then I'll let the bed mellow under a bed of alfalfa hay.
I've been watching every video I can find on Youtube to learn to scrog. I'm not sure which would be better, the pulled string on the pvc method or the fencing held by a frame. I definitely plan to use this method. Then, I want to try super cropping. I think it's called that. You take your clone cuttings when the plant is flowering so when you root it, many, many branches develop, but scaffold branching. I also plan to lollypop, unless you tell me a reason why this should not be done.
Suffice to say, I accept and welcome all and any help, criticism, suggestions, posting on my journal photos, ideas, hopes, dreams, whatever! In other words, I am not a stuffed shirt and anything goes, baby! Teach me to grow medical marijuana so I can live out my years with a smile and function, because I have to tell you, the pain in my body is getting so out of control that discovering MMJ has been heaven sent for me.