Garden Of Eden

If you’re looking for specifically Ca ACT with EWC will have plenty of Ca

Couple other organic options, check out Kelzyme Element XX...this is water soluble and is around 30% Ca, get it in the micronized form vs granular if using it in water

Herculean Harvest is liquid bone meal, Calcium Phosphate so is 0-6-0 if you don’t mind the P

I have Herculean Harvest which is use over CalMag, just noticed I can probably get Kelzyme Element XX now too, so will probably pick some of that up just to have in hand :Namaste:
It’s not something I’d stress over, using CalMag isn’t going to have any sort of detrimental effect of your plants or micro herd, you don’t ever use enough of it to have that sort of impact

In organics though this is where planning ahead is very if you’re sticking with the same mix always, the only thing that’s really changing is your compost/humus portion of the mix

So this is where soil testing comes into play, if you have your soil tested prior to using it, then you should know ahead of time if you need to add any additional amendments prior to use....or if you’re using the same mix and continuously find you need to use CalMag then add in a Ca source to the soil prior to using it(depending on what you choose as a Ca source might have to add it to the soil a couple weeks or more before you use the soil)

I have a long ways to go that I found a great compost to use, once I get it integrated into my plan I’ll start getting my soil testing done for every batch a good 1-2 months prior to using that batch, so I’ll have plenty of time to determine if it needs to be amended with something :Namaste:
It’s not something I’d stress over, using CalMag isn’t going to have any sort of detrimental effect of your plants or micro herd, you don’t ever use enough of it to have that sort of impact

In organics though this is where planning ahead is very if you’re sticking with the same mix always, the only thing that’s really changing is your compost/humus portion of the mix

So this is where soil testing comes into play, if you have your soil tested prior to using it, then you should know ahead of time if you need to add any additional amendments prior to use....or if you’re using the same mix and continuously find you need to use CalMag then add in a Ca source to the soil prior to using it(depending on what you choose as a Ca source might have to add it to the soil a couple weeks or more before you use the soil)

I have a long ways to go that I found a great compost to use, once I get it integrated into my plan I’ll start getting my soil testing done for every batch a good 1-2 months prior to using that batch, so I’ll have plenty of time to determine if it needs to be amended with something :Namaste:
@ilikemsticky.....Vital Cal Mag & General Organics Cal Mag are both organic. Vital products are local for us & all are really good. Imo better to treat Ca & Mg needs independently rather than the usual combined CalMag but helpful to keep a bottle on hand. :Namaste:
thanks guys I've never got my soil tested i haven't been growing long enough to have the feel of everything i need to revaluate my soil a bit I'm not that far off i just need to get it dialed a little more,each grow i do gets a little better so if i can keep it going in that direction i should be good,thanks for the info!
@bobrown14 @brightlight hey boys! Don’t have pics, completely forgot to take some but maybe the description will help!

New leaves on Grape OG, edges are a purplish/maroonish and the green is a bit lighter in color...not majorly concerned yet was only a couple leaves so will be watching them...they’ll start getting RO water tomorrow also, will get pics when I get home tonight too

Other than that, got my intake semi hooked up today, figured precisely how I’ll seal around the lights as it’s coming together well now, only had it running a few min before I had to leave for work and brought it down 6 degrees, have it set so when temps rise above 78 it automatically turns on until it’s back down
sounds like your getting it dialed in good show gop, tomorrow my girls are getting straight r/o water nothing added the more i think about it i have 1/2 cup calcium carbonate and a 1/2 cup crab meal that should be enough calcium not to mention i did a foliar of calcium a couple weeks ago probably all i might need would be some epsom!
sounds like your getting it dialed in good show gop, tomorrow my girls are getting straight r/o water nothing added the more i think about it i have 1/2 cup calcium carbonate and a 1/2 cup crab meal that should be enough calcium not to mention i did a foliar of calcium a couple weeks ago probably all i might need would be some epsom!
If you mean in the soil itself, most of the rocks dusts you use will have some Ca, oyster shell flour is super rich in Ca, EWC also, they get coated with a Ca substance from the worm as it’s being pooped out :Namaste:
Straight RO not the best for plants & soil. Suggest always adding a small pinch or few drops of whatever to slightly charge the water. Ca foliar will clog stomata.....only Xtreme's Calcarb can be used to foliar Ca. :Namaste:

Would Ful-Power or coconut water added be good to charge it? Or maybe EM?
FP is acid, coconut water has yes. Think EM is ph neutral & minimal TDS so not so much.
Awesome info bright, thank you! I always add a bit of FP for some reason, it’s one thing my mind just tells me to add to everything lol :Namaste:
Seems logical lol....I seem to recall hearing it comes out around 6.5 or so, haven’t actually tested mine yet but will be doing so tomorrow(just to see)

I keep some hydrated kelp in the fridge, so maybe switch it up a bit each watering, some coco/aloe, FP or hydrated kelp...the more you know! :high-five:
I asked in the building a better soil thread but I’ll ask here as well...

Top of my soil has been drying out really fast, a combination of different variables, but I wanna use a mulch on top....have access to many different ones, just unsure which is ‘best’....have been leaning towards hemp because it’s PH neutral and resistant to extremes....but I don’t know it’s necessarily better than a pine mulch

Pretty much have options to most stuff, hemp, pine(shredded, composted or bark nuggets), cedar, hemlock, cocoa, various straws, rice hull etc.. my largest concern is water retention :Namaste:
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