GanjaGrandaddy Grows Great Ganja, Sometimes!

A few more from today to mull over. These girls insist on another week now with the wedding cake bursting out with so many new pistils along with a few others. They are mostly 8-9 week strains on paper so having burnt that lighting a joint , I am letting them do the talking !!!.
Always being mindful at this point of how they can react to high temp heatwave with similar "panic mode" responses and foxtailing , this does look more like a second burst which I often swear happens but I cant find written evidence for in the same . The FGS (Figgis aptly named by Donkey Dick) , is a different affair. She needs out now I think and has so e beautiful appeal to her now. No more new pistils and without using the loupe , she looks at her best to pull right now. Cant do a dark period for her in place as her roots are so in the mat so she will get another few days instead .

Be safe folks. Have fun. Catch you very soon.
Wow now that is so.many have been favourites as they went along but for my most memorable from a single strain has to be "super iced grapefruit ". Holy poop that girl ended with a whopping 10oz from being g scrogged . She was an emergency grow . I had a major crop failure due to electricity outage for 2 days ( wiring issue.) It allowed root rot to hit my return to NFT growing and the crop died In less than a week. I had the S.I.G as a mother plant as I did not use seeds as a rule but gave one a pop. I was growing her in a soil decorative planter and decided to at least get her to flower now . I had read about scrog and did a huge net to feed her through. I am sure I made errors along g the way but she ended up covering nearly 5 ft all round !!. Felt like a rescue of a bad situation but took an age
I have to say the last run with autos was enjoyable too. Seeing them go mad like they do was a brilliant education. Too long for lights on though at 18hrs whole grow but gave some beautiful results. thanks for the positive support budshark. Much appreciated. :yahoo: :thanks:
Great Story Ganjagrandaddy, Soil and a Decorative pot, scrogged to 5ft with a 10oz harvest in a pinch, no wonder you remember that one. Lol Thanks Did you Flower the Mother? Hope you took a cutting to bring her back to life for the next time she is needed. Lol Cheers
Great Story Ganjagrandaddy, Soil and a Decorative pot, scrogged to 5ft with a 10oz harvest in a pinch, no wonder you remember that one. Lol Thanks Did you Flower the Mother? Hope you took a cutting to bring her back to life for the next time she is needed. Lol Cheers
I panicked and just used there are some serious claims by breeders sellingnseeds and some even use the terms to imply massive plant genetics but as are ads. How we choose to grow them out makes the whole game a different one to the breeders conditions of growing. Not many of us have the perfect space and legality to not have to include stealth. I have to say that for sheer size potential alone , the manifold/flux method hands down . Super iced was done this way too but the main issue is time with the method. Growing out the appropriate limbs and constant recovery times can elongate a veg period . I now find for my limits , that a quad line ( v. Similar to flux without the recovery and less stressful. ) works well for me. Scrog doesn't work in a small space for me as well as being able to use a little more vertical space and more plants for variety. If I did a run of the same plant now. I would go with All LOS and a scrog but less plants as it spreads so much doing it . I need to be able to get behind my space for management too so would limit even that . Be well.
GanjaGrandaddy, I agree with you, i think the quad line is the way to go, I kind of did this last grow without topping the main, Just LST and fimming or soft topping just the tips of the new growth, it did not delay the growth much, manifold or mainlining as to many steps and delays, I will try topping the main on the girls after the 3rd or 4th node next grow in the tent. I am happy they legalized growing here in Canada, i can only imagine how crafty and sly you must be to be able to grow in any other type of environment. Cheers
A few more from today to mull over. These girls insist on another week now with the wedding cake bursting out with so many new pistils along with a few others. They are mostly 8-9 week strains on paper so having burnt that lighting a joint , I am letting them do the talking !!!.
Always being mindful at this point of how they can react to high temp heatwave with similar "panic mode" responses and foxtailing , this does look more like a second burst which I often swear happens but I cant find written evidence for in the same . The FGS (Figgis aptly named by Donkey Dick) , is a different affair. She needs out now I think and has so e beautiful appeal to her now. No more new pistils and without using the loupe , she looks at her best to pull right now. Cant do a dark period for her in place as her roots are so in the mat so she will get another few days instead .

Be safe folks. Have fun. Catch you very soon.
Looking good boss man! I'm experiencing a "second burst" right now with a few of my current strains. The Double D's just threw out a load of pistils at around week eight to nine when I thought that it was finishing up. The Hoe down is doing it as well but on a smaller scale. It seems to be a thing for some strains but I do wonder if changing environmental conditions can cause it to happen. It has just gotten warmer again as you well know and I wonder if that is effecting it. I might just lower the light wattage for the last week and see if I can get the temps back down to 23C or 24C as its now at 27C.
Hope you're well you old git :)
GanjaGrandaddy, Quick question, If I let one of my diesels grow right until she croaks, will she produce female seeds before she die's? Cheers
Not at all mate. They need to be put into hermie really with colloidal silver. They panic into seeding occasionally from my understanding but not an assured thing. You can take cuttings from a flowering plant if not too far along. They convert back to veg but make bushy big plants. Monstercropping is a term for it. I have done it a few times with success . No more than 3-4 weeks at a push though. They look ugly as shit while getting sorted out though. Another option is to leave some small larfy flowers on the stem whe harvesting and continuing to grow it back in an 18 hour veg cycle again. It is a practice that used to be popular years back and they are supposed to be better on the second cycle. Roots already established and feeding so mo time wasted doing that and the conversion takes a few weeks to hit normal veg again. Can keep a strain going well this way and it is a perfect renewal. Can take fresh cuttings once back in veg proper and use her for a mother plant. She will be absolutely covered in growing tips and bushy. Just a couple of options
Another option is to leave some small larfy flowers on the stem whe harvesting and continuing to grow it back in an 18 hour veg cycle again. It is a practice that used to be popular years back and they are supposed to be better on the second cycle. Roots already established and feeding so mo time wasted doing that and the conversion takes a few weeks to hit normal veg again. Can keep a strain going well this way and it is a perfect renewal. Can take fresh cuttings once back in veg proper and use her for a mother plant.
That is what I'm about to attempt next week. When you flower a cutting from a fully re-vegged plant will it grow as normal like the first time or will it monster-crop? I'd rather not have monsters. I like my plants just the way they are lol
GanjaGrandaddy, I agree with you, i think the quad line is the way to go, I kind of did this last grow without topping the main, Just LST and fimming or soft topping just the tips of the new growth, it did not delay the growth much, manifold or mainlining as to many steps and delays, I will try topping the main on the girls after the 3rd or 4th node next grow in the tent. I am happy they legalized growing here in Canada, i can only imagine how crafty and sly you must be to be able to grow in any other type of environment. Cheers
We get inventive here lol. Quads are great and I think InTheShed keeps his main top and bends it so low to allow the same 4 tips to join the fun . Gives a 5 way with no recovery and a huge 5th node I imagine. I like the idea and want to try it too. Not got any plans set for the next run yet as trying to figure out how to go forward. Still got a rewire to go through that will kill the loft flooring as they will be doing bedroom lighting circuits too. Annoying bastards. Been holding them off a while now so expect them to get more insistent on getting access. Been stopping me from building more solidly for a long while now. I am going back into tent again as I did create a box from insulation and cut my old tent up to create the front. Sadly it doesn't stop the smell escaping at all and even filtered away it smells like an Amsterdam coffee
Cheers buddy
Looking good boss man! I'm experiencing a "second burst" right now with a few of my current strains. The Double D's just threw out a load of pistils at around week eight to nine when I thought that it was finishing up. The Hoe down is doing it as well but on a smaller scale. It seems to be a thing for some strains but I do wonder if changing environmental conditions can cause it to happen. It has just gotten warmer again as you well know and I wonder if that is effecting it. I might just lower the light wattage for the last week and see if I can get the temps back down to 23C or 24C as its now at 27C.
Hope you're well you old git :)
Heehee always well mate. Comes with delusions of grandeur. Lol
The second burst is certainly ly so ething I have seen happen so many times now and have waited for it on strains that never did it . I know I let them go too far past their best too in their effects. I did wonder about the heatwave and how it can screw the buds up from last years experience. These do look more natural though and only on a few plants. Temps have hit 34°c on a few occasions but thankfully the exhale is still active at least. I did get it down each time I had it but hope fhety dont respond with shit un trichromed bursts of pistils. Have noticesmd a couple.of foztails trying on the monster but reckong that's a maturity panicked too.The Fruity gorilla is coming out tomorrow as she is so perfectly ready now along with the monster skittelz. They both smell so sickly zkittelz and similar too. Different bud structures though and not so much of the gorilla showing except node lengths. So damn sticky too. The fast flowering ones are going past their intended date by a week so far so not so fast flowering after all. Lol. Ths FFT#1 looks days away but the other 2 will go another week without a hitch I think. Only got till the 8th to get them all done. Probably be ok if still drying but am worried about the smell on the landing when they are in the dark pumping out terpenes. They only need an hour to do the gas checks too. Really pisses me
Hope your keeping them.happier now too mate. Hate seeing the struggles in your camp. Fingers crossed for the issue to be done with now.
That is what I'm about to attempt next week. When you flower a cutting from a fully re-vegged plant will it grow as normal like the first time or will it monster-crop? I'd rather not have monsters. I like my plants just the way they are lol
They grow ugly and that's the hardest still easily attainable as you see all the new growth emerge as a normal plant. The bushy seems more revegged clones doing it. By logic it should just be an extension of the original from her rootball and to the growth already present before she hits new tips to grow?. Fingers crossed mate. Will watch that with interest too.
Heehee always well mate. Comes with delusions of grandeur. Lol
The second burst is certainly ly so ething I have seen happen so many times now and have waited for it on strains that never did it . I know I let them go too far past their best too in their effects. I did wonder about the heatwave and how it can screw the buds up from last years experience. These do look more natural though and only on a few plants. Temps have hit 34°c on a few occasions but thankfully the exhale is still active at least. I did get it down each time I had it but hope fhety dont respond with shit un trichromed bursts of pistils. Have noticesmd a couple.of foztails trying on the monster but reckong that's a maturity panicked too.The Fruity gorilla is coming out tomorrow as she is so perfectly ready now along with the monster skittelz. They both smell so sickly zkittelz and similar too. Different bud structures though and not so much of the gorilla showing except node lengths. So damn sticky too. The fast flowering ones are going past their intended date by a week so far so not so fast flowering after all. Lol. Ths FFT#1 looks days away but the other 2 will go another week without a hitch I think. Only got till the 8th to get them all done. Probably be ok if still drying but am worried about the smell on the landing when they are in the dark pumping out terpenes. They only need an hour to do the gas checks too. Really pisses me
Hope your keeping them.happier now too mate. Hate seeing the struggles in your camp. Fingers crossed for the issue to be done with now.
I had a grow devastated by a heatwave just before I joined 420. I couldn't get the temps down as I had lights that ran too hot. 38C for a couple weeks and the buds became wispy and light. The trichs seemed to disappear as the buds were growing and the flavour was like street weed where I'm from lol. Each plant yielded less than an oz despite being good sizes. It was a piss poor performance overall.

I think the problems are now over. The buds in the flowering tent are frosty and I'm a little concerned about the coming week in regards to mould. Fingers crossed they make it.

What about putting your drying buds in a fridge or freezer while the work is being done? It might help with the smell a bit. I'm trying to think what I would do in a similar situation lol. How big is your garden?
They grow ugly and that's the hardest still easily attainable as you see all the new growth emerge as a normal plant. The bushy seems more revegged clones doing it. By logic it should just be an extension of the original from her rootball and to the growth already present before she hits new tips to grow?. Fingers crossed mate. Will watch that with interest too.
I guess I'll get to see for myself soon. I really like the Double D's as it has the rudest scent. Very chemmy stuff. I smell powerful if there is such a thing lol. The Crumbled Lime's are also going to get re-vegged as they are both stunning plants. One is short, fast and is finished already and the other is tall, frosty as Margret Thatcher and smells like heaven.
Not at all mate. They need to be put into hermie really with colloidal silver. They panic into seeding occasionally from my understanding but not an assured thing. You can take cuttings from a flowering plant if not too far along. They convert back to veg but make bushy big plants. Monstercropping is a term for it. I have done it a few times with success . No more than 3-4 weeks at a push though. They look ugly as shit while getting sorted out though. Another option is to leave some small larfy flowers on the stem whe harvesting and continuing to grow it back in an 18 hour veg cycle again. It is a practice that used to be popular years back and they are supposed to be better on the second cycle. Roots already established and feeding so mo time wasted doing that and the conversion takes a few weeks to hit normal veg again. Can keep a strain going well this way and it is a perfect renewal. Can take fresh cuttings once back in veg proper and use her for a mother plant. She will be absolutely covered in growing tips and bushy. Just a couple of options
Thanks Ganjagrandaddy, Great to know, many options there. How much light do I need to keep a mother, are we talking 100 watts or less.? Would I just cut off the buds, leave as much of the plant intact as possible. I like it, just keep her around for 5 or 6 grows. Lol
Would I just cut off the buds, leave as much of the plant intact as possible.
Hey Bud. When you reveg a plant after harvest it’s important not just to keep a few leaves, but to leave a few of the light, scraggly buds down low. This is where the new growth will come from. You can cut off everything above that.

Hope that helps. Don’t want to step on GGD’s answer. I can’t speak to the light intensity.
Thanks Ganjagrandaddy, Great to know, many options there. How much light do I need to keep a mother, are we talking 100 watts or less.? Would I just cut off the buds, leave as much of the plant intact as possible. I like it, just keep her around for 5 or 6 grows. Lol
as DD rightly puts it. the low down larfy buds that get through close to the stem are good too. i often get little bits clinging to stems low down and they get left to die off normally when harvested but if you leave them on , they will grow out in veg again too. It is rumoured to be a better harvest strength each time you put her back in too. not sure of the limits to how many times before she gives up though. It is useful to be able to get new clones if you dont want to lose the genetics.
I had a grow devastated by a heatwave just before I joined 420. I couldn't get the temps down as I had lights that ran too hot. 38C for a couple weeks and the buds became wispy and light. The trichs seemed to disappear as the buds were growing and the flavour was like street weed where I'm from lol. Each plant yielded less than an oz despite being good sizes. It was a piss poor performance overall.

I think the problems are now over. The buds in the flowering tent are frosty and I'm a little concerned about the coming week in regards to mould. Fingers crossed they make it.

What about putting your drying buds in a fridge or freezer while the work is being done? It might help with the smell a bit. I'm trying to think what I would do in a similar situation lol. How big is your garden?

I guess I'll get to see for myself soon. I really like the Double D's as it has the rudest scent. Very chemmy stuff. I smell powerful if there is such a thing lol. The Crumbled Lime's are also going to get re-vegged as they are both stunning plants. One is short, fast and is finished already and the other is tall, frosty as Margret Thatcher and smells like heaven.
love your turn of phrase outside garden has a shed so i could stick them in there till they sod off. they wont need to go in the loft as far as we can make out but that smell is distinctive so i should be at a point where they can be temp shifted the day before hopefully. Will be taking the mylar and tent front down too so it looks like a boxed out storage space fingers crossed. They should all be finished for drying at least by the 8th.

i had hoped insulating the room with the thermal lining would keep the heat out but the front let it down with being a tent front d.i.y. never imagined we would be in this zone chatting about too much heat in our summers yearly .lol dont need abroad anymore. up the global warming , cheap coastal
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