GanjaGrandaddy Grows Great Ganja, Sometimes!

Way to go G!

That looks A-FUCKING-MAZING! I’m so thrilled for you :love:

I can‘t get over how perfect those buds look! Your toenails on the other hand need a pedi ASAP! How do you expect to hang on to that young hot wife with talons like that?! The right leg movements and you could kill her in your sleep with those weapons! :laughtwo:

I see what you mean by size perspectives and grow rooms. How much smokable green will one plant give you?
Heehee I attach the talons as she sleeps to stop her slipping away in the night . It's my only weapon against her She is an ex trained dancer too so I have to watch for leaps towards exits , I get maximum traction from the get go with zero feet-slip!!.
On the plant weights , it is mainly down to how well they can access all their needs. Grown naturally they would have outgrown and needed lots of bends to avoid the lights but the squat nature and lst means they can get on with developing buds easier and not have the competition to constantly get ahead of for light. The figures quoted on seed ads are usually way out there with the fairies imho. Ideally we go for grams per watt of light used as a guide for the whole grow. This calculation is done at the end of my cycles to average the cost/profit to each run. I.e I use avg 850w of light from the plug socket and the light manufacturer states their lights avg is 1.5 GPW (gram per watt). Again this figure would be based on their perfect grow conditions ect so if we get less , it isn't a biggie . I tend to avg 3oz per plant with not too much work. This is made up from some that produce less and some that give more. The strains themselves play an important part in yield based mainly around the node spacing differences and bud densities so I try to aim for these if I get a choice. Some can hit the higher end at around 8-9 oz a plant but are rare and a constant hope each grow. I imagine the FGs girl will be approx 4-5 oz hopefully as she has some dense buds on her. The Monster Zkittelz has way more actual stems/buds but they are more spaced apart and far less dense. They will possibly avg similar yields. I have found my space tend to hit between 20-30oz ( 560-850g) nearly 1gpw . My last run of autos hit my of 41 oz (1162g-1.3 gpw) so I would love to get in range again this run. I think the yield on the GG#4, black ghost and c banana will be the hurdles to that though. GG#4 I dont mind at all about as her quality was the intention. One day I will work on a quick simple answer TraLa. Lol
Heehee I attach the talons as she sleeps to stop her slipping away in the night . It's my only weapon against her She is an ex trained dancer too so I have to watch for leaps towards exits , I get maximum traction from the get go with zero feet-slip!!.
On the plant weights , it is mainly down to how well they can access all their needs. Grown naturally they would have outgrown and needed lots of bends to avoid the lights but the squat nature and lst means they can get on with developing buds easier and not have the competition to constantly get ahead of for light. The figures quoted on seed ads are usually way out there with the fairies imho. Ideally we go for grams per watt of light used as a guide for the whole grow. This calculation is done at the end of my cycles to average the cost/profit to each run. I.e I use avg 850w of light from the plug socket and the light manufacturer states their lights avg is 1.5 GPW (gram per watt). Again this figure would be based on their perfect grow conditions ect so if we get less , it isn't a biggie . I tend to avg 3oz per plant with not too much work. This is made up from some that produce less and some that give more. The strains themselves play an important part in yield based mainly around the node spacing differences and bud densities so I try to aim for these if I get a choice. Some can hit the higher end at around 8-9 oz a plant but are rare and a constant hope each grow. I imagine the FGs girl will be approx 4-5 oz hopefully as she has some dense buds on her. The Monster Zkittelz has way more actual stems/buds but they are more spaced apart and far less dense. They will possibly avg similar yields. I have found my space tend to hit between 20-30oz ( 560-850g) nearly 1gpw . My last run of autos hit my of 41 oz (1162g-1.3 gpw) so I would love to get in range again this run. I think the yield on the GG#4, black ghost and c banana will be the hurdles to that though. GG#4 I dont mind at all about as her quality was the intention. One day I will work on a quick simple answer TraLa. Lol
I‘m super impressed on both counts!

You seem to have perfected growing. Have you ever had disasters?
Have you?

After my pokeydarktimeagate I’m interested to hear.

Have you ever broken, or nearly broken a grow?
We’ve all had our dramas, TraLa. You’re finding that out too. The trick is to keep singing. ;)

At the end of last winter my MIL came to stay.
My tent.
In the roof space.
Unattended for three weeks.

Now, MIL says to @Sugarleaf “why don’t you just grow some?” :rolleyes:

Interview with Isabelle Purple

Donkey Dick: Hello, Isabelle. Thank you for agreeing to do this.

Isabelle Purple: What?

DD: They said you..

IP: Mm?

DD: I thought you were ok with this?

IP: Three weeks!

DD: Look, we’ve been through this. You said you.. for the magazine? You’re not supposed to have short term memory issues.

IP: Don’t get cute, monkey! I remember three weeks all too well!

DD: I don’t know what you want me to say. I said sorry a million times already.

IP: It was cold.

DD: I know.

IP: No, it was cold!

DD: You said.

IP: I froze.

DD: ... Look, I. What else could I..

IP: I can’t get warm anymore.

DD: It’s 21 degrees in here.

IP: I can’t feel it. I don’t think I’ll ever be warm again.

DD: Well there, ok. Maybe... Maybe I have some good news for you.

IP: ‘m listening.

DD: Ok, well. Bits of you are going to be very warm.

IP: This sounds like a trick.

DD: No, honestly..

IP: What bits?

DD: Your pretty flowers, Isabelle.

IP: My..?

DD: Just the other day I kept a bouquet at 85*C for over ten hours.

IP: Oh wow that actually does sound really nice.

DD: That was after I’d kept it at 115*C for an hour and a half.

IP: You’re confusing me now.

DD: Small amounts of you will get to 420*F whatever that is in real numbers.

IP: Oh you’re not taking this seriously. You think this is funny!

DD: Honestly, Isabelle some of you is likely to burn, even.

IP: I should never have listened about this.

DD: I’m just happy you’re talking to me again.

IP: Not though.

DD: Only a week or two til your flowers will be coming on, love.

IP: ...

DD: The clones you gave us last week are still looking great..

IP: ...

DD: Isabelle?

DD: Isabelle?

I’m still running cuts of Isabelle.
L O L L I N G !

Its mainly funny coz it happened to you not me, omg I would have literally cried! That interview was gold!

Is there an OMG WHY DID I DO THAT? type thread in here where members share mishaps?

It’s still too soon for me to laugh at play time during sleeping time. I’m convinced I ruined them.
I‘m super impressed on both counts!

You seem to have perfected growing. Have you ever had disasters?
I wish i had kept my previous grows here in my signature . You would have seen all seven previous and all the disasters and bollocks ups. Flooded bedroom.s with 200L of water , holes in ceiling. Electrical failures , snapped limbs , emergency shutdowns , the list goes on TraLa. Lol I am a ruff arse and seem to get away with it a lot but have had bud rot , root rot , burnt plants ts , starved ones , over/under fed ones too. So ma y screw up BUT these plants are virtually indestructible unless we really try. I learn by mistakes a lot but the crew here are brilliant and often have tried and tested methods to add to our skills and knowledge. They fight back brilliantly when damaged.
Day 62: The Fgs and the Monster are hanging to dry bit tjebheat is awful at present and I think they will dry way quicker than I want. I left the leaves and everything on the monster Zkittelz to help keep the moisture going a little longer and dry slower hopefully. They will protect the buds as they curl up too. I used to do this with every grow and trim totally dry with no cuts at all u til then. It gives good results and can allow her to keep converting her stores for the oils as she dries out . The rest of the girls are struggling with ths 32 °c constant now. I turned a light off to help a little but the heat is so crazy outside too. I am putting them all I to dark to fight and will start harvesting them at 36hrs dark and over the following days. Some will get 48 hours this time so let's see how the oils are between them. I am getting a few foxtailing now so I think this is a good time to avoid ruining the end result . Heres the pics from about an hour ago.
Congratulations mate!
Those photos are beautiful!
A special pat on the back (excuse whatever that is on the hoof, please) for getting Figgis across the line! What a feeling that must be?! Talk about a home goal!
:bravo: So good to see.
I wish i had kept my previous grows here in my signature . You would have seen all seven previous and all the disasters and bollocks ups. Flooded bedroom.s with 200L of water , holes in ceiling. Electrical failures , snapped limbs , emergency shutdowns , the list goes on TraLa. Lol I am a ruff arse and seem to get away with it a lot but have had bud rot , root rot , burnt plants ts , starved ones , over/under fed ones too. So ma y screw up BUT these plants are virtually indestructible unless we really try. I learn by mistakes a lot but the crew here are brilliant and often have tried and tested methods to add to our skills and knowledge. They fight back brilliantly when damaged.
I really love hearing about your grows.

tbh I can’t imagine you producing anything but the magic I’ve seen in this thread, Omg the flooded bedroom. How did the Mrs cope with that? LOLLLING
Congratulations mate!
Those photos are beautiful!
A special pat on the back (excuse whatever that is on the hoof, please) for getting Figgis across the line! What a feeling that must be?! Talk about a home goal!
:bravo: So good to see.
Thanks DD. Stoked at her end result and now know what she buds like I can use the info to get the best from the remaining 5 seeds !!!!.lol I have been so lucky and won a Mars sp3000 on their give away thread and am stoked. Means I can now get a veg /mother tent so could clone the FGS when the time comes. I will be doing a competitive grow for the sp250 and the new sp3000 so it fits brilliantly into where I go next. I have a bag of mixed Gelato41 x with the Barneys crop so a good few certain winners in there too but no idea who is who with them so it will be pot luck when I grow them out. I am confident they are fem and genetically sound but no way of knowing their cross mother until grown out. I do have about 40 Hulklato still and now I have seen what they can do I need to work an 11 week flower grow out somehow. An all hulklato tent would be interesting grow but the variety has me trapped. Do love a change up as the stocks get I still have a few breeders seeds to go through of the FFT strains too along with the strains just ran. A lot of choice thankfully so I can do a 3x3 strain, side by side with Sp250 v Sp3000 v Tsl2000. Did think of using some of my own super soil too so I have 3 different mediums comparing this time as well. Will be quadlining to keep the canopy as even as I can as well . Hoping it will force all the different mediums to perform or show their inferiority!!!!. Lol.
Big plans and hopefully not screwed by council interference once they have done their checks. Still need to work a tent out that will be good to cut up to size as it's an awkward shape even for loft tents. I need some sealed, pressured air to control the input/output better now.
On another note , the FGS is dry !. Way to quickly for my liking and a little too dry but the heat here is unavoidable. They will be jarred up later to give them some chance to bring the deeper moisture up. I use boveda packs in my jars so they should help reconstitute any too dry patches too. 1st impressions are good , not smoked yet properly but no harsh taste so far. The Monster has also gotten very close to dry so I think she will get a jarring too. Smells nice and sweet and smoked nice too. Only 1/2 joint into a sampled fallen soldier, ( @TraLa These are buds that sadly "fall off " and often land in a place that dries them very quickly ( like the top of my light,next to the powerpack , just in the right spot !) and have to then be smoked before the harvest is quite ready . Some say it is "bro-science" but I see it often !)) , is proving to be effective !. The other ladies are now in the dark at "Zero dark Forty Eight" . I wonder how doing nothing else until they have completely dried in all the pots and trays for harvest ?????. I used to dry whole and complete before with roots shaken out of the coco pots. Never the right way up and in their original position undisturbed , in pitch black with air exchange. !!!! Weigh in here @DonkeyDick @Preston9mm @ProfessorFlora @MrSauga @Emilya @InTheShed anyone tried this way before ?.
Be safe and sane guys Congratulations DonkeyDick a well deserved MOTM.
I really love hearing about your grows.

tbh I can’t imagine you producing anything but the magic I’ve seen in this thread, Omg the flooded bedroom. How did the Mrs cope with that? LOLLLING
She was not a happy lady. Qe were eating Tea at the time it happened.
I had installed a waterbutt I the loft after fighting it up there through a tiny loft hatch. I put it on a bodged table and filled it with 200L of water. It was my solution to carrying buckets to change my shiny new dwc recirculating systems feeds. Enjoying my genius I left it to sit and get rid of the chlorine.
Sat at evening tea 6pm , we heard a huge crashing noise and looked at each other , we have a family next door who are noisy like us so we half grinned thinking "oops they have broke something next door again" and carried in eating. About a minute later we all watched the window turn into downpour of rain out of nowhere . It took a few seconds to sink in and then the lights went off !!!. Not only did it sink in , it sent water to show us the way. I knew it was the loft as I got into the hallway and saw the top floor ceiling slowly dripping water. Whe I got to the loft hatch and looked into our bedroom , the ceiling was bowing under the weight of the water and the light socket was slowly creating a waterfall onto out bed The plasterboard was dren hed and coming away from its fixings and I knew the ceiling was about to give way so i grabbed my screwdriver and punctured holes all the way along the seam of the board to drain it as quick as i could . The deluge of water o to our bed was horrendous. Mrs gg was holding my phone for the torch as we did it and we both just stood there , silent, watching our bed take all the water that had managed to cover the attic floor and only dumped some of it out of the roof eaves , hence the rain on the windows. It took hours to get as much out of the loft as possible as I still had the grow on in buckets!!. The table had collapsed under the 200L waters weight. There are pics in my journal from it here Barneys Farm Cup Winners Bonanza Starring Root Rapid 8 Pot RWDC
This grow was a disaster from beginning with so e seriously sick girls from being g held back and all sorts. Thanks to some members jumping in with sorting my res mix and issue with root zones , I did manage to wrestle a good result in the end but learnt a lot along the it also shows how they can bounce back from such a poor state. Thanks for the positive vibes TraLa. Always a pleasure , I think you would find @Heavenly Hybrid and @Virgin Ground great companions here too. They are so like you in humour .
She was not a happy lady. Qe were eating Tea at the time it happened.
I had installed a waterbutt I the loft after fighting it up there through a tiny loft hatch. I put it on a bodged table and filled it with 200L of water. It was my solution to carrying buckets to change my shiny new dwc recirculating systems feeds. Enjoying my genius I left it to sit and get rid of the chlorine.
Sat at evening tea 6pm , we heard a huge crashing noise and looked at each other , we have a family next door who are noisy like us so we half grinned thinking "oops they have broke something next door again" and carried in eating. About a minute later we all watched the window turn into downpour of rain out of nowhere . It took a few seconds to sink in and then the lights went off !!!. Not only did it sink in , it sent water to show us the way. I knew it was the loft as I got into the hallway and saw the top floor ceiling slowly dripping water. Whe I got to the loft hatch and looked into our bedroom , the ceiling was bowing under the weight of the water and the light socket was slowly creating a waterfall onto out bed The plasterboard was dren hed and coming away from its fixings and I knew the ceiling was about to give way so i grabbed my screwdriver and punctured holes all the way along the seam of the board to drain it as quick as i could . The deluge of water o to our bed was horrendous. Mrs gg was holding my phone for the torch as we did it and we both just stood there , silent, watching our bed take all the water that had managed to cover the attic floor and only dumped some of it out of the roof eaves , hence the rain on the windows. It took hours to get as much out of the loft as possible as I still had the grow on in buckets!!. The table had collapsed under the 200L waters weight. There are pics in my journal from it here Barneys Farm Cup Winners Bonanza Starring Root Rapid 8 Pot RWDC
This grow was a disaster from beginning with so e seriously sick girls from being g held back and all sorts. Thanks to some members jumping in with sorting my res mix and issue with root zones , I did manage to wrestle a good result in the end but learnt a lot along the it also shows how they can bounce back from such a poor state. Thanks for the positive vibes TraLa. Always a pleasure , I think you would find @Heavenly Hybrid and @Virgin Ground great companions here too. They are so like you in humour .

Best disaster story EVER!

I love the way you quickly morphed into Indiana Jones, stabbing the ceiling with your screwdriver, saving your raging damsel who was about to be drowned/suffocated in a water plaster ceiling mix.

Is a loft the same asan attic?
Dude! Congrats on the new light!
What a bonus :idea: that’s outstanding!
I have never tried the dark period before the chop.
I’m interested to try drought stress at the end of flower. There is some evidence this increases resin production.
That’s what we are here for.
And that’s what you have achieved!
Look at that haul :bong:
You’re going to need an oxygen tent when you’ve smoked all that! Good bit of planning on your part to be hunting already.
Super stoked to hear you’ll be running two gardens. This will let you pick through some of your home made beans and seperate the keepers. :high-five: Nice one.
You have some fire there.

The motm nomination came out of nowhere. You were right about sucking the lemon because of my silly username :laugh:

Love your work, bromes.

Best disaster story EVER!

I love the way you quickly morphed into Indiana Jones, stabbing the ceiling with your screwdriver, saving your raging damsel who was about to be drowned/suffocated in a water plaster ceiling mix.

Is a loft the same asan attic?
That's correct an "Anne Frank airbnb" Read her diary once. Boring as hell
"Day 32: got up , Germans downstairs, stayed in again.." 700 pages of this and not one picture or drawing !! Made up for it in the visitors book at the exhibition with my scathing review.

My heroics were sadly less romantic and more "fucking hell she will call an end to growing this time if I dont do something quick" heehee
the relief was quickly overtaken by the realisation that the mattress and quilt were now absorbing the water mixed with anything that had been trapped between the 80 year old loft and our sagging ceiling!!!. Did feel like a dragon slayer with my thrusting posi-drive though. Lol
Thankfully paying off the holiday at harvest soothed the beast. Have put my foot through since setting this one back up and had leaks from the over watering that find the waterway straight to our bed . I left the hole and did an invisible repair( just took this but you probably wont see where I patched it !)

I have at least learnt d.i.y to council standard now so if the growing stops......
Hope your all good. Will come see the girls.
Dude! Congrats on the new light!
What a bonus :idea: that’s outstanding!
I have never tried the dark period before the chop.
I’m interested to try drought stress at the end of flower. There is some evidence this increases resin production.
That’s what we are here for.
And that’s what you have achieved!
Look at that haul :bong:
You’re going to need an oxygen tent when you’ve smoked all that! Good bit of planning on your part to be hunting already.
Super stoked to hear you’ll be running two gardens. This will let you pick through some of your home made beans and seperate the keepers. :high-five: Nice one.
You have some fire there.

The motm nomination came out of nowhere. You were right about sucking the lemon because of my silly username :laugh:

Love your work, bromes.
Heehee. Mate , you are DonkeyDick here and so accepted as that. Seeing the name on comments and posts means something here now and the other associated ex-meaning has drifted into obscurity. We know what to expect and look forward to reading what you have put. Very well deserved and earned brother and, I have no discomfort at all watching your vote count fly and enjoy knowing how it must feel for you too. You are HOME here mate. We get you 100% and you are clearly a very good person and human being. Wear your new status with pride bud.

I am made up about the light too. Finding a direction to gonis always a help too. It can get very same, same over time, hence why I piss about so much with I know now that the Los can perform as well as most of the other mediums i have played with . I have only danced a little with most and found issues that another doesnt have and Visa versa. I love the Mc so feed wise i am set and solid on. My issue now is that i live the LOS and have a whole batch of my own version to increase the amount i am able to go to. Prof flora is using one in his now done similar with good results. Been cultivating and feeding it for nearly 2 years now. With some amendments from ecothrive and a little more potting compost added , It should be ideal to do a big organic bed and just keep it watered properly. The NFT has been a cinch , if not boring , but the LOS has now been out twice and not missed a beat at any point. Seeing the plants just thrive in a natural medium has a really nice feel to it and although i see stalwarts of the organic living soils converting to soil/megacrop , i am still on the fence to the best way to take this now. I do have a lot of interest in introducing Vulx too as when @Emilya added it , her review was excellent as was teddies ( moderator) i spoke to the rep a bit and it does sound good stuff to get in there with soil grows.
My plan is to use the same strains x 3 under each of the Mars lights I will have for a good comparison on their abilities. I do want a veg tent and will have a spare Tsl2000 for the task now. Just need the rewire work to get done before I dare set up a more permanent 2 tents. I do need a tent for the next run though too so a shopping list is needed . Happy days for us brother.
The FGs and Monster have thankfully not completely dried as I thought they had so are happily sat in the dark with their stable mates. I am so tempted to keep the dark going and make sure all the water/fluid has gone from the roots altogether. I did swear by the no cuts till finished method for a long time and only started wet trimming again recently through practicality and need for tidier trims from distributor!
Lol. it does deal with any harshness by allowing her to stay alive , upside down until she runs out of life completely. Read a few reports and stuff on drying whole that set me off initially but leaving in place to cling to life in their original position is a new thought so needs some quick reading and research as I go into 18th hour dark now. I think the NFT will dehydrate very quickly but the root matting is going to stay damp for a while as the soil pots will. Biggest concern is over ripening this way of going and a panic seeding maybe. ??
Off to read. Be healthy as you can be buddy . Positive vibes your way in abundance
DAY 64: Feel a little lost now I have to sit and wait again
I am happy with how the dry is going on the FGS and Monster Zkittelz. Both have a little bounce line them still but gmfgs is probably only hours away from too dry so jars are coming for her later. I took a side branch top to sample her properly and am pleased there is zero harshness at all to the pull but not a ton of flavour yet , so the cure is certainly going to sort that. I felt the effects slide in during teatime dinner and spent the time giggling at the kids eating like animals and the two year old trying to explain "she does like lasagne daddy yes" , learnt a thing or two about international sign language and physics of food clinging to forks !!. Still feeling contemplative as I fi ish off the remainder of this sample and I have to say I am impressed. Roll on a week or two in them jars.

Happy Days folks. Be safe and sane
Congrats on the light GG!....and the repair! All top notch stuff. Oh, and the weed. Can't forget the weed.
What where you on about earlier? Allowing the plant to die and dry up in the pot as a way of drying the flowers? If so then I've never heard of it but it sounds interesting and plausible. If not then you'll have to explain again lol.
I've just completed my harvest and am waiting for the first dry flower samples. I've been on some nice scissor hash.
You've got to come over and check out my salty pot exhibition lol. You'll love it
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