Fun, Friendly But Still Serious Outdoor Guerrilla Grow Show 2018

I may put down some Early Miss Autos today or tomorrow. Maybe buy some Hash Pĺant next week.
Do it! I wanna see that strain grown by someone who knows what they're doing. I fucked mine away... real all 5 that I germinated. LoL
HHHHEEEEYYYYY would you guys Keep It Down over here..... Damn I am trying to, well do nothing really I guess..... Green days all
Same to you Madd! :high-five:
Keep in mind those were only my opinions.

Some times it's better to toss a sick plant than to expend resources (TIME!) dealing with it. Can be a tough decision, though.
I tossed a couple over the last month or so. Just taking up space.
Do it! I wanna see that strain grown by someone who knows what they're doing. I fucked mine away... real all 5 that I germinated. LoL
Don't give me too much credit. a) You'll swell my head, and b) You might be disappointed.

You mean Early Miss auto or Hash Plant?
Don't give me too much credit. a) You'll swell my head, and b) You might be disappointed.

You mean Early Miss auto or Hash Plant?
Early Miss auto... mine was a bummer, bunch of runts... but I also didn't know shit when I grew them.
Hey we worry, it’s what we do!

I like the graphic in your .SIG. I was mildly surprised that it wasn't a link to The Vault's sponsored community Brooklyn Sunrise grow. But it still looks nice.

Someone once made me one of those .SIG banners that played "Crazy Bitch" whenever anyone hovered their mouse over it. IDK, he must have heard about my (then) girlfriend or something. And I was at a point in my life where I was easily amused, so...

LOL ya I need a ph meter, air pots and a hundred bucks worth of nutrients for my tomatoes. Doesn't sound suspicious at all!

First time I ventured into a hydroponics store (early '90s), I spent $700.01. Wait, I only had $700 with me (had sense enough to leave my gas money in the car), so the guy ate the penny. And gave me a free hat. And happily carried everything out to the station wagon that I'd borrowed for the ~135 mile (one-way) trip to my (then) "local" store. I borrowed the car because I thought I was being sneaky, lol. (I certainly do not claim to be wise now - but I was... much less so, then). I'd even brought a blanket to cover up the stuff, which more or less filled the entire back of the wagon.

Unfortunately, in my excitement, I must have left the blanket in the parking lot after we loaded my purchases into the car. I realized it within two minutes of driving off, thought about returning for it, figured that might be <COUGH>suspicious<COUGH> and, "Besides," I thought, "What could possibly go wrong?"

So there I was, minding my own business (lol), cruising down the highway at a respectful (and oh so dull!) 65 MPH. I entered a construction zone, thought about slowing down to the posted zone limit (I think it was 50 MPH), but figured it'd be smarter to keep up with traffic.

No worries...

And then... <BAM!> blew a tire, fishtailed a bit, nothing major, you know, just a little skid. Any 16-year old that's had ten minutes of fun in a parent's vehicle late one night in a parking lot can - and has - dealt with worse, right? My parents made me buy my first (second, third, fourth...) car, of course, but I certainly managed to give myself all kinds of practice at "slipping, sliding, and spinning." So I'm not unduly concerned.

<BAM!> again, WtF? Oh, whoops, sure am glad they don't fill those construction zone barrels up with concrete, lol. Ah, well, that will surely polish out of the rear side of the wagon, right? Still no worries...

So I get stopped, manage to find space for the car (plus about half an inch :rolleyes: ) at the side of the road amongst the construction mess, and get out to change the tire. No trunk, so it must be under the car like with a truck, right? Uh... No. It's under the rear floor. Which is under... $700 (and a penny) worth of hydroponics/etc. equipment. Hmm...

NO WAY was I going to manage to survive carrying all that crap to the back seat (besides, it wouldn't all fit) - I nearly got pasted just getting myself out of the driver's door, slamming it, and getting behind the car. So, well, you know...

There I was, trying to change a flat tire (with about 1/2" room) - with a big pile of boxes/etc., Hydrofarm this, General Hydroponics that, indoor growing whatever... piled behind the station wagon.

Cop stopped, with his lights on. Yelled out the window, "Everything all right?" (He could see what I was doing.) "Yessir." Glanced behind the car. "Been shopping, have you?" "<GULP> Yessir."

He then told me to be safe, to hurry up - and drove off. Think I shat kine that day, LOL.

I went in to the shoppers drug mart to get an oral syringe for measuring nutes , couldn't find any on the shelf and the name of them was escaping me, so I asked at the counter. Fairly certain he thought I was some whack job looking for a clean needle so I just said listen man I'm measuring hydroponics nutrients to grow cannabis. He promptly opened a cupboard and gave me two free oral syringes with a big smile! I was impressed!

Now that's funny! They obviously called it a "drug mart" for a reason. I've done that (well, the asking for the syringes part). I always made a point to make sure I asked for the ones WITHOUT needles, and stated that I had to give my infant some oral medicine and was instructed to stop by a drug store and get one. I don't usually volunteer information, but that always seemed to work. I always tried real hard to appear harassed and annoyed, like a person would when they've got a sick kid and had to run back to a store in order to deal with the issue.

These days, I'd probably just go in and tell them I want to buy a couple 5ml, five 10ml, and three 25ml syringes. I figure as long as I'm not actually robbing the place or trying to purchase a case of mini-thins, a box of lithium batteries, and a sack of lye, they won't bat an eye.

I'm still Paranoid Floyd, though - I'd go in disguise (beard goes from clean shaven to an extremely full beard in about ten days, hat, prison (or army, take your pick) style glasses, and a big fake mole right on the tip of my nose (has a hair, even) that'll be the only thing they look at - or remember - and I'm golden, ya?

I tossed a couple over the last month or so. Just taking up space.

Ever wonder how many lurkers in the audience read a comment like that and think, "F*ck, I wish I'd have been there," lol?

I've had people beg me for clones (got someone right now wishing I could manage to get something growing, along with a couple auto-flowering plants... and, hopefully, I will before it's too late in the year <TICK... TOCK> ) . Nonetheless, it always seems like when I decide to thin the herd, nobody (out of the very few people I'd be comfortable having such a conversation with) has any use for such things.
a) You'll swell my head, and b) You might be disappointed.


I'm sorry - but that would probably rank as the worst pick-up line, ever. But if you ever use it and get "a bite," jump right on that. . . .
LOL sounds like quite the adventure. No detective was he? One time me many years ago myself and a couple friends were driving home in a fairly bad snow storm. Had about an ounce on us and just finished smoking a huge joint when the mounties pulled out of a side road and followed us for about 30 seconds before pulling us over. Bad feeling haha.. He walked up, I rolled down the window and it was blowing and snowing so violently he must not have smelled it or cared lol. Asked if we had far to go and if we had a cell phone. No sir yes sir and he said ok just checking since I am turning off back to the station, drive safe. Couldn't believe our luck!
LOL ya I need a ph meter, air pots and a hundred bucks worth of nutrients for my tomatoes. Doesn't sound suspicious at all!
I went in to the shoppers drug mart to get an oral syringe for measuring nutes , couldn't find any on the shelf and the name of them was escaping me, so I asked at the counter. Fairly certain he thought I was some whack job looking for a clean needle so I just said listen man I'm measuring hydroponics nutrients to grow cannabis. He promptly opened a cupboard and gave me two free oral syringes with a big smile! I was impressed!
I never hide the fact that I grow. I'll tell a pharmacist that I'm buying the bottle of 99% isopropanol to boil down my weed leaves. If you tell them what you're doing you'll get set up precisely.
Early Miss auto... mine was a bummer, bunch of runts... but I also didn't know shit when I grew them.
I have two that sprouted a few days ago. I'll get a pic up tomorrow. Just waiting for definite good weather to put these out.

I'm sorry - but that would probably rank as the worst pick-up line, ever. But if you ever use it and get "a bite," jump right on that. . . .
I guess in retrospect it didn't come out right.
LOL sounds like quite the adventure. No detective was he?

Nah, just a regular uniformed LEO. Cops, I have learned, are just like people (because that's what they are). Some are wonderful people, others are real douche bags - and most are somewhere in between. I've been pretty lucky, I guess, over the years <KNOCKS FURIOUSLY ON WOOD>.

I've gotten in way more trouble over... excessive speed than over cannabis. It's funny, but you pass a cop on the highway going 120 in a 70 and it doesn't matter how fast you manage to stop, that cop is very likely to have his pistol out by the time he gets to your window (and sh!tty old beaters aren't known for having the best brakes...) . And you might get a ride before it's over with. If you're very, VERY lucky, well... you're still going to spend lots of money, end up with at least one ticket, enough points to turn a perfectly clean license into an "attend driving school just to end up with the maximum possible amount of points it's possible to have and still keep your license," get yelled at long enough to be really late for work, and go from non-entity to "known by most every local LEO," et cetera.

That one was worse than the time I chased a guy into his house (I had my reasons, trust me) and finished the beating. That was just a criminal tresspassing charge (guy knew my father, I was only just 18 and still renting a room at my parents' house... and he knew what my father would have done had I gone to court and all that, lol).

One time me many years ago myself and a couple friends were driving home in a fairly bad snow storm.

I used to LOVE driving in those!!!

Had about an ounce on us and just finished smoking a huge joint when the mounties pulled out of a side road and followed us for about 30 seconds before pulling us over. Bad feeling haha.. He walked up, I rolled down the window and it was blowing and snowing so violently he must not have smelled it or cared lol. Asked if we had far to go and if we had a cell phone. No sir yes sir and he said ok just checking since I am turning off back to the station, drive safe. Couldn't believe our luck!

Yeah, that's either a decent human being or a real lazy one. Before I married my ex-wife, I borrowed this old land-barge she owned (that she paid a whopping $25 for, if that paints a picture? ;) ). Went across a bridge - and a state line :rolleyes: - and broke down in the intersection. I was trying to push this 4,500 POS - with sagging tires - up a little slope out of the intersection (NOT happening, sorry) when a LEO pulled up and offered to help. I... I had two pounds of bud in the trunk that a buddy had dropped off the night before while I was at work, and I hadn't driven my own car (beater - but ran like a Singer sewing machine) for some reason or other. What can you do, lol?

I told him that it was my old lady's car, it was a junker, and she was literally about to take it to the scrap yard so there was absolutely no reason for him to take a chance of hurting his back pushing it, to get back in his car and use the big bull bar on the front of it to do the pushing.

There was a little clenching of buttocks when I recalled that the character she bought the thing off of left the plates on it for her because he knew she had a permanently suspended driver's license, no insurance, et cetera. But that one ended well.

I probably came closer to going to jail that Halloween night when I was 17, had a car full of idiots, and had dropped... something or other about an hour before. Clown in the back seat was launching fireballs out of some kind of firework or other. So (of course) I got pulled over. Now there I was, lol, trying not to laugh my @ss off while getting gnawed on by this cop (he looked like a cartoon :rofl: )... And while he's trying to read us the riot act, goofball is still holding the firework (or, IDK, knowing him, he might have lit another one). And these balls, man, these flaming balls were going all over the place. "Point that somewhere else!!!" I yelled. Still trying to look properly abashed instead of laughing until my cheeks hurt, you know. So I glance over at the cop car and these flaming balls are skating up the hood and ramping off the cop's windshield to land in the street somewhere behind it. At that point, I completely cracked up.

Then I got control of myself, more or less, and offered to take @sshole home and beat his arse. The cop that that was a smashing good idea - and let me go!

I used to listen to my scanner a lot. I've heard people get nailed for next to nothing... and a group of people sitting on a front porch, passing a joint back and forth with more bud on a tray (IDFK why, I guess stupidity is not exactly rare around here (have to include myself on that) get told off, their cannabis confiscated, and let go. I was walking down the street smoking a joint one day (see, stupid) and was forced to toss it into a storm drain. Beat a ticket, though.

Life. Ya pays yer money, ya takes yer chances.
I guess in retrospect it didn't come out right.

No, I suspect that any normal person wouldn't have twisted that around like I did. But, hey, these days I have to take my humor where I can find it (and rare enough it is, too).

I never hide the fact that I grow. I'll tell a pharmacist that I'm buying the bottle of 99% isopropanol to boil down my weed leaves. If you tell them what you're doing you'll get set up precisely.

Oh, man, oh, man, I miss having unrestricted access to a high-dollar lab. Why did my buddy have to go and quit his job at the sewer plant, lol? Hmm... I wonder if they're hiring?
Whassup? You know me, I come and go like a bad smell. How you doin', lol? I'm halfway human tonight, fever is down (below 100F, at least :rolleyes: ) and my toothache is bearable enough that I managed to eat today. Best day I've had in... Couple weeks? Hope you're good, too.
No, I suspect that any normal person wouldn't have twisted that around like I did. But, hey, these days I have to take my humor where I can find it (and rare enough it is, too).

I think twisting words is the norm on here, at least from my experience.

Oh, man, oh, man, I miss having unrestricted access to a high-dollar lab. Why did my buddy have to go and quit his job at the sewer plant, lol? Hmm... I wonder if they're hiring?

Yeah, I used to work at a marine science centre and we had those bottles of 95% ethanol, but that was many years before I was growing. I just get mine at the pharmacy section of the grocery store now; it's the only place I can find anything that pure, if you can believe that. Can't even find it at a regular drug store.
LOL ya I need a ph meter, air pots and a hundred bucks worth of nutrients for my tomatoes. Doesn't sound suspicious at all!
I went in to the shoppers drug mart to get an oral syringe for measuring nutes , couldn't find any on the shelf and the name of them was escaping me, so I asked at the counter. Fairly certain he thought I was some whack job looking for a clean needle so I just said listen man I'm measuring hydroponics nutrients to grow cannabis. He promptly opened a cupboard and gave me two free oral syringes with a big smile! I was impressed!

Hahaha that’s what I’m saying! Ol dad trying to protect me but really same thing, coco, AN and airpots and all for my

I also use those syringes to mix my nutes! Luckily I’ve collected a bunch from my sick kid :D
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