Fudo Myoo's Organic, LED Homegrown Journal

Congratulations on the start of what looks like another terrific grow! If the inspector approves it's gotta be good. :)
Thanks Shed! I’m only growing 4 this time. It gives me more room to get the plants the way I want them before flip… and watch out for hermies. The more I think about it the more I’m thinking it was the bugs. They were a constant presence. Soil is getting treated on the 2nd full watering.
Good morning. Ok, maybe I was a little hard on em, the girls don’t seem unhappy. They were all facing towards the sun at lights out and are slowly waking up this morning. Now I just need them to grow some roots.
I set the lights at 350-390 umols. I’d rather see them use their energy for root growth. Temp is 78F with 67%H.
The soil was slightly moist with rain water so I watered them in at transplant sparingly. I’ll fill the sips with a 1/2 gallon to give the roots something to chase. I’ll wait for the soil to dry out and then start watering around the edges for the bags. It’ll be awhile before they get a good soaking.


They definitely did a little growing over the last couple of days. I gave them all a little water with cal-mag and a touch of Recharge to get things moving.




Frosted Gelato. This stuff is delicious.
We need to rewind a bit because I forgot and skipped over some stuff. The soil is as exact to Revs recipe as I could get it. I was short about a cup and a half of kelp so I used shrimp meal instead. The root balls I used had the perfect mix of coir, perlite etc… so I added very little extra. The soil acts like a sponge. I can squeeze it and it doesn’t really compress. It works nice in the sips.
I also built the pots differently. I skipped the manure, spikes and layers. The soil has plenty as is for veg and I’m never going to stop using Geo Bloom for flower because it’s easy magic, so there’s no point. Plus the manure breeds gnats and I’m really tired of that.
This morning I moved the wires out and down a little. They’re growing nicely albeit look a little sad. They perk up more in the afternoon so I’m not worried, it’s only been barely a week. I’ve trained plenty of plants this way on purpose but this is necessity. I was hoping to do less training to avoid stress but apparently I have to do this with clones. I’ve done some reading and this isn’t uncommon when buying clones. I’ve only ever cut my own so I’m not that experienced with them. I do like doing them this way as long as they don’t hermie. I’m convinced now it’s the bugs anyway. That’s the common denominator any time I’ve had a hermie. We’ll see.

Candy Gelato

Strawberry Cough

Sour Diesel

Have a good day. :)
I was short about a cup and a half of kelp so I used shrimp meal instead.
As long as you are aware of the differences between the two as one is not an equal substitute for the other. Kelp brings K and growth hormones as well as all of the micronutrients. Shrimp meal is more Ca and chitin which is the same stuff in the exoskeletons of bugs and tricks the plant into producing enzymes to fight off bugs so it's a bit of a bug deterrent which will help with your gnats.

I do like doing them this way as long as they don’t hermie. I’m convinced now it’s the bugs anyway. That’s the common denominator any time I’ve had a hermie. We’ll see.
Hermies can be caused by stress which bugs bring for sure, but it can also be in the plants' genes which is by far the more common source.

Plants look good so you're off to a good start! :thumb:
I’m convinced now it’s the bugs anyway. That’s the common denominator any time I’ve had a hermie.
The Sour G variety is a cross between a Gorilla Bomb and a Sour Diesel that hermied as a result of what was believed to be mite stress. A lot of those plants have been grown since then and none of them have hermied, and some have been bent and twisted and supercropped like crazy!
As long as you are aware of the differences between the two as one is not an equal substitute for the other. Kelp brings K and growth hormones as well as all of the micronutrients. Shrimp meal is more Ca and chitin which is the same stuff in the exoskeletons of bugs and tricks the plant into producing enzymes to fight off bugs so it's a bit of a bug deterrent which will help with your gnats.

Hermies can be caused by stress which bugs bring for sure, but it can also be in the plants' genes which is by far the more common source.

Plants look good so you're off to a good start! :thumb:
Thanks for the info. Yeah didn’t think much about it, just saw that it had N and said what the heck. I’ve since ordered some more kelp so I can top dress it mixed with EWC, they like that.
The Sour G variety is a cross between a Gorilla Bomb and a Sour Diesel that hermied as a result of what was believed to be mite stress. A lot of those plants have been grown since then and none of them have hermied, and some have been bent and twisted and supercropped like crazy!
Awesome, I sure hope so because that’s exactly what I’m doing lol.
I was gone over the weekend and came back to a nice growth spurt. Watered with cal-mag and tied them down. All but the Sour Diesel look a bit hungry, not sure what’s up with that. They’re shaping up nicely into little bushes.


Sour Diesel

Candy Gelato

Strawberry Cough

Have a good day.:)
Good morning. They’re growing at a pretty good clip but a tad deficient. This batch looks better than the last at this size and those looked great before flip so I’m not too concerned. What I’m a little concerned about though is the size of the root balls when I transplanted. I would like to have had them much larger.
Anyway, I brewed up a batch of Revs veg tea last night for breakfast. I last watered Tuesday. The root ball is slightly damp and the surrounding soil pretty dry. I could wait a day but they’re hungry and the best thing about fabric pots and especially sips, is it’s hard to overwater.
As soon as they green up I’ll give them the mosquito bits. I haven’t seen a bug yet, knock on wood.

Just waking up.

Have a good day. :blunt:
Good morning, they’re getting bigger and greener by the day. The two Strawberry Cough in the back are getting a little ahead of the other two. I tied them down and spread them out a little more to try and keep it even. I rotated everything 180 degrees too.


The Candy Gelato is catching up to the others a little. This branch is the lowest on the plant. I almost cut it off and buried the stem but didn’t want to stress her that much. It’s doing it’s best to catch up.

Have a good day. :):peace::blunt:
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