For My Appreciation!


Porn little taco motherfucker! She looking like she's saying stick a fork in her she's done! Really stinky this tent!

All in all the other three they going to have quite a bit of buds on them pretty good size right up my alley! All I can say is beautiful buds!










Remember my super crop that very tip top cola she got super crop three times look at this bad bitch! That plant most definitely ain't giving up for shit and I think that's the one with the high pH! All three of those big ones are kicking ass chunking up like a mother fucker it's just that little small ass run it looks like she's wanting to shrivel up to nothing Go ahead and be done with it. We'll see lime was added about three and a half is what I gave they get no more we going with the flow nothing else I can do for em giving them tap water fuck it.

Anywho back to where I was going to begin with but I had to kindly reply to @Renee Roberts.

So anyway I think things are just looking pretty good really looking at the top buds and shit leaves looking pretty good I think the either stop what you're going through or they're on their way out of it so I'm about to move the light down to 16 in and bump it up I need at least 38 DLI for where they're at right now and if I don't get it what they need then these buds ain't really going to stack up any comments will be greatly appreciated. But I say hell whatever damage is damaged already done and these fuckers need light and drink no sense in this light since 28 in from them with it only being on 40% I mean come on. They're barely getting 300 PPFD when I looked at the reading that is most definitely a shit show!
Anywho a calibrated that pH meter and after I got done I stuck it back in each solution after I've dumped it and distilled water and I see what it said and it kept reading the same thing on all three 9.18 6.86 4.02 instead of one though I ain't sweating that little number. But anyways I pH to my nutrient water it says 6.13 pH so if that is calibrated in any way good whatsoever at least I know the water I'm putting in there and I put her out four and a half tablespoons of sulfur I'm giving her that too tonight top right! From here on out all they're getting this tap water with their nutrients and I ain't even worried about it I'll just keep doing that I figured the line I gave those three should get them close to optimal and just sulfur should help the top one I don't think that meter lied because those three plants was around the same thing on her pH as well with the color of the water that was in the test and that other one was dark blue so that's high I'd say that was a pretty close to accurate reading with that. So it is what it is we going with it!
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