Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Hey CraZy!!! Thank you so much! I would love to check them out. I will go and visit your thread in a moment! :cool:

You are welcome but there is not anything going on right now and all crazy stuff is scattered throughout my journal so finding stuff might be hard. The most crazy thing I had here is probably water cooled leds involving Peltier thermocouplers for heat exchange, this ended in bursting cooling blocks and spraying hot coolant over my plants... :laughtwo: Worked great though until the reservoir started leaking, leading to this meltdown.

More crazy stuff coming though... :slide:

That trained plant you have been working on truly looks amazing, hoping its a girl for all that training you put in to her. :yummy:
Hi folks!

Been a busy, busy few days for me. Friday evening here and I'm trying to hang my hat up for the week. I have a couple of big things to share!

Desert is moving into 12-12 tonight

We got there! Boy or girl? We'll find out!

A couple of glamour shots for the high school year book:


IMG_9226 sanitised.jpeg

At the centre of the earth is a hole







Queen Bubba Kush is here! That's right - feck being a princess. She's a queen.

From the seed to the crown, babyyyyyy!!
Well hello little one.... :slide:That strain is a winner. From whatl I've seen in this journal there's no doubt she will lead a tortured life... :rofl: Hold them pliers for just a few more
You are welcome but there is not anything going on right now and all crazy stuff is scattered throughout my journal so finding stuff might be hard. The most crazy thing I had here is probably water cooled leds involving Peltier thermocouplers for heat exchange, this ended in bursting cooling blocks and spraying hot coolant over my plants... :laughtwo: Worked great though until the reservoir started leaking, leading to this meltdown.

More crazy stuff coming though... :slide:

That trained plant you have been working on truly looks amazing, hoping its a girl for all that training you put in to her. :yummy:

Lol ok I'm definitely going to be searching for those pages :laughtwo: And I look forward to your future work!

Thank you my friend, I hope so too, but I'll try to remember how much I learnt with this one plant, and be grateful!

Well hello little one.... :slide:That strain is a winner. From whatl I've seen in this journal there's no doubt she will lead a tortured life... :rofl: Hold them pliers for just a few more

:laugh: This one has a more conventional cubic space so maaaaybe I'll be able to hold off on the pliers.. for a bit longer:laugh:

:rollit:Love this journal man!

Thank you Abstrakt :Namaste: Let's get your girl to harvest!
Today I thought of you. No really I did. I thought of you when I picked up my carpet cutter and approached a plant marked do I put this?... manipulation.. :rofl:

I'll fill you in later...:nervous-guy:
Wee Tuesday update!

Desert, day 2 of 12-12

Completed some admin around the flip! A bit of light defoliation, especially around the 4 topmost branches, and, as is tradition, took to the pliers again for a couple of internodes per branch.

Lights have been turned up. I will continue stepping them up over the next week or so. I've also physically moved the lowest panel up a bit, although you won't see that in this pic.

The plant is already stretching quite a lot :eek: Silhouetted like this, it's also easier to appreciate how consistent the internode spacing is. I'm so curious as to what genetics this bag seed has. Please be a girl!


And here's our fresh queen, Bubba Kush, day 5 since breaking ground

No name yet. But maybe she's all title? Otherwise, no complaints!

She joined me at the sunny dining table for coffee, this morning.

Hey @syenite :ciao: Subbed up. Will have a good look through soon. Loving what I've seen so far. As you know I'm a sucker for craziness and plants in small spaces:laugh::bravo:

Lovely to have you here Vet! Gonna be fun comparing notes from our spaces :ganjamon:

So far, you, Carcass and I have the smallest grow spaces I've seen here!

Today I thought of you. No really I did. I thought of you when I picked up my carpet cutter and approached a plant marked do I put this?... manipulation.. :rofl:

I'll fill you in later...:nervous-guy:


New rule: after picking up the pliers, you must apologise to the plant before and after said manipulations.

You should also explain to the plant why you are causing it pain, and what the long-term goals are.

Finally, thank the plant for their labour and sacrifice.

[QUOTE="syenite, post: 5071820, member: 34067

New rule: after picking up the pliers, you must apologise to the plant before and after said manipulations.

You should also explain to the plant why you are causing it pain, and what the long-term goals are.

Finally, thank the plant for their labour and sacrifice.


This involves a allen wrench and a carpet cutter. She needs about a week to see how she's going to respond. I damn near scrapped this plant a few weeks ago but decided to play around with her.... violently and without empathy.
The plant is already stretching quite a lot :eek: Silhouetted like this, it's also easier to appreciate how consistent the internode spacing is. I'm so curious as to what genetics this bag seed has. Please be a girl!
You've got a really nice shape to the plant from the training. If you can take some nice clear close ups of the preflower gender structures and blow them up on the screen there is a good chance you'll be able to see whether they are leaning towards male or female, not that it really matters as if you are flipping now they soon show as pistils or balls.

I wonder from this experience, what if any changes to training/configuration that you'll be thinking of for your next grow.
Preflower update for Desert, day 3 of 12-12

Thanks @Stunger for prompting me to look again!

Here are pics from two different node junctions.

Junction 1


Junction 2


They look pretty pointy to me eh? :ganjamon:

I wonder from this experience, what if any changes to training/configuration that you'll be thinking of for your next grow.

Yes! I will do a write-up on this sometime this week I reckon. Cheers! :thumb:
Sure looks female to me...but until a little pistil pops out, it's just a guess.
You should know for sure within a day or 2...
Today I thought of you. No really I did. I thought of you when I picked up my carpet cutter and approached a plant marked do I put this?... manipulation.. :rofl:

I'll fill you in later...:nervous-guy:
Go check her out. I think she needs another week and it'll really explode.
Sleepy Sunday Update

Hey folks :ciao:

Desert, day 7 of 12-12


While more and more preflowers are big enough to be visible, still no stigma! But they all seem to have that elongated teardrop shape.

I've upped her feed considerably, and while it's hard to see given the lighting in the picture, she's turned a darker, healthier green overall. I'm still keeping an eye on the yellow lower leaves, but the chlorosis seems to have stopped spreading.

Training review

Overall, I'm happy with how Desert's training turned out!

IMG_9331 marked.jpeg

I got the candelabra shape I wanted. S/he's beautiful. And the vertical canopy is definitely being maximised. I got to try just about every single major training method out there. So as far as execution on vision went, I have to give myself a 9/10, although I may be biased. :laugh:

However, I'm not convinced that this is the best optimisation for a grow overall. I think there's too much crowding up and down that central column. I think I could do with 2 or even 4 fewer tops next time. In other words, I don't know if waiting for the secondary growth was necessary at all. The 6 branches off the 3 primary nodes would have sufficed.

But I think there is a quicker and more straightforward way to produce 6 branches. I had to wait a long time until node 8 appeared before I could top the plant. Next time, I might top at node 4 or 5, and leave only a single primary node. I would flatten the branches from this node, using it as a flat base (as though I were mainlining). But I wouldn't have to top again, just prune. The secondary growth off this base would then form the main branches/tops/colas.

Another reason for a possible shift in approach is that Desert's top branches are getting more of the resources than the lower branches. I guess I can call this "apical asymmetry". If there were only 1 primary node to form the base instead of 3, this would't happen.

I think this approach could decrease the considerable vegging period of 10 weeks.

At the end of the day though, we'll have to see what s/he looks like at the end of flower before I can make any final conclusions!

Baby Bubba Kush, day 8 above ground

Fun story. Earlier in the week I was setting up a small wireless camera inside the new box - which I've taken to calling the "Hug" box, in contrast to the "Lank" box - when I dropped the bloody thing on the seedling! Thankfully it was only a glancing blow, and there was no visible damage to the leaves or stem. I agonised over it for a good few minutes though. And only really let it slide after she still looked happy the next day.

She's looking great. I'm still thinking of a name for her. I struggle to name things.


Don't mind the barcode. It's for COVID-19 contact tracing. We take that shit seriously here in New Zealand.

She will get her first low-strength feed today. Otherwise, nothing to report, I'm stoked!

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