Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Why I love cardboard boxes --


I read a lot of Calvin & Hobbes as a kid. The strips with the Transmogrifier always got me deep.

Now that I'm a grown-up and finally have my own Transmogrifier, I've been reliving that joy. :green_heart: :ganjamon:
For those of you who missed the cardboard days - they're back.
For some of us, they never left.... ;)
Your new box should do the trick just fine!
Hey, the plants don't care if they're in a 2 dollar box or a 200 dollar tent- they grow just fine either way.
And if it doesn't bother them,it damn sure doesn't bother me....
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Nice work with the box, and we all aspire coffin #carcassbox!

Congrats on the crack in the seed too :).

"Pre-'98 Bubba Kush x Pre-'98 Bubba Kush". Was just talking to @DonkeyDick about this. Not sure if that means it's been backcrossed, or if it's an S1?
I have some home made seeds labeled C99xC99 which I always took to mean backcrossed. Otherwise they'd just be C99, no?
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Nice work with the box, and we all aspire coffin #carcassbox!

When I go
Bury me
With my Samsung Lmb301bs
And please
ust the right relative humidityyyyy

I have some home made seeds labeled C99xC99 which I always took to mean backcrossed. Otherwise they'd just be C99, no?

Thank you! I'm just catching up with the breeding discourse/terms. Also trying to resurrect the fragments of my high school biology.
Hi folks!

Been a busy, busy few days for me. Friday evening here and I'm trying to hang my hat up for the week. I have a couple of big things to share!

Desert is moving into 12-12 tonight

We got there! Boy or girl? We'll find out!

A couple of glamour shots for the high school year book:


IMG_9226 sanitised.jpeg

At the centre of the earth is a hole







Queen Bubba Kush is here! That's right - feck being a princess. She's a queen.

From the seed to the crown, babyyyyyy!!
Hi everyone! Ehhhhh many things happening at once! :eek:

Desert is about an inch away from the vertical halfway mark, and is likely to be flipped within the week

Finding out its sex will be one high-stakes scratchie! I've left the fan leaves that were turning yellow a couple of weeks back. It seems to have slowed/stopped, but I love having them there as diagnostic surfaces. Here she is freshly woken and fed. I've upped the feed. And I will up it again during stretch, before swapping to bloom nutes.

Desert's roots are not as established in this pot as I'd like them to be, just based on how long it takes for them to dry it out. I think that is partly due to not saturating the pot properly every watering (until the last two), which I feel would've pushed the roots a bit further along by this point. And otherwise it's simply due to the height constraints.

Add in the fact that this is a bag seed grow, and that I have other quality seeds waiting.. it makes sense to push the button very soon.


I've replaced my crappy backup box with a crappy bloom-capable box!!

For those of you who missed the cardboard days - they're back. I've split the LED panels between the boxes, with the hypothesis that I can juuuuuust wring out enough light from them, given the small spaces. Anywho, the proof will be in the pudding. How many times have I said that now? But that's growing eh?

Now I can do things like normal people do. I can finally quadline! But I will still be very constrained height-wise, so those pliers are gonna come in very handy again. :laughtwo: Suboptimal conditions continue.


Last but not least...

We await a new addition to the herd. I'm popping Seedsman's Bubba Kush, which is apparently a "Pre-'98 Bubba Kush x Pre-'98 Bubba Kush". Was just talking to @DonkeyDick about this. Not sure if that means it's been backcrossed, or if it's an S1?

Regardless, I'm very excited. I did the 24 hour soak (with a bit of Rhizotonic solution), and it went straight into Canna Terra Pro mix, which I also wet lightly with the same solution. When I was transferring the seed, I noticed that there was already a wee crack. Here's hopin'! :Namaste:


There's actually been even more stuff but I'll save it for another update, lol!

Hope you all are well, fam :green_heart::Namaste::high-five:
Awesome news!
Oil oil oil!

So last week, out of the blue, someone handed me a giant box of fan leaf trim. I grew dizzy thinking about how to process it all. And then I remembered that @Stunger mentioned the Ardent decarber. After a bit of reading, I was sold. It's pretty pricey, but having become increasingly reliant on infusions, I decided it was worth it. I found one distributor in New Zealand, and saw on their website that they were waiting on the new model. I emailed them, and they responded very quickly to say that their shipment had arrived that same day! I was the first one to get an order in. WTF? LOL!

So I have been processing the box of fan trim, and referencing @Amy Gardner's directions on infusions, albeit with the caveat that I'm not actually using flower. But the machine makes this all too easy. And also I have no fear now of stinking up the neighbourhood. A double infusion produces a mildly potent result. A teaspoon for a light buzz. I'm going to portion out some of this oil for yet another round of infusion. That will be silly juice. The rest will be for a more therapeutic time. I've been using both EVOO and coconut oil. And also some sunflower lecithin.

That same week, I was blessed to receive some CBD oil from our very own @DonkeyDick. For which I am immensely grateful. I've tried it a few times now and I'm amazed at how well it helps with my anxiety. The doom drums fade very quickly after getting some of that oil under the tongue. The most interesting thing is that while I kept expecting a couchlocky kind of stone, there was no stone at all! I was pottering about more potteringly than ever! And every chore had lost its jagged edge. Time passed seamlessly. I am lucky not to suffer from any persistent pain issues, but if this stuff also deals to that, then, jeez. Where has this been all my life?

I did miss a bit of the THC kick. But I think on top of my regular therapeutic dose, it would serve very well as a sometimes food, for when I am feeling particularly anxious or when I particularly want more relief.

All of this is just so incredible for me right now, especially in this challenging year. I can't believe after smoking for so long I'd been missing out on the wonders of infusions. Not that I'm gonna stop smoking/vaping!

Without the advice and writing of you people here, I would not have been able to enjoy all of this! So thank you :Namaste: :green_heart:
Hi folks!

Been a busy, busy few days for me. Friday evening here and I'm trying to hang my hat up for the week. I have a couple of big things to share!

Desert is moving into 12-12 tonight

We got there! Boy or girl? We'll find out!

A couple of glamour shots for the high school year book:


At the centre of the earth is a hole







Queen Bubba Kush is here! That's right - feck being a princess. She's a queen.

From the seed to the crown, babyyyyyy!!
good times Syenite.... let the fun begin..
I was the first one to get an order in. WTF? LOL!
That's an excellent coincidence! Great you're enjoying the results. Somewhere I saw mentioned that doing 2 decarb cycles activates more of the CBD but I haven't tried doing that yet myself. When I have previously made cannabutter from ABV, it felt there was something different about taking it as an edible (or maybe it was because at the time it was derived from ABV?) but the feeling it made me wonder if it was delivering a higher CBD content. I haven't yet got around to making any infusion yet this year. After a chiding from @DonkeyDick at his incredulousness of how long I had made my stash last (which in defense it was a habit formed after some pretty damn dry years), but I have since been holding that thought and refilling and refreshing the vape wand far more frequently, which has been kinder on my throat as a consequence and more nicely medicated at the same time! But I have been thinking about decarbing some cured flower and doing an infusion as so far this year I haven't done so. It could be nice if something small like 1/4 teaspoon would do the trick. :hookah:
That's an excellent coincidence! Great you're enjoying the results. Somewhere I saw mentioned that doing 2 decarb cycles activates more of the CBD but I haven't tried doing that yet myself. When I have previously made cannabutter from ABV, it felt there was something different about taking it as an edible (or maybe it was because at the time it was derived from ABV?) but the feeling it made me wonder if it was delivering a higher CBD content. I haven't yet got around to making any infusion yet this year. After a chiding from @DonkeyDick at his incredulousness of how long I had made my stash last (which in defense it was a habit formed after some pretty damn dry years), but I have since been holding that thought and refilling and refreshing the vape wand far more frequently, which has been a good improvement for my throat as a consequence and more nicely medicated at the same time! But I have been thinking about decarbing some cured flower and doing an infusion as so far this year I haven't done so. It could be nice if something small like 1/4 teaspoon would do the trick. :hookah:

I definitely think ABV has a more calming effect. Before I got the machine, I was taking half decarbed flower and half AVB doses because my current stash is a bit headrushy. AVB was tempering it for sure. Again, wish we could get these things tested!

Hahaha yes I've grown to enjoy having a relative abundance and not feeling guilty about medicating when necessary, or even about simply enjoying the buzz.

My coconut oil infusion is already quite strong. A teaspoon does it. If I were to reinfuse it one more time it would be getting closer to the sort of dose you're describing! Might try it out. For science. Of course. :ganjamon:
what machine are we talking about?
Sounds like a pretty nice bit of kit, right?
Stoked to see our Sy starting like he aims to proceed.
The teaspoons are good for a home dose. I find capsules give me portability as well.

And congratulations on the new Bubba Kush, mister Sy sir. :D Getting it done 101, it’s a masterclass.
been a long journey that started in a recreational context, like so many of us. But over time, as I've simultaneously been developing my interest and methods with cannabis and cultivation, and working on my own physical and mental health, it has rather naturally led me to this point. Where I can begin to really refine and closely examine my relationship with this plant in a therapeutic or medical frame, rather than a purely recreational one.
:high-five: And :love: for all of that post!

Nice score picking up a Nova. “New model”... does that mean you got an FX? Or a Lift?

I would love to upgrade to an FX (more capacity and the ability to bake in it!)... but they dont make a 240v version yet - not last I checked anyhoo - and I’m not interested in haxing to rin a step-down transformer. That’s why I’m curious which you have...

Great fun and games in the grow room! Looking forward to the flip! :popcorn:
good times Syenite.... let the fun begin..

Thank you BC! Can't wait to for you to pop 'em beans!

Sounds like a pretty nice bit of kit, right?
Stoked to see our Sy starting like he aims to proceed.
The teaspoons are good for a home dose. I find capsules give me portability as well.

And congratulations on the new Bubba Kush, mister Sy sir. :D Getting it done 101, it’s a masterclass.

Cheers DD! Yes I've invested in a few "force multipliers" and I'm optimistic about them paying off! I also feel very fortunate that I have the means to do so. :Namaste:

Having filled the hole in the center of the earth, it won't be long before middle earth is lush and green! :thumb:

Great news on the CBD oil and the Ardent as well. And the flip :).

Sounds like a brighter day. Congratulations!

Thank you Shed! If only Middle Earth were to legalise cannabis later this year. It would do wonders for the national brand :ganjamon: Seriously though, I could hardly think of a better fit/evolution for this country...

:high-five: And :love: for all of that post!

Nice score picking up a Nova. “New model”... does that mean you got an FX? Or a Lift?

I would love to upgrade to an FX (more capacity and the ability to bake in it!)... but they dont make a 240v version yet - not last I checked anyhoo - and I’m not interested in haxing to rin a step-down transformer. That’s why I’m curious which you have...

Great fun and games in the grow room! Looking forward to the flip! :popcorn:

Great to have you stop by Amy. And yes I did get the new FX (220V) right here! Let me know how you get on.

I've gotten through that huge box of fan trim in a few days thanks to its capacity!

Looking great in here Syenite! :blunt:

Love that box you put together, reminds me of my crazy builds... :)

Hey CraZy!!! Thank you so much! I would love to check them out. I will go and visit your thread in a moment! :cool:
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