Hi! We had three main goals for our lights and a few features crept in as well. Our main concern was price. We sourced most of our stuff off eBay from China. Our second goal was for control. The drivers I am designing will allow me to control the power levels from other devices (pic, plc, simple resistive circuit, etc). The third goal was to limit the heat into the cabinet. Using water cooling we can remove the heat instead of dissipating into the air.
The LEDs were the cheapest I could find, 10 for $25. Plan is to significantly under run them to limit heat. The heat sinks are 40x200mm off eBay at around $10 each. The water pump was around $3. The radiator and reservoir were $30 each. Heat past was $1/30g. The temporary drivers are 2x 50w @ $5 each and 1x 100w @ $10 each. 3x 120mm fans @ $3 each. And several hose clamps.
Think that covers everything for hardware. I did test ahs request replacements for the LEDs with issues which I'll post on in a thread for the lights, at some point. But it was all plug and play less some heat shrink to size barbs.