FlowerNose's Electric Fruit Auto Grow Journal 2017

The whites start off as blues. Energy levels, frequency, only drops so the light coming from the blue LEDs is the highest energy we get. It might be producing ultraviolet but it won't jump from blue to ultraviolet if it isn't producing ultraviolet already. The phosphorous consumes a large portion of the blue and then emits the energy at a slightly lower level, getting close to green. This gets absorbed by the phosphorous dropping it further, finally getting some reds. Hopefully most of the light has been emitted as different spectrums of light by this point, we have made it through all the phosphorous,and not much of the red gets absorbed and dropped to infrared.

At least, this is my current understanding of full spectrum lights. There are whites which pinpoint spectrum by using specific led flecks (100x 1w flecks in a 100w led; flecks isn't the proper term) to give the light very specific starting frequencies or to fill in the spectrum where there is a lacking. This must be done correctly by the manufacture to prevent imbalance between fleck strands (10 strands in parallel of 10 flecks in series).


Don't worry Jurf, I am as lost as you are! I will start trying to figure it out as well eventually, as I would love to be able to make my own LEDs some day.
To simplify, the energy from a white (initially blue) gets used up as different colors in the transition down the colour spectrum from blue to red. The reds are already near the infrared and have all their energy right there next door.
Day 56
I counted.
Just some pics today.


The whites start off as blues. Energy levels, frequency, only drops so the light coming from the blue LEDs is the highest energy we get. It might be producing ultraviolet but it won't jump from blue to ultraviolet if it isn't producing ultraviolet already. The phosphorous consumes a large portion of the blue and then emits the energy at a slightly lower level, getting close to green. This gets absorbed by the phosphorous dropping it further, finally getting some reds. Hopefully most of the light has been emitted as different spectrums of light by this point, we have made it through all the phosphorous,and not much of the red gets absorbed and dropped to infrared.

At least, this is my current understanding of full spectrum lights. There are whites which pinpoint spectrum by using specific led flecks (100x 1w flecks in a 100w led; flecks isn't the proper term) to give the light very specific starting frequencies or to fill in the spectrum where there is a lacking. This must be done correctly by the manufacture to prevent imbalance between fleck strands (10 strands in parallel of 10 flecks in series).
Sweet Christmas!
The whites start off as blues. Energy levels, frequency, only drops so the light coming from the blue LEDs is the highest energy we get. It might be producing ultraviolet but it won't jump from blue to ultraviolet if it isn't producing ultraviolet already. The phosphorous consumes a large portion of the blue and then emits the energy at a slightly lower level, getting close to green. This gets absorbed by the phosphorous dropping it further, finally getting some reds. Hopefully most of the light has been emitted as different spectrums of light by this point, we have made it through all the phosphorous,and not much of the red gets absorbed and dropped to infrared.

At least, this is my current understanding of full spectrum lights. There are whites which pinpoint spectrum by using specific led flecks (100x 1w flecks in a 100w led; flecks isn't the proper term) to give the light very specific starting frequencies or to fill in the spectrum where there is a lacking. This must be done correctly by the manufacture to prevent imbalance between fleck strands (10 strands in parallel of 10 flecks in series).

Does this help anyone?
I. Am. Not. On. His. Level. I'll continue to buy my lights premade and pay out the nose....

I hear you Joe! I would love to learn to do it and at some point I will. But for now I will stick to the store bought LEDs and learn about growing before I learn about building lights.
I hear you Joe! I would love to learn to do it and at some point I will. But for now I will stick to the store bought LEDs and learn about growing before I learn about building lights.
Yea unfortunately im rite there with u lol n plus i figure since i jus bought all new mars hydro leds ive seen people pull amazing grows with those lights so since i spent the money i mite as well now spend my time learning as much as i can on how 2 grow lol n since im doing a los mix im learning how 2 grow my soil as well
Yea unfortunately im rite there with u lol n plus i figure since i jus bought all new mars hydro leds ive seen people pull amazing grows with those lights so since i spent the money i mite as well now spend my time learning as much as i can on how 2 grow lol n since im doing a los mix im learning how 2 grow my soil as well

Figuring out a good soil recipe is on my agenda as well. I love the ease of growing in the Kind Soil but don't necessarily like the price, especially if I go bigger scale. So if I can eventually find a soil recipe that I can make at home, it will be awesome. I guess I am kind of old school in the fact I love using soil. My brother grows via DWC and Aeroponics and thats cool but I love soil....guess its the 22 years in the Marine Corps that made me love being in the dirt LOL.
Figuring out a good soil recipe is on my agenda as well. I love the ease of growing in the Kind Soil but don't necessarily like the price, especially if I go bigger scale. So if I can eventually find a soil recipe that I can make at home, it will be awesome. I guess I am kind of old school in the fact I love using soil. My brother grows via DWC and Aeroponics and thats cool but I love soil....guess its the 22 years in the Marine Corps that made me love being in the dirt LOL.

yea nuthn beats it in my opinion I think soil has a way better flavor of the actual strain
Day 58. 3 a.m.

I was up with the baby. After I put her back in her crib, I went to check on the other babies.

Fruity has been gaining about 1/4 inch in height per day since the new light was put in. It needs to stop. She's also bulked up a ton of fan leaves and her upper canopy is very thick. I've got work to do when the sun comes up. :)
5 hours later.

I took about 35 leaves. It sounds like a lot. But she has SO MANY and they were fighting for light and covering up flowers.

Before and after.



The flowers are filling in for reals now and it's a lot of fun to watch. And the satisfaction. So much satisfaction walking into my garden and seeing these 2 healthy plants. We're actually supposed to pop a seed tomorrow but I think we'll wait until the end of the month.
Cabinet Talk
Here's NezFleur's solution for light proofing the stealth cab. This is foam tape along all the inside edges of the exterior wardrobe doors.

It works really well.
5 hours later.

I took about 35 leaves. It sounds like a lot. But she has SO MANY and they were fighting for light and covering up flowers.

Before and after.



The flowers are filling in for reals now and it's a lot of fun to watch. And the satisfaction. So much satisfaction walking into my garden and seeing these 2 healthy plants. We're actually supposed to pop a seed tomorrow but I think we'll wait until the end of the month.
Cabinet Talk
Here's NezFleur's solution for light proofing the stealth cab. This is foam tape along all the inside edges of the exterior wardrobe doors.

It works really well.
Lookn great so far cant wait till my electric fruit is tht big u giv me hope 4 my lil gals lol
Day 60.
Day 60!
According to gyo seeds I should be harvesting around this week. Nope. Not even close. :) Not mad though. Just impatient for the next phase!
I hated to do it, but I had to super crop her 3 tallest branches. She's massive!

And here's an unnecessary pic to show you her beautiful branches from every side I can. :)

I'll zoom in on her sexy parts.


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