FlowerNose's Electric Fruit Auto Grow Journal 2017

I'm just going to jump in here and say, "Damn, girl! Good job!" I read through the first few pages, then skipped around in the middle, and ended up here thoroughly impressed with your progress and ingenuity. No need to spoon-feed FlowerNose! She's got this. Woo Hoo!

Throwback Thursday

You got this! Have you done any defoil on her? Lollipop?


These pics are about a week old. I guess you could say I lollipop'd her, but only a little bit. I needed more space to get the watering can spout in there without hurting her. I took off some ancient fan leaves and tiny new growth that wasn't getting enough light anyway.


These pics are about a week old. I guess you could say I lollipop'd her, but only a little bit. I needed more space to get the watering can spout in there without hurting her. I took off some ancient fan leaves and tiny new growth that wasn't getting enough light anyway.
Beautiful! That's about how high I've went on mine. Just enough to water and feed without damage. It's suppose to focus a energy to flowers. My electric fruit has gotten rather large but not as big as your beauty there
Wow... So huge. And the leaves closest to the light are completely healthy?

I just. This is just amazing.. The bar is set quite high for autos now it seems haha. Seriously I'm going to be wanting your help when the time comes lol
There's mild heat/light stress showing up as "taco-ing" and curling of the points. It's only happening under the most intense light. Hoping after we add more diodes to the drivers and spread out those lumens it will help.

I'll help you any way I can! I'm loving the coco medium. I love the simplicity of Just Feed Once a Day. It's relaxed hydroponics, in my opinion. I think it helped my grow that I was so comfortable with my choices. Organic soil growing is a goal of mine, but it seems so much more complicated and daunting.
There's mild heat/light stress showing up as "taco-ing" and curling of the points. It's only happening under the most intense light. Hoping after we add more diodes to the drivers and spread out those lumens it will help.

I'll help you any way I can! I'm loving the coco medium. I love the simplicity of Just Feed Once a Day. It's relaxed hydroponics, in my opinion. I think it helped my grow that I was so comfortable with my choices. Organic soil growing is a goal of mine, but it seems so much more complicated and daunting.

FlowerNose, you should check out Kind soil (google it) when you decide to try organic. I chose it after countless hours researching the soils available and talking to people who have used it. Its been so simple for me, literally water with PH water 6.5-7.0 (can't use chemical PH up or down....gotta use an organic stuff called "Earth Juice" Natural Down. Aside from that just use the amount of soil relative to your pot size (7 lbs for a 7 gallon pot, 5lbs for 5 gallon pot, etc) ensuring that you are using a big enough pot to support your grow length (the bag will tell you how much you need for how long you plan your grow to be). Then you fill the rest of the pot up with Coco-Loco or other similar product (I went with Bushdoctors Coco-Loco). I am vegging longer to play around with training techniques and to learn. So I will be using 7 gallon pots.

I didn't want to worry about messing up nutes on my first grow and I have to travel occasionally and I don't want to stress out Ms Stank with taking care of the girls when I might have to travel. So I decided to give the organic soil grow a go and I am totally loving it. My brother grows commercially in Washington State and was blown away by all the crap he has to go through for feeding them. I wanted no part of that on my first couple grows. Water and train, thats it for me. I will let you know via my grow journal if I hit any bumps in the road.....but as I am following their (Kind Soil's) directions to the tee and not adding anything, I don't expect any issues. Seems that everyone that either didn't use the right stuff to PH down their water, or added extra nutes were the ones that had issues. All the people that followed their directions all had really good and easy grows and all said the flavor of the bud was so much better than soil-less soil, or hydro grows. Though I can't attest to the validity of that.
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