Five Strains In 33"x33" - 600W HPS - Organic Soil Mix - 7 Gal Pots - Water Only?

I plan on popping some seeds in about a month so I started a cook on my next grow's soil. I only had 14 lbs. of EWC but I may add a little more in a week, or so ... or not. This will be second run soil. It is the soil I had in the garden last summer. Under the EWC (and already mixed into the other tote) is Doc's HBB amendment. Water added. It now sits inside my house staying warm until ready for action.

Hey there Major,
I just found your thread, I'll be following along and picking up from a newbies perspective. I have a little more time now that the fires have been put out in my little corner of the grow world.
Best of luck!
Frosty... burrr....:420:

Hey there Major,
I just found your thread, I'll be following along and picking up from a newbies perspective. I have a little more time now that the fires have been put out in my little corner of the grow world.
Best of luck!

Welcome to my little corner of 420! Great to see you both. Things should start getting interesting soon. I'm guessing I'll start harvesting in December and all will be done around New Years.
Top of the day to ya's all my brotha? Mrs. Pita doin fine ? Major, from your outdoor harvest ya have a fav. tasting variety...just curious pal. Have a great night eh!:high-five:

Everyone here is as happy as pigs in poop. My favorite smoke from summer is the Ace of Spades from the organic soil mix. I think it is because of the strain and because it was the last gal standing.

I hope all is spectacular in your part of this planet. Cheers!
Everyone here is as happy as pigs in poop. My favorite smoke from summer is the Ace of Spades from the organic soil mix. I think it is because of the strain and because it was the last gal standing.

I hope all is spectacular in your part of this planet. Cheers!

Glad all is well Major. Ace of Spades eh...nice taste,flavour , calming , relaxing buzz...i bet. I'm so bagged right now....late night , had a hockey game and after the GF was waiting for me here at my house!!:wood:
Cheers pal...i'm slippen.....
Good evening Major Pita,
looks like you are in for some drier weather for a while anyway.
Thanks for pointing out pic # 8 to me earlier in the day. I had to go to another family meeting today so I was panicking like crazy trying to take care of that, before I had to get on the road. Needless to say it was a bit of a cluster F.
Hope all is well down south.
Something to think about, from my own experience living and supporting a small grow in a single-wide mobile home:

I have to be very creative when it comes to making room for my hobbies. I cannot grow outdoors due to weather and restrictions on visibility of a personal grow. (Alaska)

1) Store everything that won't freeze in small moving boxes and stack in a shed, in your crawl space, or on shelves in your garage. Everything does not need to be displayed. Label the boxes!

2) Clear out the spare closet. Everything does not have to be hung up or stored indoors. Box up everything out of season and store them elsewhere. If you use all the same size boxes, you can stack them 5-high in an unheated area. Use your vertical space. Salvaging floor space is the goal.

3) Anything that has not been used/worn in 2 or 3 years should be donated. The charities will come and haul it all away for you for free.

4) Put an adjustable shelf in the veg grow space to double your available space. The upper shelf can hold smaller plants. Think vertical. If you are really space-limited, each chamber can have its own light cycle. It is very do-able on a budget. White plastic tarps and duct tape are cheap.

5) A rolling free-standing wire-framed wardrobe/closet makes a very sturdy and movable "tent" for either veg or flower. They typically measure 36" x 15" x 72" tall and can be wedged in just about any corner. The top shelf can store boxes of equipment, which takes advantage of that space between the unit and the ceiling. I wrapped mine in white plastic tarp, leaving a bit of the top uncovered for passive venting. I use binder clips to secure the tarp to the frame and to close or keep open an access flap.

Just a few ideas I am using. Could be helpful when you need to grow indoors.
:byebye: Pita
Weekend Update (week #11)
28 days since flip to 12/12

:welcome: gang!

As they say, one (crappy) picture is worth a thousand words. Here are two of them = two thousand words: :cheesygrinsmiley:



Those of you who have been around the block a time or two know exactly what you are looking at. For any new growers that stumble upon this thread, you NEVER want to see this. It means you have mites. :yikes: I was so pissed yesterday, I had to stay away from the forum most of the day. I nearly took a match to my garage. I knew I'd jinx myself last week when I said everything was picture perfect. The leaves went from spotless to what you see above in about two days.

I'm not sure what more I can do. I'm about ready to throw in my grower's towel. With every grow I've done, these little bastardos show up about mid-bloom. I've scrubbed every surface. I've gone back over with bleach. I've set off bug bombs. I've hung "no pest strips" in there for months. I left it vacant for months. Nothing stops them either indoors or outside. I took a brix reading two days ago. It was only 11-12 (this is not a high brix grow). But I had the same problem outside on my last grow and brix was 18-20. I'm pretty bummed about it. :surrender:

Since my attitude sux right now, I'm going to stop whining and let the pictures do the talking. Four weeks of 12/12 are complete = about 3-1/2 weeks since first pistils.

I hate LED and HPS pic's so if they look a little sleepy it may be because I took these with the lights off. They actually are very vibrant and pray to the light as well as anything I've grown. This is taking a peak around the corner of the doorway. I added a couple of strings to support SS and BD. They want to grow out into the fan and the door.

The lower-left is SS

In the rear are SD on the left and PB on the right. BD is front right




This is SD. She is amazing with sugar all the way down to near the tips of her fans.

This is my other current fav', BD. She's probably the biggest girl in there.

SS = Shark Shock CBD
BD = Blue Dream
SD = Sour Diesel
AS = Ace of Spades
PB = Pitbull

I've managed to pull down the RH by about 10%, but I'm still struggling with it. I have a plan in place. Weather caused a delay in a shipment I have on the way. I hope to see slightly better numbers on the next update. Stay tuned...

That's it for this week. I need to figure out how to do a better job of spraying in my phone booth, or some other way of getting rid of mites. I did take a bag full of beautiful leaves off them but I can't even reach to the back to do anything.

I've been really busy lately.. better late than never.:)

:hug: Great to see you both! Never too late. This is just getting ... interesting. I'm not sure how it will finish. :hmmmm:

Have a great weekend everyone.
So sorry to hear about your problem Major. From a distance those plants look stunning, I especially like that last two pics.

I hope you can get it under control, and soon. Sounds like you better stay away today though or something is gonna get hurt!
So sorry to hear about your problem Major. From a distance those plants look stunning, I especially like that last two pics.

I hope you can get it under control, and soon. Sounds like you better stay away today though or something is gonna get hurt!

Thanks man!
Yeah - they have been amazing - so far. It is the next month that will tell the tale. My outside grow was nice right up until the damn mites hit. They really seem to do a number on the plants. The plants stop growing and sort of stall when the little buggers get the upper hand. I put too many plants in a small space and let them get too large before flipping so I have no one to blame by myself. Not much I can do at this point.
Major, have you tried Mighty Wash? It's a very safe product to use on mites in flower and leaves no residuals. It also kills mites dead! It's sort of spendy... A good friend used it to wipe out a recurring mite problem by spraying every three days for three weeks. Based on what I saw first-hand looking in his grow room it will be Mighty Wash for me if mites rear their ugly heads in one of my grows again. I've battled them in the past with neem oil, and also with Azamax (or Azatrol) which is azadirchtin. Azadirachtin is an extract of neem oil (the active ingredient) and is OMRI approved organic. I found it far superior to neem. It has a very short half life and can be used right up to about two weeks of harvest.

No matter what you use, you need to spray every three days because the half-life of the products is so short. If you don't, when new eggs hatch there is not much of the product left to combat the new bugs. You have to keep stomping the blighters!
Hi PeeJay!
Thanks for that!
I do use Azatrol. In the past I've used it once per week, but I'll double check and maybe bump up the frequency. I lowered the concentration slightly because in the past, after two or three sprays, my plants get pretty sad. It does work, though. My problem in this space is just getting the spray where it needs to go. I can't get all the way to the back and with the lights as close as they are, I can do a better job with the lights off. But of course then I can't see what the hell I'm doing with my little 12W green "safety" bulb. Cheers, bro!
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