Five Strains In 33"x33" - 600W HPS - Organic Soil Mix - 7 Gal Pots - Water Only?

Major...a quick thought bud.....what I did to try it out a few yrs. ago was to use three of those 4 x 8 sheets of 1/8 Masonite (white ,one side) and just hang the whole sheets up making the GR as small or big as ya like. It doesn't completely close the area off but if ya do it in a larger closed off room it can work pretty good. Not to mention , tearing it all down only takes a few min's. ., is all. Know what I mean? use two full sheets for the sides and cut one in half for the ends.Reflecting surface is already there ,cuz it's flat white...perfect!! Worked great for me when I did that in my workshop ( the room just outside my lil GR). Just have to use two hangers (string , rope , chain , or anything) and hang them from the ceiling at a height u like and presto ....GR complete! What ya think pal? Cheers eh!
Major...a quick thought bud.....what I did to try it out a few yrs. ago was to use three of those 4 x 8 sheets of 1/8 Masonite (white ,one side) and just hang the whole sheets up making the GR as small or big as ya like. It doesn't completely close the area off but if ya do it in a larger closed off room it can work pretty good. Not to mention , tearing it all down only takes a few min's. ., is all. Know what I mean? use two full sheets for the sides and cut one in half for the ends.Reflecting surface is already there ,cuz it's flat white...perfect!! Worked great for me when I did that in my workshop ( the room just outside my lil GR). Just have to use two hangers (string , rope , chain , or anything) and hang them from the ceiling at a height u like and presto ....GR complete! What ya think pal? Cheers eh!

That's pretty much what I did to make my current space. I did use framing lumber, but the thin white masonite-type panels are what the walls are made from. I could take it down in no time. I didn't really tie it into the existing structure so other than a few scuff marks, the bathroom will be good as new once I find a better location.
That's pretty much what I did to make my current space. I did use framing lumber, but the thin white masonite-type panels are what the walls are made from. I could take it down in no time. I didn't really tie it into the existing structure so other than a few scuff marks, the bathroom will be good as new once I find a better location.

Excellent pal......when there's a will there's a way! I used those same 1/8 in. pcs. of Masonite for the one wall in my lil GR as well! Have a great night Major!:thumb:
Hey major as far as your circuit.....the Dehuey would only have to run when lights you are just swap units that draw power.......:passitleft:

Doh! I knew that. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I need Mr. Obvious to smack me a good one.
Congrats on MOTM Pita.
After trying to get the humidity down in my phone booth, I moved my meter around the room to see how much variation there is. It is a LOT. It makes any attempt at changing the RH pointless right now. My Acurite was originally down low - about the same height as the top of my pots. That's where I was reading 90%. I took another meter that reads the same and placed it up higher - slightly higher than the canopy but off to one side so it isn't directly under the light. It reads 45%-50%. I swapped them - same readings. So, even though I have plenty of air circulation in the room (16" oscillating fan), apparently the RH can be double less than three feet apart. Bigger rooms may not have this problem, but for the time being, I'm not going to try to do anything about it. My only other grow in this space didn't suffer from mold or mildew so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and just concern myself with the temperatures. I'm betting the RH under the light, at the canopy while the light is on, is stupid-low. Kind of frustrating...
After trying to get the humidity down in my phone booth, I moved my meter around the room to see how much variation there is. It is a LOT. It makes any attempt at changing the RH pointless right now. My Acurite was originally down low - about the same height as the top of my pots. That's where I was reading 90%. I took another meter that reads the same and placed it up higher - slightly higher than the canopy but off to one side so it isn't directly under the light. It reads 45%-50%. I swapped them - same readings. So, even though I have plenty of air circulation in the room (16" oscillating fan), apparently the RH can be double less than three feet apart. Bigger rooms may not have this problem, but for the time being, I'm not going to try to do anything about it. My only other grow in this space didn't suffer from mold or mildew so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and just concern myself with the temperatures. I betting the RH under the light, at the canopy, while the light is on is stupid-low. Kind of frustrating...

agreed...the discrepancy is of humidity around the grow room is more so than an oven has cool or hot spots..the temps i find to be more accurate..
Yes egreed...both you guys. Major , Ziggs, what they like is more ventilation. I proved it to myself last grow.....remember what happened. All was perfect except for ONE small area ,where there was little air movement. That big cola took a big hit with mold.
So now ,on top of the exhaust ,fan/ filter combo , there is a 12" osc. fan at the back, on "low" and the lil clip on that DP sent me, blowing down across the canopy. I find it strange with the fan/filter combo exchanging the room's air every 2-3 min. mold still thrived.
Anyhow , gents , enjoy your evening and have a restfull sleep. Cheers.
Part of the reason you have such differences in RH% from one location of your grow to the next is because even though you have an oscillating fan moving air around it will never move all the air in your grow area at the same rate. Imagine if you can, that the air was all smoky so you could actually see the air move and where it moves to. What you would see is some areas have a lot of movement and others never move at all. Like the water in a river traveling from one pool down to the next. Not all the water in that section of river moves at the same rate. Even if the section of river has rapids and is moving very quickly there is always some water that seems like it is not moving at all. I would think that best case would be to have multiple fans moving air in different locations in the grow so as to assure all areas in contact with the plants has good air movement. Also I do not think that strong air movement will be as useful as lower forces, but more of them directed from different angles on different levels. That and a good air transfer rate.

Just my 2 cents on the subject
Part of the reason you have such differences in RH% from one location of your grow to the next is because even though you have an oscillating fan moving air around it will never move all the air in your grow area at the same rate. Imagine if you can, that the air was all smoky so you could actually see the air move and where it moves to. What you would see is some areas have a lot of movement and others never move at all. Like the water in a river traveling from one pool down to the next. Not all the water in that section of river moves at the same rate. Even if the section of river has rapids and is moving very quickly there is always some water that seems like it is not moving at all. I would think that best case would be to have multiple fans moving air in different locations in the grow so as to assure all areas in contact with the plants has good air movement. Also I do not think that strong air movement will be as useful as lower forces, but more of them directed from different angles on different levels. That and a good air transfer rate.

Just my 2 cents on the subject

Yes OG, great post there. It echos my thoughts and method of having multiple fans at different locations blowing air to and from , various spots in the GR.I really like the idea of a circ. fan at the floor level, or close and another one oscillating at the canopy level at opposite sides of the GR.....this way will always move enough air and will go a long way in helping all those lil areas that vdon't have quite enough air flow!Cheers OG and have a stress free day and an enjoyable evening!:circle-of-love: Oh almost forgot....Major , my good's all in the "booth" today? Cheers eh!
Part of the reason you have such differences in RH% from one location of your grow to the next is because even though you have an oscillating fan moving air around it will never move all the air in your grow area at the same rate. Imagine if you can, that the air was all smoky so you could actually see the air move and where it moves to. What you would see is some areas have a lot of movement and others never move at all. Like the water in a river traveling from one pool down to the next. Not all the water in that section of river moves at the same rate. Even if the section of river has rapids and is moving very quickly there is always some water that seems like it is not moving at all. I would think that best case would be to have multiple fans moving air in different locations in the grow so as to assure all areas in contact with the plants has good air movement. Also I do not think that strong air movement will be as useful as lower forces, but more of them directed from different angles on different levels. That and a good air transfer rate.

Just my 2 cents on the subject
I agree with what you are saying but I'm not convinced another circulation fan would fix the problem. It would probably give me more consistent readings, but the real issue of humidity being high would remain. And this grow "room" is small at well under 120 cubic feet. Currently my fan sweeps 90 degrees and is low-ish, directing air under the canopy, over the tops of the pots and under the leaves. The fan is less than three feet from the opposite wall and about one foot away from every other wall. When the air hits those walls it is forced up toward the ceiling.

Yes OG, great post there. It echos my thoughts and method of having multiple fans at different locations blowing air to and from , various spots in the GR.I really like the idea of a circ. fan at the floor level, or close and another one oscillating at the canopy level at opposite sides of the GR.....this way will always move enough air and will go a long way in helping all those lil areas that vdon't have quite enough air flow!Cheers OG and have a stress free day and an enjoyable evening!:circle-of-love: Oh almost forgot....Major , my good's all in the "booth" today? Cheers eh!
All plants are doing great! I added one of my Mars LEDs to help cover one small area of the BD.

I think I will try to add a second small exhaust fan in an attempt to lower RH. Since I'm in an unheated space, I have to do a balancing act of pulling enough air through to lower the RH while not lowering the temps too much when the lights are off. I'm a cheap SOB and hate spending $$$ on fans and crap when I'm not sure if it will do the trick. We'll see...

Thanks for the suggestions and for asking guys! Have a great day!
Good day Major......any word from the boss with your new GR plan? Did ya remember the foot massages and back rubs? DOOO IT! It really does work ya know! Cheers pal! :high-five:

I can do it - no problem with that. The real problem is where to put it? I don't want to dedicate a bedroom or part of my garage/shop because they all get well used. Once I have a plan it will be full steam ahead. Cheers!
I can do it - no problem with that. The real problem is where to put it? I don't want to dedicate a bedroom or part of my garage/shop because they all get well used. Once I have a plan it will be full steam ahead. Cheers!

Hey major great news.......I would keep it in the house or somewhere you already heat and cool......makes life a lot easier.....what do they say......if you are comfortable your ladies are too.......:)
Weekend Update (week #10)
21 days since the flip to 12/12

All things considered I have nothing to complain about out in the "phone booth". Everyone looks happy. I'll jinx myself by saying there isn't a bad looking leaf in the group. The stretch appears to be over. SD and PB were beginning to worry me, but I still have another foot of vertical so I think all is good... except this:


Temperature and humidity are never going to be well-controlled but I'm trying a few different things to manage them as best as I can w/o spending a ton of $$$ on this little experiment. My current effort involves a little 4" duct fan running 24/7. I wrapped it in some insulation and crammed it into the end of my cool tube. At the very least it provides constant air replacement. Prior to this, there wasn't much air exchange during lights-off. This wiring isn't exactly up to code. :laughtwo: It is VERY temporary while I see if it is worth keeping. If not, the fan goes back and I move on to plan 'C'. So far it hasn't caused problems with temperatures and it is helping a little with RH - but not enough. The jury is still out.


The other new addition is one of my little Mars LEDs. BD is now growing out into the doorway and was missing coverage by my HPS. She said "Thank you", and is showing her appreciation.


BD growing out over my fan and into the doorway. She is just beginning to show some resin. WOOT!




Here are the rest of the ladies. SD is in the back-left. PB is back-right.

These are SS and AS.

Pitbull, the only Indica-dominant girl in this run.

SD is doing her best to reach the ceiling.

What else can I bore you with? Here's the low-down. A shot you won't usually see.

That's it for the current crop. My summer harvest has been curing in jars for about 5 weeks. I began the process of moving the buds into vacuum bags for long-term storage. I haven't done this before but I'm hopeful. The little sucker is rechargeable and only cost $11. The bags are cheap and can be re-sealed and reused. An entire gallon jar fits great in a single bag.

This is the cured AS. They don't look all that special, but it is some excellent smoke.


This is PB.


I think that pretty well covers my little 33" square operation. Your support means a lot and with your help I'm going to keep at it until I get it right. Lots still to learn - especially on training.

Get out there, grow some fire, and have a most excellent weekend, gang!
Oh for christ sake Major, grow a pair. Do exactly what I did. Walk right up to her, do not ask, tell her that your going to be building a new grow room. Show her who is boss and who wears the pants in the family!!!

Now when she replies like "she who must be obeyed" did, do exactly like I did. Say "I am sorry honey, I have no idea what I was thinking, how would you resolve my dilemma?

If that doesn't work, begging and lots of back and foot massages normally will do the trick!

The dog house is colder than the grow room, just say'n :)
Our main electrical panel is in our house, in the utility room. My garage has a 60A sub-panel. That would be more than enough but our well pump runs off that panel as well as a 220V circuit for my shop area (welder, etc.). I can still work with it and add another 220V circuit for my light(s). The bigger issue is where to put a new space. I have some ideas but none are ideal, purely from the physical layout of our place, plumbing, etc. I'm OK with wiring and electricity in general. It's just a matter of doing it once I get the "all clear".

how many bedrooms or hallway closets you got? ;)
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