Day 69 (early morning) -
Twas a day or so before cane harvest!
Temps 68-77f, and RH 36-52% last 24hr. Candy cane really starting to take on that purple shade everywhere and starting to eat into her leaves. GOOD! lol. WW - eh nothing of note to speak of. Water day for them both, Candy got gallons and gallons of flush from 4am forward ( fell asleep on the couch around 11pm oops, had planned to start at 1am), and Widow got her gallon of full strength nutes around 10am. Candy ended up need much more water than I thought to bring her down to 100pm (or less).
Water log and harvest procedure plans below but lets get the porn over with.
Top Shot (post water):
Miss Cane (probably last photos of her before chop-pics):
She's looking mighty fine to me..for day or so before chop, but what do I know.
Mrs Widow:
3 or 4 more came leaves were found \ fell off after that deadfall pic.
The yellowing of course continues, just don't know what the problem is at this point.
---Watering log ----
Miss Cane:
Water: ~6 gallons evaporated tap (because it was available and wanted to use it up before going to stale).
Water: ~3 gallons distilled.
Mixture: 25ml Fox Farms SledgeHammer flushing solution... (about 1/2 strength dose) in first 4 gallons.
Mixture: None - evap tap jug gallon #5\#6.
Mixture: none - distilled gallons 1-3
Ph: ph evap tap - was 7.8 - downed it to 6.60-6.65;
Ph: Ph distilled 7.0 ph downed (and tiny bit of up) it to 6.55-6.60.
PPM: ~50ppm after phing evap-tap
PPM: ~2 after phing distilled.
Notes: Had planned on 5-6 gallons being plenty but it was clear by gallon 4 it was not.
exit samples: - fuck that... while I did measure I did not record.
Basically it went like:
gal 1: PPM:300-400 PH:6.9-7.0
gal 2: PPM:300-450 PH:6.8-6.9
gal 3: PPM:200-425 PH:6.8-7.0
gal 4: PPM:150-400 PH:6.8-6.9
gal 5: PPM:150-350 PH:6.9-7.0
gal 6: PPM:100-250 PH:6.8-7.0
gal 7: PPM:100-200 PH:6.9-7.0
gal 8: PPM:100-150 PH:6.8-7.0
Wave Final (recorded)
PPM:81 PH: 6.85
PPM:9x PH: 6.92
PPM:9x PH: 7.02
PPM:9x PH: 6.87
PPM:89 PH: 6.97
I gave up after it was in 80's-90's... I was gonna have to make another batch of water and I'd about had enough of it at that point. lol Clearly my soil is sitting around 7.0 with no nutes embedded in it.
Mrs Widow:
Pre-Water: 2/3rd TBSP of dolomite lime top coating on soil.
Water: ~1gal distilled
Mixture: 17ml bc boost, 15ml bc bloom,3ml awesome blossoms, thrive-alive red, 5.75ml calmag, 13ml sugar daddy.
PPM: ~1540ppm before ph'ing
Ph: Ph was ~5.8 ; ph upped it to 6.65-6.68.
The mixture was an decrease of ~100ppm vs last feeding, on purpose, with slight addition of 1ml extra 'boost'. Added spec more of bc boost (17 vs 16ml), spec less bloom vs last time 15vs16 for this second round of feeding in the feed\feed\water.
Wave 3:
PPM:1800 PH: 6.61
PPM:1760 PH: 6.60
PPM:1770 PH: 6.62
PPM:1690 PH: 6.54 (tray)
Wave 4
PPM:1840 PH: 6.43
PPM:1800 PH: 6.37
PPM:1820 PH: 6.36
PPM:1710 PH: 6.45
PPM:1790 PH: 6.32
PPM:1830 PH: 6.30
PPM:1640 PH: 6.53
PPM:1740 PH: 6.42 (tray)
Total in: ~3750ml Total out: 650ml (~17%)
--- end water log ---
Ok so whatever on CC, she's done either way, though interesting that similar\same soil with about the same dolomite shows 2 different ph levels, assuming high concentration of nutes is difference. Interesting too that WW exit ppm bit higher then input... hmm indication that feed-feed-water may be too much, or maybe little too much 'per feed'.
Note to self, upon 'water only' 3 days from now consider skipping the usual magical\sugar in that gallons and ph to 6.7.
Harvest Plans
The chop:
1.Chop branches one at time starting at lights on.
2.Pluck any fan\non-frost leaves.
3.Wash each branch ( 3 barrels - dip and swirl gently)
4.Hang for while to drip-dry (hour or two ?)
5. If (not last branch or two) then goto 1, else 6.
6. Don't wash last branch or two... try to have 1 main cola and little other that is not washed for comparison.
When chop complete:
1. take some pics.
2. place gently on baking tray\tub thingy on kitchen scale - record wet weight.
3. be disappointed...and get over it....
4. hang all branches upside down in prepared closet either directly (clothes pin on hangers style) or on hanging drying tray that you unnecessarily bought.
5. close direct-light shield\flap (doubled up black garbage bags lol) for closet.
6. Enjoy stench.
7. Check 'dryness' each day for next 3 days, then check twice per day for couple after that.
8. If some stems snap or darn close... start "the trim".
The Trimming:
1. cut of most of sugar leaves, don't get crazy this is all for the face so no need to be perfect.
2. collect trim in container
3. chop up and place in mason jars. (LABEL them especially the non-washed one)
4. place digital humidity checker things in 2 of the most representative jars
5. When done move trim to mason jar.. treat jar like buds for couple days with burping(if anything over dry them)? ...then freezer till ready to make hash after WW is done?
The Cure:
1. [days 1-7]After jaring... burp each jar daily for 5-15m (longer if needed for some) or so minutes if >65.
2. [day5-10'ish]Throw bovada-62 paks into each jar that is already roughly staying in range <68 >60;
3. wait 2-3 more weeks, resist urge to just smoke it all.
4. On the trimming...just burp it like the buds for a couple days then freeze???
The closet
This is where my tent exit air comes out, it's really the only place I can use till WW is done that is still contained smell wise to some degree in my house and is at least semi controllable environmentally... ie it's basically the same as the room air going into the tent 72-74f 35-45% rh. Actually the room is 32-40% at times, but given the exit air from the tent is usually in the 40's I'm going with the 35-45% figure, as monitoring today shows that's about the average... at least when two plants exist in the tent. Have feeling that will drop a few points after there is only one, but only so much I can control at this point.
Since the door stays open I'm going to rig up direct (room light) light block with some garbage bags, as the lower part will be open to let air out. It's not ideal but I think it will work. As for the exit air, I'll rework it so
it basically comes shooting out away from buds so all they really get is residual air flow movement in the space.
The wash
3 - 5gallon buckets (actually 2 + 1 equivalent under the bed type container for the baking\lemon solution)
1st container - 5 gallons tap water with 1 cup lemon juice, 1 cup baking soda, mixed very well.[wash]
2nd container - 5gallons tap water (warm) [rinse 1]
3rd container 5 gallons distilled\RO water [rinse 2]
Question - I can just use standard lemon juice concentrate from store right, or is it best to get some lemons and squeeze a cup out myself?
Haha so what am I forgetting, any major mistakes noticed?