First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

Sure its not phosphorus deficiency?

Actually penny I thought about that and just don't know. This morning looking at diag sites etc I thought it might be a P and\or K deficiency or all Three... and the p or k def was showing up looking like 'burn'..when it's not really burn but starving for P or K. My thought process was for next feeding on Mrs Widow in 2 days is to take the risk and just hit her with 100% recommended on the nutes "recipe for success" schedule and just see what happens, to be honest I've always felt I've not been feeding both of them enough for some reason but resisted the urge to up the nutes past 1000'ish due to everyone (I mean generally speaking guidance, not nes. peeps in thread) saying basically 50% of recommended should be enough. I'm thinking with my line...maybe that's not so true, part of why I've been trying out feed\feed\water vs feed\water. It's always seemed to me regardless of any discoloration thus far on the lower leaves that the uppers seem to always do better and growth occurs when I feed her more than did the prior water cycle.

That mix would be about 1500 and be increase of 35-45%

per gal make up of what that would be:
15ml boost 3-0-2
15ml bloom 1-4-7
2.5ml awe.blossoms 2-14-14 (maybe even hit her with 3.0ml)
2.5ml thrive-red 1-1-1
5.0ml magi-cal (they say only 2.5ml needed... me not so sure) 2-0-0
12.5ml sugardaddy 0-0-0

try switching to the FoxFarm trio basic line of nutes I have available, at 50-60% + (some awesome blossoms,magical,and sugardaddy from the technaflora line), I noticed the concentrations of P are higher, and K little lower in FF core lineup and the schedule technically more often then with technaF line.

That's sort of where I'm at mentally with it atm. Playing into all that is schedule is based on 12\12 typical flower plant... maybe my auto @ 18\6'ish... is just needing more. Really appreciate you mentioning that though cause makes me think I'm less shooting in the dark and less crazy than I thought I might be this morning when thinking about what it could be.
Actually penny I thought about that and just don't know. This morning looking at diag sites etc I thought it might be a P and\or K deficiency or all Three... and the p or k def was showing up looking like 'burn'..when it's not really burn but starving for P or K. My thought process was for next feeding on Mrs Widow in 2 days is to take the risk and just hit her with 100% recommended on the nutes "recipe for success" schedule and just see what happens, to be honest I've always felt I've not been feeding both of them enough for some reason but resisted the urge to up the nutes past 1000'ish due to everyone (I mean generally speaking guidance, not nes. peeps in thread) saying basically 50% of recommended should be enough. I'm thinking with my line...maybe that's not so true, part of why I've been trying out feed\feed\water vs feed\water. It's always seemed to me regardless of any discoloration thus far on the lower leaves that the uppers seem to always do better and growth occurs when I feed her more than did the prior water cycle.

That mix would be about 1500 and be increase of 35-45%

per gal make up of what that would be:
15ml boost 3-0-2
15ml bloom 1-4-7
2.5ml awe.blossoms 2-14-14 (maybe even hit her with 3.0ml)
2.5ml thrive-red 1-1-1
5.0ml magi-cal (they say only 2.5ml needed... me not so sure) 2-0-0
12.5ml sugardaddy 0-0-0

try switching to the FoxFarm trio basic line of nutes I have available, at 50-60% + (some awesome blossoms,magical,and sugardaddy from the technaflora line), I noticed the concentrations of P are higher, and K little lower in FF core lineup and the schedule technically more often then with technaF line.

That's sort of where I'm at mentally with it atm. Playing into all that is schedule is based on 12\12 typical flower plant... maybe my auto @ 18\6'ish... is just needing more. Really appreciate you mentioning that though cause makes me think I'm less shooting in the dark and less crazy than I thought I might be this morning when thinking about what it could be.
Im using ff, it seemed to do great on my first run so I figured I would use it again. I did buy the advance pH perfect base nutes I am gonna try out on a couple of the white widows since I have 8 of them and also I can compare the results from the ww grown in ff to see which I like best. I really like the ff big bloom, it doesn't have hardly and npk it's earthworm castings and bat guano and my plants love it...️
Your plants look good to me, don't think there's a nutrient problem. They look like they're budding up on pace. What do you think, a couple more weeks?

Really? hmm WW looks trashed on the bottom (today's\yesterday pic don't show it maybe really in pic) and 1\2 light green 1\2 dark green midway-to-tops, and that contrast definitely got worse last 36hr, idk maybe I'm crazy and the dark leaves are just getting darker.
Tomorrow I'll yank her out into more normal light and take better look without glasses or led's distorting anything.

On the Candy Cane, yes I think about 2 more weeks after probably last full feeding later this week, maybe even less, depends on tri-check (which will attempt again probably tomorrow). On the Widow, idk she looks to me like she has at least 4 week if not 5 left, moving much much slower than the CC even though there is only supposed to be about a week difference in flower times.
Day 59 (morning) - No title... lol

Temps in range 70-77f; 36-52% RH; laser checking didn't exceed 78f..the times I checked anyway. Progress was again nothing noticeable on CC or WW except maybe some more pistols on WW in last 24hr. Miss Widow has mild droop today, kind of like yesterday, not sure what that's about, popping the light 1/2" didn't make any difference at all like it usually might if they were suddenly too close.

Last night I propped up Miss Cane's pot another 2-2-1/2" more inches, jamming some more stuff under her, she's now about even with Mrs.Widow, and looks far as I can tell unaffected by the change this morning.

I'm just not feeling the plants this morning, didn't get much sleep, tired,etc, so I'll check CC's tri's tonight, that's a frustrating process and I have to be in the mood to do it and I'm not atm. lol

Top Shot

Miss Cane:

Just a single shot today, nothings really changed, more tonight probably, that cola to the left
yeah it's not just the angle she has gotten a little fatter I think over last 48hr. Candy be liking
her feeding I think, unlike her partner in crime.

Mrs. Widow:

This what I meant by "trashed" last night when talking about the bottom\side areas.
Worried this is all going to work itself up to the top, actually it seems to be well on it's way to doing that, which why so paranoid about lighter green leaves toward the top. Most of the side\bottom yellowing... it's new over last 3-4 days on most of these, higher up it is the newer the appearance of it.
Hey Night, just wanted to let you know I have my second journal going if you're interested, I never could get it on my sig with this phone so you would either have to look it up on journals in progress or the easiest way is to click on my name and then click on my post and you will see it, the title is Tom Smith's Second Run With Autos 2017, everyone is welcome and hopefully I can finish up with some nice bud at the end.✌️
Hey Night, just wanted to let you know I have my second journal going if you're interested, I never could get it on my sig with this phone so you would either have to look it up on journals in progress or the easiest way is to click on my name and then click on my post and you will see it, the title is Tom Smith's Second Run With Autos 2017, everyone is welcome and hopefully I can finish up with some nice bud at the end.✌️

Thanks Tom! I'm subbed.

Try and increase bloom nutes or use a bloom booster, thats a P/K issue
Yup that's what I'm planning today\tonight...

105% on the reactor. ;)
Day 60 (morning) - Going 105% on the reactor! ..and food poisoning sucks!

Temps 70-79f last 24hr, rh 34-53%. Progress, none that I really noticed or measured.
Got food poisoning (least that's 85% what I think it is) yesterday afternoon, so out of commission for the night, no tri-check, and none again this morning cause I have zero energy and while feeling better... whatever I have or happened is not gone yet so I'm doing the minimum and trying to rest.

Girls were 11.6lbs and 12.1 respective at 9am this morning... So I watered them... I really didn't have the energy for this, but I did it anyway in case I end up at the ER or something tonight (unlikely but still having blood in my you know what has me paranoid as hell).

Top Shot (post water):

Miss Cane (Pre-Water):

Mrs. Widow (pre-water):

There were probably 25 dead leaves today, only 4-5 of all those did I 'pluck'. sigh.

Watering did not go as well as expected, but still 'ok'

--water report\log --

Miss Cane:
Decided bump her up, for what may be her last full feeding, to about 75-80% of recipe and 1200ppm.
Mix: 10ml bc boost;10ml bc bloom; 2.5ml aweblossoms;2.5ml thrivealivered; 5ml magical; 9ml sugardaddy
PPM: 1210
PH: 6.05, ph'upped to 6.58-6.61
Water: gallon of distilled.

Exit water samples:
cup1-4 combined: ph 6.71 ppm: ~1250

wave4: (all ppms were 1210-1260)
cup1: ph 6.43
cup2: ph 6.48
cup3: ph 6.50
cup4: ph 6.47
tray: ph 6.51

Total in:~3700 total out:600

Mrs Widow:
Decided to try 100% of what the recipe calls for, actually it's like 105% when you could the extra magical.
Mix: 15ml bc boost;15ml bc bloom; 2.5ml aweblossoms;2.5ml thrivealivered; 5ml magical; 12.5ml sugardaddy
PPM: 1500
PH: 5.95, ph'upped to 6.60-6.63
Water: gallon of distilled.

cup1: ph 6.58 ppm 1280
cup2+3 combined: ph 6.55 ppm 1450

wave4: (all ppms were 1500-1520)
cup1: ph 6.53
cup2: ph 6.55
cup3: ph 6.50
cup4: ph 6.50
tray: ph 6.52

Total in:~3700 total out:550

Thoughts: wtf is with the .3 drop on average from last time? ok so water in was about .1-.15 lower (on purpose), but still? Hmm. Still it's in ok range but next time going back to input water ph'd to 6.7+ and maybe small amount of dolo top coating again before water for each, all I can think is some of it flushed out in last water (because I did sort of get that vibe last round in looking at the tray water).

---end water log--

TLDR... CC got feed more, may be her last full feeding; WW got 100% bloom dose as diagnosis\troubleshooting continues. Both had exit water in range to pick up what they were fed... but both were much lower than last time (6.4x-6.5x vs 6.6x-6.8).

That is all, the saltines,water, and nap time calls, hopefully by babies like their food better than my stomach liked whatever i eat yesterday.:Namaste:

Totally off topic.
Holy fk does food poisoning hurt. I never actually had it before, at least never anything even remotely like the pain I had yesterday, they ain't kidding when they say "stabbing pains".. knocked me to the floor and took my breath away, literally, which was something new for me. I've had surgeries that produced less sharpness in pains. Still don't know that caused it, brother says was probably cat related, he's probably right, I'm pretty good about washing hands after litter-box duty but I'm not above forgetting and I think I did yesterday, cause right after that I had some cookies I was dunking and eating and sure enough ~2-3hr later I'm on the floor. Makes more sense then anything else I could come up with anyway. Thankfully the stabbing pain part faded away after a couple hours, still sore as hell though.
Day 60 (morning) - Going 105% on the reactor! ..and food poisoning sucks!

Temps 70-79f last 24hr, rh 34-53%. Progress, none that I really noticed or measured.
Got food poisoning (least that's 85% what I think it is) yesterday afternoon, so out of commission for the night, no tri-check, and none again this morning cause I have zero energy and while feeling better... whatever I have or happened is not gone yet so I'm doing the minimum and trying to rest.

Girls were 11.6lbs and 12.1 respective at 9am this morning... So I watered them... I really didn't have the energy for this, but I did it anyway in case I end up at the ER or something tonight (unlikely but still having blood in my you know what has me paranoid as hell).

Top Shot (post water):

Miss Cane (Pre-Water):

Mrs. Widow (pre-water):

There were probably 25 dead leaves today, only 4-5 of all those did I 'pluck'. sigh.

Watering did not go as well as expected, but still 'ok'

--water report\log --

Miss Cane:
Decided bump her up, for what may be her last full feeding, to about 75-80% of recipe and 1200ppm.
Mix: 10ml bc boost;10ml bc bloom; 2.5ml aweblossoms;2.5ml thrivealivered; 5ml magical; 9ml sugardaddy
PPM: 1210
PH: 6.05, ph'upped to 6.58-6.61
Water: gallon of distilled.

Exit water samples:
cup1-4 combined: ph 6.71 ppm: ~1250

wave4: (all ppms were 1210-1260)
cup1: ph 6.43
cup2: ph 6.48
cup3: ph 6.50
cup4: ph 6.47
tray: ph 6.51

Total in:~3700 total out:600

Mrs Widow:
Decided to try 100% of what the recipe calls for, actually it's like 105% when you could the extra magical.
Mix: 15ml bc boost;15ml bc bloom; 2.5ml aweblossoms;2.5ml thrivealivered; 5ml magical; 12.5ml sugardaddy
PPM: 1500
PH: 5.95, ph'upped to 6.60-6.63
Water: gallon of distilled.

cup1: ph 6.58 ppm 1280
cup2+3 combined: ph 6.55 ppm 1450

wave4: (all ppms were 1500-1520)
cup1: ph 6.53
cup2: ph 6.55
cup3: ph 6.50
cup4: ph 6.50
tray: ph 6.52

Total in:~3700 total out:550

Thoughts: wtf is with the .3 drop on average from last time? ok so water in was about .1-.15 lower (on purpose), but still? Hmm. Still it's in ok range but next time going back to input water ph'd to 6.7+ and maybe small amount of dolo top coating again before water for each, all I can think is some of it flushed out in last water (because I did sort of get that vibe last round in looking at the tray water).

---end water log--

TLDR... CC got feed more, may be her last full feeding; WW got 100% bloom dose as diagnosis\troubleshooting continues. Both had exit water in range to pick up what they were fed... but both were much lower than last time (6.4x-6.5x vs 6.6x-6.8).

That is all, the saltines,water, and nap time calls, hopefully by babies like their food better than my stomach liked whatever i eat yesterday.:Namaste:

Totally off topic.
Holy fk does food poisoning hurt. I never actually had it before, at least never anything even remotely like the pain I had yesterday, they ain't kidding when they say "stabbing pains".. knocked me to the floor and took my breath away, literally, which was something new for me. I've had surgeries that produced less sharpness in pains. Still don't know that caused it, brother says was probably cat related, he's probably right, I'm pretty good about washing hands after litter-box duty but I'm not above forgetting and I think I did yesterday, cause right after that I had some cookies I was dunking and eating and sure enough ~2-3hr later I'm on the floor. Makes more sense then anything else I could come up with anyway. Thankfully the stabbing pain part faded away after a couple hours, still sore as hell though.
Girls are looking good, hope you get to feeling better.✌️
Day 61 (morning) - Tri checking and Canada Dry

Temps 70-77f; RH 34%-49%, Was little less humid last 24hr here I think is the reason for the 3pt drop in max RH, as my environment\ac setting\etc really didn't change from prior days. Progress... still no more height on Mrs. Widow, I think she's done, this morning top leaves were looking pretty happy and with no more height growth last 3-4 days I'm betting she's done, she did to my eyes add some more pistol growth last 24hr. Miss Cane just doing her thing, only thing I've noticed on her is some of the edges of her bug leaves have gone dark purple\blackish. I think CC is supposed to sort of look like that nearing completion so I'm not worried, should I be?

I yanked them both out of the tent for tri-check on CC and pictures and an overall health check with the scope and basic magnifying glass. As for health after feeding both more PPMs than I ever have before, neither are showing any immediate burn, but I know that probably doesn't mean much just yet, tomorrow will probably tell me more. I don't see anything 'new' on Miss Cane's lower parts that have me concerned. Same goes for Mrs.Widow, her bottom\sides still of course look like they did yesterday, but first day in the last couple that I did *not* notice significant amount of 'new' problem leaves.... keeping fingers crossed.

Miss Cane Trichome checks... I'm gonna put that in a separate post a few minutes after this one due to number of pics. But I think I'm definitely in the harvest in about 10 days or less zone... so yesterday was her last big feeding. To sum it up, by my noob eyes ... the lower buds (below canopy) still got a good amount of clear, the middle center area of the plant is I would say mostly cloudy, but without amber. The sampled main colas halfway\top of them, they are mostly cloudy with sporadic amber...couple leaves have quite a few amber...specifically the 'black edge' ones seem to have the most. I really need second options on all that though.

Anyway onto the daily non-tri porn.

Tops\Side shots:

Miss Cane:

That dark purple\black you can see in the last couple.

Mrs. Widow:

Today is first day (sort of thought this yesterday too), where most the bud sites
to me actually starting to look like bud sites and not just a collection of hairs,
and while no frost or anything yet, fking around with the leaves today
they getting sticky, or more so than they were 2 days I can't just
stick my hand all up in her anymore without getting sticky. Went though
this same stage with CC like 3 weeks ago.

Due to input air circulation I added back the smaller oscillating fan, but in static mode and at floor level, I got the feeling from laser checking leaves on WW that much of the coolest air was being blown over right to left.
Which while the other fan was blowing toward ww on each cycle I think the setup was also causing more air to be sucked directly up by the exhaust on the left side. So I kind of tweaked thing to try and get it distributed more at ground'ish level under ww. Thus far seems to have dropped WW top leaves 2f like I wanted.

Thanks everyone for the wishing me well on the health thing, feeling much better this morning, good ol Canada Dry ginger ale been helping a lot to settle things since yesterday, at 80%, probably be 100% by tonight I think, glad that's over with.

Off to upload the tri-pics.
Day 61 - Trichome Pics

So I took another look as scheduled at Miss Cane today with the usb-scope, grrrrr, 112 pics later I actually had about 35 somewhat usable, so I'm getting a little better, used a little crate to help balance my arm and shit, didn't really help...well, maybe a little.

So I've broken the pics into the 4 area that I tried to get a couple decent shots from.
Lower = Below canopy bud area, two were check one each on opposite sides.
Center = Center canopy of the plant buds, mostly at or near top of the bugs.
Middle = Main cola's around the edge of the plant, pics were taken at least 1" below top, tried to get a couple from around the plant.
Top = Main cola's around the edge of the plant, pics were taken now lower than about 1"\1.5" from top, tried to get a couple different ones.

BLUE circles: I've edited some of the photos to add blue circles to highlight where I think I'm seeing 'amber'.
White circles: I've edited some of the photos to add white circles to highlight where I think I'm seeing 'cloudy'.
*did not circle most pics, just a couple too see if someone can say I'm miss id'ing cloudy or amber.

(may need to click for higher res)

Seem about 30-40% cloudy to me, didn't notice any amber of note.


These pics are crap.. sadly they were the better of the bunch from the 'center'... seem 40-50% cloudy to me.


Definitely some amber mixed in there sporadically right? Seems like 30-50% cloudy to me.



Clearly showing more 'done' then the rest for the most part, seem 30-50% cloudy to me.

Over all things seem to me in the 30-50% cloudy range with an occasional amber, or am I wrong?
If that's about right I'm thinking I'm entering the two week zone, and should stop feeding and just goto
water. (maybe still with a little calmag (1/2 usual) and sugar daddy for the next one or two before pure flush).


Man these pages must take forever to load for people on slow connections. lol
Day 62 (evening) - Short and Sweet

Temps 70-77f; RH 37-52%. Progress, umm Miss Cane seems to have iced up a little more in last 36hr, lower down on the bud leaves, or maybe mind playing tricks since I forgot to check on them this morning and it's evening and not seem them in while. Mrs. Widow didn't grow any, (again I think she's done more or less doing that) but do see some resin glands starting to show up on her leaves tonight, it's very faint, not sure camera is gonna catch it yet but they're starting to show up in visible form on some top parts, couple more days and her buds might really start forming up voltron.

As for her yellowing, I've not noticed it really getting worse, few of the 'already on way out leaves' have progressed to nearly dead, but *fingers crossed* not seeing much if any 'new' damage or for that matter any burn on either, though whatever is there is still there.

On Mrs.Widow I'm kind of going with part ph originally and then part 'I was under feeding her' theory for now. They are both due for just water\calmag tomorrow, we'll see how that goes. I could full-feed widow again but that would be 3 in a row and probably be a mistake, but her next one after that will be a full dose at ~1500 again. CC ... I'll tri check again monday but I think I'm done feeding her anything other than calmag and sugardaddy, and after tomorrow maybe just water after that.

Top Shot:

Miss Cane:

Mrs Widow:

Once I harvest CC, I might even semi-re-lst WW, cause there was so much more opportunity to
bend her out but... I've been out of room the last 2weeks for her to really spread her wings.
Can't wait to move her to center and spread her just a little and flood her with all 4-5 lights from
every angle.

Day 63 (morning)- Waterfalls

Temps 72-77f; 36-52%RH last 12-24hr, not sure what increase in the low side was about, could just be ac\dry cool cycle kicked in a few times less yesterday for whatever reason. Progress - About the same as last night, Miss cane trucking along and Mrs. Widow putting meat on her sticks. Girls weight around 11lbs each today, didn't digital them, but did old-school weight them just to double check my arms\feel for things. They got watered.

Daily porn - Not much today since no real change from last night.

Top Shot:

Miss Cane :

Mrs. Widow:

That deadfall was mostly that, a couple were 'picked' but most were just dead all through out the plant, mostly at the bottom\bottom center stem'ish area, all that tiny stuff was in bottom'ish - personally I'm kind of glad the tiny crap down there died.

--Water report---

Miss Cane:

Water: Distilled
Mixture: 5ml Magi-cal; 7ml sugar daddy
PPMIn-PHIn: ~320\6.2 ph upped to 6.7
Notes: Probably last time I give her any sugar daddy. Next time probably only 2.5ml magi cal as well. Top coated soil pre-water with 3/4ths Tbsp of Dolomite lime power. Now at 6.75 Tbsp running total.

Exit water samples:
wave 3:
cup 1 - ppm: 830 ph: 6.92
wave 4:
cup 1 - ppm:800 ph:6.58
cup 2 - ppm:895 ph:6.79
cup 3 - ppm:860 ph:6.71
cup 4 - ppm:855 ph:6.56
cup 5 - ppm:820 ph: 6.66
tray - ppm:818 ph: 6.79

Total in:~3750 Total out: ~600ml (16%)

Mrs Widow:

Water: Distilled
Mixture: 5ml Magi-cal; 6ml sugar daddy; .75ml awesome blossoms
PPMIn-PHIn: ~400\5.1 ph upped to 6.7
Notes: The awesome blooms was cause..well..figured fk-it give a tiny p-k boost; Top coated soil pre-water with 3/4ths Tbsp of Dolomite lime power. Now at 6.75 Tbsp running total.

Exit water samples:
wave 4:
cup 1 - ppm:714 ph: 6.62
cup 2 - ppm:750 ph: 6.67
cup 3 - ppm:670 ph: 6.74
cup 4 - ppm:717 ph: 6.58
cup 5 - ppm:699 ph: 6.67
tray - ppm:660 ph: 6.85

Total in:~3750 Total out: ~600ml (16%)

Thoughts: Well that was sort of weird, numbers sort of spastic, but all in 6.5-6.8 range I want so whatever.
Also looks like Mrs Widow was eating pretty good into her prior 1500 meal, so as planned she will get another around that dose in 3 days.

--end water report

On the down side I only got them back under the lights about 30-40 minutes before lights out.

Other: I added back one lst wire to WW for a particular branch, giving a couple others buried near by a few more mm of space.
Day 64 (mid morning) - Week 10 from sprout begins

Temps 70-77f; RH 26-55% in last 24hr, that 55% was this morning, had windows in house open and and tent doors open so it climbed higher than usual for about 20 minutes, no biggie was back down in mid 40's after closing up tent,etc. Progress - Nothing to report differently than yesterday. Yellowing on widow.. well no new deadfall today, probably will be a couple from what I can see tomorrow though, not see a whole bunch of new problems leaves like a I was this time last week (fingers crossed).

Did not tri-check this morning as planned cause have other sh1t to do and it's quite the process for me to do, but will spot check tonight.

Daily porn.. took a couple closer ups of cc buds.

Top shots:

Miss Cane:

Steady she goes. I noticed one leaf down low kind of going full on yellow...but also think
she's 10 or day from chop, so not gonna worry about it and chocking that up to mostly fact I expect to see more later in the week.

Mrs Widow:

Really has started packing on the flower growth in last couple days, don't know if that is just timing, or she was really starved for more nutes, probably a bit of both in my best guess.

Day 65 (mid morning) - Just another day in paradise


Temps 70-77f, rh 34-54% last 24hr; lifted pots as expected don't need water till tomorrow. Progress.. eh chugging along, 98% look same as yesterday to me. Couple dead leaves on WW as expected. Tri-checked Miss Cane this morning. If didn't know better would say she's about done.

Top shot:

Miss Cane:

Mrs Widow:

Miss Cane Tri's

Lower buds:

Center top'ish:

Main cola top'ish:

So I'm thinking she gonna be ready to chop in <10 days. Plan is water her tomorrow with
ph'd water and 2.5ml calmag, then 3 days later probably gallon pure ph'd water...wait
say 3 more days... and chop right at lights on\ or worst case\depending throw two-three gallons at her and
wait another day or two after that. Looking like day 72-75 chop to me.

Tonight I may try moving CC's side lights down 1-2" in attempt to just get some more light on some of the lower stuff, don't want to move the main cause of Mrs.Widow seems to like it just about where it is atm.

Thoughts about feeding her molasses\sugar daddy in her very last watering? I see some people doing this, I see others stopping such 7days out. *shrug* Also I wish I could give her 24 darkness before chop, but don't have an easy way of doing that short of throwing her into a closet lol.
Day 65 (mid morning) - Just another day in paradise


Temps 70-77f, rh 34-54% last 24hr; lifted pots as expected don't need water till tomorrow. Progress.. eh chugging along, 98% look same as yesterday to me. Couple dead leaves on WW as expected. Tri-checked Miss Cane this morning. If didn't know better would say she's about done.

Top shot:

Miss Cane:

Mrs Widow:

Miss Cane Tri's

Lower buds:

Center top'ish:

Main cola top'ish:

So I'm thinking she gonna be ready to chop in <10 days. Plan is water her tomorrow with
ph'd water and 2.5ml calmag, then 3 days later probably gallon pure ph'd water...wait
say 3 more days... and chop right at lights on\ or worst case\depending throw two-three gallons at her and
wait another day or two after that. Looking like day 72-75 chop to me.

Tonight I may try moving CC's side lights down 1-2" in attempt to just get some more light on some of the lower stuff, don't want to move the main cause of Mrs.Widow seems to like it just about where it is atm.

Thoughts about feeding her molasses\sugar daddy in her very last watering? I see some people doing this, I see others stopping such 7days out. *shrug* Also I wish I could give her 24 darkness before chop, but don't have an easy way of doing that short of throwing her into a closet lol.
I definitly say CC is done (my opinion) I see a lot of amber on her! Beautiful
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