First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Listen to you Mr No Longer A Noob Grower ;)

You've worked really hard. You deserve it :hug:

So bushy :slide: I can't wait for these babies to grow. My first photoperiods :). I have a side project (the strain was something like MK or MK ultra) about a month old now. I was practicing topping and LST on her and it worked like a charm. Now she's a short bush with around 12 tops. Her branches are getting sidebranches as well :). I'm going to start practicing taking cuttings off her in a week or so. Just trying to be well prepared for when lucy and SLH are old enough.
The plan is to veg them for 10 weeks first (4 lucies and 1 super lemon haze) then take cuttings off all of them (around 30 cuts). I'll have a mini SOG in the middle hempy style, and 4 moma plants around (2 on each side), and flip to 12/12. I would go with a full SOG and keep the momas in VEG but I can't :(. I have no way of keeping the mothers so I thought it's a good compromise to have a mini sog in the middle and moms on the side :). The initial plan was to strip the mothers dead and do a full SOG, I think the tent can take around 50 single cola cuts.
I had a seed but I gave it to my friend. He's gona start growing it soon :) It looks good on paper :)

I was checking it out figuring I will get those beans next. It says its a big yielder also. 400gr. Thats great for an auto not to mention the diesel strain in it. But question how long did it take for your seeds to pop ground after germinating? I didnt use a dome and tray this time. I just put them in the soil after germinating wondering if there ok?
They're ok man, I usually get impatient and start digging when I get worried but try not to do that lol :)! They'll pop up in about 5 days or so. I've had some popping in 2 days and some as far as 8 days (big devil).
Siberian at day 88 after 3 days of darkness. All fat and frosty :yummy:
She's about to get chopped :)

I'm really glad one of the autos grew this big to make up for my 2 dwarfs. The 2 will yield a combined weight of a half oz. Very disappointing for a plant that's occupying space in the tent lol. Hopefully this siberian will make up for them :)
Yeh Wiz she grew bigger than all the rest. She was transplanted and didn't like that much. Also took a lot more than recommended time and I chopped at 1% amber. I saw all milky with the rare amber in the middle. :thanks: for the compliments Wiz.
I'm taking my first cutting some time this week :) I'll probably be checking on roots every hour :laughtwo:
Lol Im so the same with this aero cloning. I keep lifting the top like there going to magically just be there the next time I check lol. So far it's going good though. I may go back to propagation tray and dome because its alot of work with hydro. Checking PH and also keeping the temps down. I just freeze 4 small bags of water and drop one in there threw out the day to keep the temps down. It works good.
My MH won't start :(. I moved all my autos into darkness for a chop in 2 days. Then I moved the new plants to the tent and tried the MH bulb. I guess I'll veg them under HPS for a week or so until I replace the MH.
I should have let my Siberian go longer! Your girls look great! Looks as if you will get some weight off her. My Siberian gave me just over an ounce dried. I do trim close and the Siberian needed some extra trimming to dislodge dead bud leaves. I also took her earlier than I should have.

Congrtas man!! I'm glad for ya!
Thank you very much spring :)
We had very different phenos of the siberian! Day 85 and I still couldn't locate any amber. If yours showed amber by day 60 then you chopped at the right time man. I think all the toxicity she went through delayed her in my case :).
cheers :grinjoint:
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