First Time Grow Journal - Outside - Kaya Gold & Freebies

Exquisite. What gorgeous leaves. Any day now you'll get blossoming.
Thanks S.S. But these leaves don't smoke. But this is the one I have that is nearest my heart. She was the baby runt of the "litter" of KG. She sprouted last with tiny little leaves. When a tiny baby with her first two kind of real leaves I put her out with the rest for a little sun. And her two tiny leaves got fried. Truly rookie mistake. The two leaves weren't even a centimeter and half were totally fried crisp. A goner. Then I read a thread where someone had a similar "goner" and guy said just put her in the ground if you have it and let her live or die. I did. And the little baby with maybe four roots less than an inch long survived. It is an inspiration. The Sativa I have in the ground is a similar story. I thought she was dead. And now she's almost 7 feet. It has told me a lot about the power of growing in Mother Earth.
My Kaya Gold girl in the dirt has some big leaves. I was thinking some of the fan leaves were as big as dinner plates. They are. Now if she would just make some flowers for me. She's 5 feet tall now almost that across. She's in her 11th week.


Vintage pink Fiestaware! Are you trying to make my heart stop? Good grief! A little warning there! :laughtwo:
I'm a little disappointed. It seems the light leaks in the garage are worse than I thought. It is too leaky to fix 100% After all it is basically a 100 years old. So I need some thoughts. If my effort to bring them in and out every 12 hours is going to be for naught, I would be happy to abandon the idea. If y'all think it could still work, I will keep after it for the next 23 days. I'm a little concerned about attracting the attention of my neighbors on that side.
SS Who knew? I didn't know that pink Fiestaware had that effect on you.

What? You didn't read that memo? LOL! I've always been a fan and the vintage colors are near impossible to get for less than the blood of your firstborn. Pink, lilac, pale yellow.... *sigh* I have none of them. Just a distant admirer. Give your wife a hug for me and let her know how lucky she is. (Swoon)
Can they be covered inside the garage KK? That would do it too.

Can't you just cover the plants with say.... Heavy duty contractor's bags? They're thick enough to break the light, lightweight enough to do no damage and big enough that they may fit right over the plants.
Thanks guys for the input on the light thing. I take it that just a tiny bit of light will defeat my purpose? I will assume that but would love confirmation. Sigh, I will try to cover them with the bags Sue. One I'm not so sure about size, wise. The bags sound possible. Anything else i have like a tarp would be too heavy and risk damage. I don't want to harm what I've accomplished so far.
Thanks guys for the input on the light thing. I take it that just a tiny bit of light will defeat my purpose? I will assume that but would love confirmation. Sigh, I will try to cover them with the bags Sue. One I'm not so sure about size, wise. The bags sound possible. Anything else i have like a tarp would be too heavy and risk damage. I don't want to harm what I've accomplished so far.

The contractor's bags are more expensive, but they're huge Kodiak. Have you ever used them? What popped into my head was the size of them. They might be what you need.
Excellent idea SS. Two can be covered perfectly with a big bag. I'll just do what I can do and let nature take its course. I think I can get one covered if I cobble two or three bags together. I don't want to push it into real work if that makes sense. And SS, wow I had no idea dinnerware worked that way. Had I known, I would have added it to my arsenal when I was young and unattached. But now I will just have to be happy I can make a girl swoon from afar. On a different not I do have an issue with one of the girls. Got a few leaves on one not so green right now. Will post a pic and and question tomorrow.
O.K. enough of the light leak, bigger bag, covering up stuff of these girls. I'm moving on. Brightlight and SS gave me great ideas. I have some pretty big black bags. The big girl with wide hips won't allow one to fit over her. I'll cover her up one way or another. I know the light I have in the garage is too much even though I am a rookie. I greeted those girls this morning and they had already saluted the tiny light they had. So I'll drag them in, cover them up the best I can and call it good. Can't justify buying bigger bags, no really because of the cost, but because I'd have to buy like 30 bags which are petroleum products, and I'd never use them all. I can't justify that. I'll get by with what I have.
O.K. These girls are still looking great. Growth has slowed considerably. I have the bags straightened out so no light whatsoever 12 hours. How long do y'all figure it will take for them to start flowering? And I'm not real sure what to be feeding them right now. Especially the two in the ground that aren't under cover. They are are just to big to cover. The Sativa is just shy of 7' now. For the ones in the pots under cover, I've been splitting grow/bloom 50-50 at just under full strength every other water. Been still feeding Grow on the two in the ground, but I still don't really know how many gallons of water with nutes to give them. Been doing 2 gallons per plant per watering and watering the rest of the way with straight water.
I was pretty frustrated with the light leak thing yesterday. Today is a new day. My wife came to the rescue. She took the bags I had (too small) and made bigger bags out of them. Perfect!

Behind every successful man is a woman willing to cobble things together for him. Like elves in the night sometimes. :laughtwo:

I have to give the reps to you, but please, let her know they were really for her. :battingeyelashes:

Thanks for the hearty laughs. Your wife is a lucky woman. :Love:
Just hanging in here. Brightlight. Thanks for the input. The pots are plenty green. Going just bloom. Weather has turned fall for almost two weeks. Like a switch came on. 65 and rain today. But we're supposed to warm up back close to 90. Keeping them dark for 12. Starting to worry, but keeping a smile. I can see the girls are tough. Early on when we were having troubles in seedling stage my wife scolded me, and told me to always talk nice to them. I have, since. I'm starting to have a couple issues. I'll post them below. But in the meantime here are pictures of top growth on a couple of secondary branches so you can see what is happening.


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