First Time Grow - 2 x Nirvana Freebies - 1 x White Widow - 1 x Pineapple Punch

I've got a really really noob question if anyone out there can help.

I've basically got 2 batches of grows in 1 tent, my 2 White Widows and Pineapple punch are on day 68ish, my dark devil and 2 NLs are on day 50ish.

I only have this 1 tent, which I plan to also use for drying (take advantage of the carbon filter for smell control).

I don't think i'll be able to harvest my 2nd batch together with my 1st batch, so I will have to cut down my Pineapple Punch and White Widows first. I planned to hang those to dry at the top of my tent, above my lights, while continuing the grow of the other plants.

Now the problem is that I've heard light degrades THC or something? I don't think I have much of a choice to do my drying with LED lights on. Is it a really big problem? Btw, the lights will not be shining directly on the drying buds, just the reflection off the sides of the tent will cast some light on them.
There is one solution that came to my mind: Get a cardboard box you can fit into your desired space, then stitch it through with thread or stick some sticks through. Hang your buds in your tent with the top partially open to let some air in. Let the buds slow dry in dark and mild weather. That's how I will do it I dunno if anyone does it better/differently. Hope it helps. Happy growing! :love: :Namaste:
There is one solution that came to my mind: Get a cardboard box you can fit into your desired space, then stitch it through with thread or stick some sticks through. Hang your buds in your tent with the top partially open to let some air in. Let the buds slow dry in dark and mild weather. That's how I will do it I dunno if anyone does it better/differently. Hope it helps. Happy growing! :love: :Namaste:

Or hang a paper bag around them?
Good suggestions, maybe I'll try the cardboard box or something equivalent first.

The paper bag sounds good too, but I'm a little worried that the smaller space will trap moisture easier and encourage mold. The RH in my area is pretty unstable these couple days, it's around 60-79% during the day. Hopefully as the weather cools, it will become drier.

And fuzznutter, is the purple pheno same as the black pheno? My baby buds are insanely dark, and even my sugar leaves are black-ish. I've had some pretty crappy luck with with my Dark Devil seeds, I attempted to germ 3 (one by one), but only 1 sprouted. Oh, and thanks for subbing! You're just in time for the good stuff! Oh and if you're interested to know, I've got 6 plants in the tent, 4 of them in 3 gallons, 1 in a 1.5 gallon, and 1 in a 1 gallon. I made the mistake to add more plants because the tent looked so empty during the seedling stages, next grow will have a maximum of 3 plants in 3 gallons smart pots.

Man it's exciting to be getting close to harvest, almost there! Pics will be up tomorrow when they get their next watering!
The purple is sometimes so dark it looks inky black. It's sooo cool!

My favorite way to germinate seeds is to soak them overnight and in the morning push them each into a presoaked Rapid Rooter. Then I usually put the Rapid Rooter in a cup with soil or perlite to better keep it moist. I've never had that fail me yet. I can't say the same with other methods but your mileage may vary.

I think we ALL put too many plants in the first time. Heck I know better and I'm certain I put at least 1 more plants in each closet than I should have this time as well. :laughtwo:

Can't wait for the pics!
Ok, update time, the pictures came out pretty crappy as usual, sorry about that

White Widow in 3 gallon smart pot (day 68 from sprout, 46 flower)
Somehow I didn't get a pic of the whole plant, but the main cola is looking great! It's probably the size of the forearm of a large child. However, it doesn't look as fat as my WW in a smaller pot, probably because i snapped its main cola 2 weeks ago... Trichomes are still clear

White Widow #2 in 1.5 gallon (day 68 sprout, 46 flower)
This little guy almost got tossed out early on, but luckily I kept it going. It's much smaller than the 3 gallon WW, but the buds are looking FAT. The stems doesn't seem too strong, and the bud's weight is causing some dangerous swaying. I've added a stick and used plant ties to secure the floppier stems. Trichomes are still clear.

Pineapple Punch in 3 gallon smartpot (day 70 from sprout, 48 flower)
This guy seemed to have stopped fattening up, but still buds look decent. Trichomes may be a little cloudy (not too sure), but no amber for sure.

Northern Lights in 3 gallon (day 52 sprout, 26 flower)
Nothing special, but i did a crazy U shape LST during the first week of flower as it got a little tall.

Northern Lights in 1 gallon (day 50 sprout, forgot to record preflower date)
This guy was small, as expected in a smaller container, and it also flowered a later than my 3 gal NL.

Dark Devil in 3 gallon (day 52 sprout, 28 flower)
Man, this guy did some major stretch, did some major LST and broke the stem in week 1 of flowering. But the colors are looking crazyyyy. The main cola is just starting to fill up with small buds, and I can already imagine the beast it will eventually turn into! Beautiful!

AK Ryder and Easy Ryder in 1 gallons:
Tossed them out of the grow tent due to insufficient space a week ago. They are currently spending time on the balcony in the mornings, and under some spare aquarium LEDs for the rest of the time. The LEDs are white and blue, no reds, but I figure something is better than nothing right? No pics for these guys until they get a watering.

Damn, that's some serious buds you got here, but what else can one expect from serious grower. Pics are bad quality but they are also good quality, haha. Keep it up. Great! :love: :Namaste:
I will be doing a super super flush on my 2 White Widows and the Pineapple Punch in 2 days. I'll be tossing them under a running tap, and just let it go crazy. This is because I've added some slow release nutes and want to get rid of all of them, hopefully. I added some 0-18-0 slow release, and used nirvana's soil and flower tabs.

I might also trim off all the large fan leaves to get it ready for harvest? I'm thinking it's the last chance to get some more light down to the lower buds before harvest... hmm, there's too much opposing information out there!
I will be doing a super super flush on my 2 White Widows and the Pineapple Punch in 2 days. I'll be tossing them under a running tap, and just let it go crazy. This is because I've added some slow release nutes and want to get rid of all of them, hopefully. I added some 0-18-0 slow release, and used nirvana's soil and flower tabs.

I might also trim off all the large fan leaves to get it ready for harvest? I'm thinking it's the last chance to get some more light down to the lower buds before harvest... hmm, there's too much opposing information out there!

ALL of the fan leaves? Personally, I would do it a bit more strategically and only pull those that are actually blocking lower bud sites that couldn't be tucked. That's just my opinion though. The idea of removing all of them gives me heart palpitations. :laughtwo:
ALL of the fan leaves? Personally, I would do it a bit more strategically and only pull those that are actually blocking lower bud sites that couldn't be tucked. That's just my opinion though. The idea of removing all of them gives me heart palpitations. :laughtwo:

I dunno what heart palpitations means, I had to look it up. I agree to remove what cannot be tucked or bent. Good luck with your choice whatever it would be. Happy growing! :love: :Namaste:
Holy cow, things just got BAD! I had to early harvest my White Widows!!!!

I don't know what it is, maybe mold? Bud rot? It was a storm of bad coincidences so I don't really know the root cause. I've had a RH spike of 81% during the day, I can't imagine what it is during lights out. My clip on fan broke, so the only circulation in the tent is the suction from my outtake fan that is connected to the carbon filter. I think cutting the fan leaves on the buds was also a bad idea, the "wound" area might still be transpiring water, and with the stagnant air, created a moist area letting the mold or whatever grow.

I've removed the moldy areas, and salvaged what I could. I lost the main cola of my smaller White Widow, and half the main cola of the bigger white widow. My White Widows are both 75 days from sprout, and 53 days since first preflowers. There were no amber trichomes that I could see on either plants.

I didn't do a preharvest pic of them as I was rushing, but I did get some pics of the mold and harvest.

Rot/Mold pics:

White Widow 3 gallon Cola:

Final harvest:

Discarded buds:

My Pineapple Punch didn't seem to have been infected, so I took a nice good look at it and tossed it back into the tent. I cranked up the CFMs on my exhaust fan so make up for more circulation due to the broken clip fan.

I've currently still got 6 more plants in the tent, and should be finishing up within a month or so, so I'll be keeping the journal going for a little longer.
I dunno what hit your plant. Are there any sings of pests? Great job though! Impressive buds. They might need drier climate. +reps! :thumb: :Namaste:
I believe that it is spider mites? Those strands might be their web I think. I really hope that there aren't any babies or anything I've missed on my harvested buds, or else that would be seriously nasty. I've looked at the bottom of the leaves but they look pretty clean, so I'm still not sure.

I'm running a dehumidifier 24/7, and RH has stabilized at around 65%, hopefully it can get a little lower.

My buds are drying inside at the top of my tent, no cardboard or anything to block light, but it seems pretty shady. The fans from the top of the LEDs are keeping the air around the buds moving, which I hope does more good than harm. Well, first time for everything! :Namaste:
I believe that it is spider mites? Those strands might be their web I think. I really hope that there aren't any babies or anything I've missed on my harvested buds, or else that would be seriously nasty. I've looked at the bottom of the leaves but they look pretty clean, so I'm still not sure.

I wondered about that when I first saw the picture but your leaves don't show any signs of mites, which I would expect them to with that degree of webbing. I had a jar of bud once that I put in just a tad too damp and it developed a web-style mold like that. If you don't actually see insects or leaf damage from them, I'd suspect mold, especially with your recent humidity problems. Definitely keep an eye out for buggies though just in case.
Drying took 72 hours, and the outside was pretty crunchy. I've cut off all stems and popped them into 2 quart sized jars for curing along with 2 packs of boveda 62% 8g each. Did a quick weighing, and it came to 57g, or 2.01oz of buds. I think I threw away at a third of half of an ounce of buds that were infested. But overall, I'm pretty happy with the harvest.

I'm not too sure if my buds are over dried or not, hopefully the Boveda will get it to where it needs to be for curing. Should I still be burping them everyday? Or would that not be required?

The empty jars each weigh 685g, with 18g of Boveda. 729g and 734g total weight, making 26g and 31g of buds inside. Is an ounce per quart sized jar reasonable? The jars are approx 3/4 to 2/3 full.
Stay tuned for pineapple punch harvest update in the next day or two! Trichs are around 5-10% amber (indica dom), hopefully it will give a nice body stone.

I've taken the pineapple punch out and put it in a dark closet, to prepare for harvest during the dark cycle. It seems that lots of people say the nutes move towards the roots during the dark, and helps improve the taste of the buds? I might harvest in 6 hours, or 30 hours, depending on how smelly the house gets with the plant out of the tent.
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