First Time Grow: White Widow

Update: I’ve brought a second light as I feel the plants were getting a little overcrowded under the original one.

The smallest plant has now been transplanted into a larger pot. It’s still scrawny but is growing.

All plants have been without watering for more than one week now. I think the pots I used for the transplants were a little big so are taking some time to dry out. On the next watering I will use less water.

Some progress shots:

Both of these lights are advertised as “full spectrum”, but light colour is clearly different. The new light which displays as a pinkish purple also has higher wattage than my more expensive Home Depot light. I’m interested to see which works better for the plants.

Can anyone shed a little “light” on my recent purchase?

I am also debating constructing a box around the plants with reflective material inside to improve light distribution, I’m not sure it’s worth it at this stage though as they will be moved outdoors in six weeks.
Update: 5 days in their new home. I think they’re going to outgrow the house before time comes to move them outside. Little 19W grow light is holding up well though, plants show excellent growth day-to-day. Largest plant it now around 20 inches tall.

5 days progress:


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Day 46:

I trimmed two leaves from one plant, this was a mistake, I misunderstood the instructions given to me. The leaves are now on display in my living room.

It has been brought to my attention that my plants are growing taller than normal because there is insufficient light. I have no increased their light schedule to 20/4 and added my second light into the enclosure to try and mitigate the stretching.

Today was also the very first nutrient feed, so far they’ve had only water.
Day 55.

First nutrient feed went wrong, didn’t realise the Ph of the water was going to adjust with the addition of nutes. This led to damage of the leaves and was coupled with improper watering practices, I wasn’t watering until runoff.

Girls are going to move outside in one or two weeks, depending on the weather.


Healthiest plant:
Moved plants outside today, the upcoming week looks nice so I decided to take the plunge. Monday and Tuesday look to have chilly mornings 6-7 degrees Celsius, shouldn’t be too much of a bother.

I’ve used some sticks to help them stand up, I think they’re going to take some time to adjust to their new environment.

Day 122: Tallest plant is now 6’8” from top of soil to top of the plant (2nd from left).

Girl on the right hand side is the bushiest.

Far left has the thickest stem, she was the largest plant for most of the grow but has now been overtaken.

2nd from right is the girl that I topped early into the grow. She’s now almost the tallest!

I’ve cut the nutrient feeds down to once per week on a Wednesday. This summer has been so wet that I’ve barely had to water them. I have also decided to water them with the hose instead of “Ph balancing” my water every feed. This was too much work and seems to have no effect on the plants growth or health. I will no longer be adjusting my water for the remainder of this grow.

I took three cuttings and have managed to root one simply by leaving it outdoors. It has been so humid over the last few weeks that one of them has rooted. This was very little effort on my part. I think the other two were scorched by the sun after I sprayed the leaves.

Around 12-13 weeks left until harvest!

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