First Grow!

have you thought of using cfl during the veg to save on electricity? dont know if it would be much of difference for growth though. i did that with my pants then went to hps/sunlight for flower. Maybe it might help might not just thought i would throw it out there maybe you can see if its worth it. i just did it that way cause my elec bill is outrages even without my grow lights on.

i did this plant for 4 months on cfl but turned out to be a male but it wa fun trying the lst technique for a while. im gonna do my next female the same way i did this one. at least this time i wont waste 4 months of veg.
cheers JD
yeah i did think about it here's where i am tho .. i seen the yeilds one of my friends was getting off some bag seed and thought i've got time for that so i bought a kit of egay and some seeds,thought that was all i needed the more i'm reading threads on here the more tips i'm picking up thanks to 420 :-)and think i want to try that.
At the moment i'm just trying to get a grow under my belt and am going away in july for two weeks to the french alps so when i'm back i can devote my time to growing,only a few plants at a time for personal use but i am deffo going to pick up some cfl's as i read alot about them here and give them a shot . nothing ventured nothing gained :-)
i can feel myself getting addicted to growing already and i'm just 2 weeks into my first ha ha ha ! :peace:
ha ha yeah i hear where your coming from. never broke a bone before i started mountain biking 2 years ago and i've snapped my shoulder into 3 broke 2 metatarsel's and dislocated a toe in one hit and chipped my skull one side and cracked it the other all in two years ha ha think i need to take up another sport ha ha ha !! my bones dont bend at all :-)
I use romex lol only the one with the plastic insulation on it tho
romex being copper wire stuff to wire houses with :rofl:
its like leftover pieces so I take off the outer insulation and uncover the 3 wires 2 of them insulated one not I stack the ones withno insulation under the house still copper sellable :rofl:
nic and stiff I make hooks any length I need its heavy enough to bend over small branches just with the weight lol
Happy FreeWeed day VG :thumb:
I wouldn't recommend buying it for that purpose tho too damn expensive but if you can get scraps for free somehow
why not use it
happy freeweed day to you cronic :-) cheers for the info the materials i used for it cost me under three of our british pounds sooper dooper deal :-)
i pulled the girls a little tighter this morning. the girls grew more last night than any other night i'll post some pics later on :-D :cheertwo:
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