This was a good week . . . I actually watered my plants, LOL
I upped the cal-mag to 5ml per gal for hydro as
@odinsmaster recommended. I am 5 weeks into flowering now. I threw away the digital timer that failed and I'm using a smart plug tied to Samsung SmartThings, which I have been using for years without any problems. Anyway, plants seem to be fairly similar to last week. I think they are growing
They are 70 degrees during the day and about 63 degrees at night.
The hydro in coco has leaves getting browner and falling off as expected from lack of water for a few days over a week ago, but luckily there are so many leaves to give nutrients, I think it will be just fine.
The transplant from perlite to dirt in the middle looks rock solid with great looking leaves, other than a very slight tinge of magnesium deficiency on a few leaves. Here are some pictures of the buds on that dirt plant, which is very similar to the dirt plant on the right
My first plant pictures with my digital camera that I thought looked
other than a few orange spots which are hardly visible to human eye. It's crazy what that camera can pickup.
The dirt plant on the right continues to lose leaves without many more to lose. It's so weird because I have been watering the 2 dirt plants by hand exactly the same for months. I don't have any bugs or anything. This plant will have to be harvested soon when the leaves are about gone. It also seems to dry out faster. . .
Can anyone venture a guess about how many more weeks of flowering?