Day 26 or 10 days later, the plants are doing great!
My FF nute mix is still at 1/3 strength.
Temp 75 during day and 65 at night
Humidity 70 percent during day and 20 percent at night
The FoxFarm dirt plant continues to grow the best with the least effort like
@MochaBud told me in the welcome board before I started.
They say hydro plants grow so fast, but my hydro plant in perlite was getting further and further behind, probably because I wasn’t watering it properly. I was trying to follow
@Emilya advice for letting the plant tell me when to water, but the leaves were not curling up or showing signs of needing water, just getting lighter and lighter green. Maybe that was the tell tale sign . . .doh! I just didn’t want to overwater and/or over nute it again.
So my pure hydro perlite plant (white dream 3). . . drum roll please
. . . . migrated into the FF dirt a week ago. It hardly missed a beat without a lick of transplant shock and quickly started taking off. The very very light green leaves have turned nicely green. So I’m super glad I made the change.
The coco/hydroton recommended by
@odinsmaster has been doing a lot better this last week with more watering. It’s such a different animal than dirt. I suppose when you know just what to do and have your automated watering system do it, then it’s effortless and growing like crazy. I'm doing that with tomato plants in a tent but it took me a while to figure it out - 2 waterings daily for months - but I over-nuted early on . . . yea bad habits die hard
Watering - I watered the large FF with no nutes about a week ago and then with nutes yesterday. It seems to be pointing down again. Hopefully, I can work out this problem in the next 10 days. I’m trying to follow
@Emilya but I’m getting there slowly.
Pruning - I trimmed some tops off the big plants again for the last time. I also cut off 2 humongous fan leaves toward the bottom of the big FF dirt plant. It seems kinda controversial as some people say they gotta go and others think it’s the dumbest thing until the plant is closer to flowering. They were just drowing out light from lots of branches at the bottom. Let me know what you think. I can handle it.
Training – I started training the biggest plant and plan to train the others this week. Let me know if I did anything wrong or if you know a better way.
Oh and don’t mind that green pepper sticking out on the left side. Soon it will find a nice home on a burger
Otherwise, Thanks for all the help in getting me here. You guys have been great!!!