The plants are basically growing nicely. However, there is some good, some bad and a dash of ugly. I think they would look better today, if I hadn't done a little training before taking the pictures. Anyway . . .
First of all, the FF dirt plants:
@MochaBud I’m feeding full nutes every 3rd feeding. So 2 water and then 1 full nutes. It seems to be working pretty darn well. So thanks
I have been training the branches to grow straight out and it seems to be working nicely. It’s surprising how quickly the ends of the branches start curling straight up again. I guess they love the 24 hours of light
The coco/hydroton:
The plant seems to be the biggest by a slim margin. However, it needs watering daily, unlike the FF dirt. The leaves have been very very light green (bad) and I just noticed some new rust spots (more bad) on some leaves other day. I decided I was probably low on Manganese again – eeeegad!
So I added some Cal-Mag the other day and the leaves are darker green now.
It seems to be a difficult balance between too many nutes as
@Emilya noticed because some tips are pointing down, while fan leaves are turning yellow
@odinsmaster would provide the perfect hydroponic recipe for each week of growth I would probably have plants twice as tall
It seems you can’t base the status of a plant on a few leaves and think the nutes are too much or too little. It has to be a general balance. In looking at other grow journals I have often noticed many nice looking flowering plants with many leaves pointing down at the ends.
As someone who has grown 5’ tall tomato plants in tent without soil, I’m learning that growing these weeds is not as easy as one would think. However, tomatoes are not something nearly as wonderful to smoke
Lastly, the ugly. While trying to pull down some branches horizontally at the top of the plant like @mochbud manifold (in numerous awesome grow journal pictures), I somehow managed to pull 2 branches about 90% off the trunk. I now have them tied up toward the trunk, so we will see if they make it. This was just another hard lesson that plants are fragile and need to be massaged like a woman or you may not get any
The next step is going to flower. Can anyone provide any tips as to how far I am away from going into flower?