First Grow: Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

It was really easy. Table salt in a lid or cap (I used the lid from an olive jar). Fill it almost to the top with salt. Add just enough distilled water to make a slurry, with no floating water above the salt. Put the lid and the hygrometer in a zip lock bag, making sure the sensor isn't blocked by the plastic. Seal and wait for the RH to stabilize (mine took about two hours). It should read 75%. Calibrate or make note accordingly.


Thanks ITS. Adding that to my notebook. :)
Give it a few more days then cut it into jars don't put them in the fridge though unless your fridge is over 68° but burp them every day

They're already in jars at ~68°RH and I wasn't planning on putting them in the fridge at all. And definitely burping every day, probably 2-3x a day for now, but not for long periods as the RH in the air is higher than in the jars.
Just wanted to get the weights on record. Not that these are all that significant as I didn't have a scale with me this week and I forgot to weigh the fans when I took them off. But just so it's out there 24 hours after jarring...

Stems weighed 7 grams (and they went into the bag with the fan leaves and micro buds that were getting pruned during the grow)

Top cola weighed 18 grams

Middle buds weighed 16 grams

Branch buds weighed 25 grams

That totals 66 grams. Add the 6 grams of wet trim and what was probably about 20 grams of fans and you get 92 grams.

So 254 grams at chop means it lost ~162 grams in moisture so far, or 63%.

Finally, here's a pic of all the buds getting some air on a towel this morning.

Nice!!! Smelling good!!
It was really easy. Table salt in a lid or cap (I used the lid from an olive jar). Fill it almost to the top with salt. Add just enough distilled water to make a slurry, with no floating water above the salt. Put the lid and the hygrometer in a zip lock bag, making sure the sensor isn't blocked by the plastic. Seal and wait for the RH to stabilize (mine took about two hours). It should read 75%. Calibrate or make note accordingly.


Geek that I am, I had to try this immediately.

I love my Caliber IV digital hygrometer. It's small, it responds to changes really fast, and it's calibratable, but it doesn't seem to need calibration! :)
Wednesday update:

Blueberry 1 update (chopped 8/1, jarred 8/4, curing started 8/8):
Came home last night and the RH was holding steady at 66%, aired them out for an hour, sealed them up at 67%. This morning RH was reading 66% again so I'm considering this the beginning of the cure. Will burp about 10 minutes 2x/day for the next week and see how it goes. Not going to put the Boveda 62 in until I'm down to burping every couple of days, especially if the ambient RH stays higher than 62% so the Bovedas don't have to work too hard to lower the humidity.
Really beautiful plant! :) I have only smoked AK-47 one time--some powerful medical dispensary stuff about five years ago when visiting friends in Hawaii. I was way too high until we walked down to the beach and played Frisbee in the surf at sunset. Then everything was all better...

"Way too high" huh...maybe I should cut this down before it gets any more amber! But since names for weed strains are kinda meaningless, odds are good that AK-47 and this AK-47 are completely unrelated ;)

Time will tell!

Of course, everything is better when you're playing Frisbee on a beach in Hawaii...
Blueberry 2 on day 82. Starting to see some amber but this one is going to go longer than Blue 1 which came down day 84. Watered this morning with 3ml cal/mag+ and 1.25 tsp TigerBloom/1 gallon. PPM in was 539 but out was 859, so I'll be flushing at next water, probably Saturday:






Dude. This is your first grow?? Fantastic results. :bravo::thumb: I'm seriously going to go back & read your journal over. I just got my blueberry autos and gold leaf in mail today. Shipped last tues. so 8 days from 420 to me in Florida. Nice. Hope I can duplicate your results Later. !!
Blueberry 1 drying update:
Came home yesterday and left the jars open for an hour. RH was heading upwards so I closed them up at 67% RH and left them overnight. This morning they were at 66%. Left them open about 10 minutes and they rose up to 68%, so I closed them for the day.

However, I decided - in the name of science - to put a Boveda 62 in the jar with the RH meter to see what happens after 11 hours or so. After all the reading and research, there's nothing like testing something yourself. The Boveda bag had 10 packets so I've got one to spare for now in case it can't do the job of getting the jar down the 6% to 62%. Results tomorrow!

Live plant update:
Not a lot to say about Blue 2 and AK-47, except that they aren't using as much water as usual, so all processes are slowing down. I'm thinking I will flush both on Saturday and see how it goes from there.


And I have a psychological theory about why it's so hard to wait for these plants to ripen, a problem among many growers here. I don't know anyone really anxious about the time waiting for their tomatoes or corn or peppers to ripen. But since we micromanage these plants on a daily basis: measuring water, pH, PPM, nute blends, height, light and temperatures and RH (indoors), tracking pests, mold, fungus, and on and on. All of a sudden there is very little to do but wait for trichomes to ripen and we have all this head-space available to now wonder exactly when the darn thing is going to be ready to harvest.

I may be wrong (or this may be blindingly obvious), but it's just something I thought of this morning as I wait for these next two plants to finish.
Just a quick update since not much has changed. I burned a couple of Blueberry 1's leaves last night with a CFL. It's hard to get everything set just right with those makeshift tin foil hats. Still, no worse for wear:


LST continues on Blueberry 2. I'm following the circle of the pot counter clockwise as well as training down some of the new side growth:


Blueberry 1 didn't put on any additional height yesterday but I hope it's not done. At 20" it's 12" shorter than the specs and I don't think I've done anything wrong to stunt its growth. If there's still no new height by next watering I'm going to go with just Tiger Bloom.

Anyone else find that they're plants don't need watering very often? Mine go 5 or 6 days in between, which doesn't give a lot time to adjust nutrients or even flush when the time comes.

My only grow was the same. I watered/fed till 10-15% runoff. And didn't repeat for 5-6 days.
Today's update!

Flowers are coming along nicely on Blueberry 1, which stands at 20" on day 45:


Here are the flowers on the fourth level down from the top:


And here's the whole plant:


Leaf tucking is all I'm doing on this one. I'm not seeing any growth under the CFLs at night but no one is complaining either so they continue to get 12 hours/night under the foil hats.

Hey she'd. Any chance you remember the temps & humidity along the way?? I have a 4x8 space indoor closet. It's hitting 84 deg in daytime (because our ac doesn't go higher than 77 during day.). At night temps will be about 80 deg in space. But humidity bottomed out at 36%.
Hey she'd. Any chance you remember the temps & humidity along the way?? I have a 4x8 space indoor closet. It's hitting 84 deg in daytime (because our ac doesn't go higher than 77 during day.). At night temps will be about 80 deg in space. But humidity bottomed out at 36%.

Sorry but I didn't keep track of any of that bc it was completely out of my control. I do know that I easily had many 84°+ temps on this grow, some as high as low 90s. Ambient RH has been high here lately (and in the 70-80% range in the shed at night...too high for flowering), but can't say I paid any attention to it until I had to get the harvest dry.

There is a chart out there that suggests ideal RH
and listing temps for indoor grows
"In a standard, well ventilated grow room the optimal temperature tends to be between 24-29 °C (75-85 degrees Fahrenheit)."

I'm pretty sure that 36% RH is too low for veg but in the range for late flower, but raising RH is probably the simplest of all the things you can do in a grow room.
Sorry but I didn't keep track of any of that bc it was completely out of my control. I do know that I easily had many 84°+ temps on this grow, some as high as low 90s. Ambient RH has been high here lately (and in the 70-80% range in the shed at night...too high for flowering), but can't say I paid any attention to it until I had to get the harvest dry.

There is a chart out there that suggests ideal RH
and listing temps for indoor grows
"In a standard, well ventilated grow room the optimal temperature tends to be between 24-29 °C (75-85 degrees Fahrenheit)."

I'm pretty sure that 36% RH is too low for veg but in the range for late flower, but raising RH is probably the simplest of all the things you can do in a grow room.

Thanks for the response, links & info. Just read 420 method for germing seeds. Guess they don't recommend the pt method. Weird that different companies have diff recommended germ methods. I think I'm gonna stick with soak, pt, in soil, then in the leds she goes!! :thumb:
Thanks for the response, links & info. Just read 420 method for germing seeds. Guess they don't recommend the pt method. Weird that different companies have diff recommended germ methods. I think I'm gonna stick with soak, pt, in soil, then in the leds she goes!! :thumb:

Glad to help! :)

I didn't go with paper towel, just soaked it until I saw the little white tap root poking out, then into peat pot under a warm light until it sprouted about 4-6 days later. I remember reading that there is more chance of damaging the root once it gets longer in the wet paper towels so I went with direct to peat. But obviously keep going with what is working for you.
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