First Grow: Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

Just wanted to get the weights on record. Not that these are all that significant as I didn't have a scale with me this week and I forgot to weigh the fans when I took them off. But just so it's out there 24 hours after jarring...

Stems weighed 7 grams (and they went into the bag with the fan leaves and micro buds that were getting pruned during the grow)

Top cola weighed 18 grams

Middle buds weighed 16 grams

Branch buds weighed 25 grams

That totals 66 grams. Add the 6 grams of wet trim and what was probably about 20 grams of fans and you get 92 grams.

So 254 grams at chop means it lost ~162 grams in moisture so far, or 63%.

Finally, here's a pic of all the buds getting some air on a towel this morning.
Another question besides the brown bud one. The hygrometer in the jar says the top cola is 84% RH. From what I read that means it's not ready to be in jars. So should I take them out and let them dry further?

If more than +70% - buds need to dry longer out of the jar. About every 5% over 70, equals about 10-12 hours outside of jar - but that's different depending on time of year, outside weather, etc... Typically about 12-36 hours more drying time is needed. [\QUOTE]

Because photos are more fun than just text:

Note: The high RH and low temp are from when it was in the cooler on the drive home!
And here's AK-47 on day 79:






And what's going on with this strange brown bud? It's about halfway down the main stem.

About the brown buds....wat I realized when I went to look I found caterpillar shit and some kind of webbing....i cut out all the brown spots
About the brown buds....wat I realized when I went to look I found caterpillar shit and some kind of webbing....i cut out all the brown spots

Sunday morning and I decided to take Knotty's advice and take out the brown bud from the middle of AK-47 day 80. Of course, along with the brown comes a bit of green, so here's what I took out:


Here's the hole it left behind:


I tossed the brown bits in the garbage but put the green in with the the sugar trim from Blue 1. Just for the record, what I took off was 4 grams.

I didn't throw all the green bits in the freezer. Kept this one out, rinsed it in the sink, dried it in front of a fan (tin foil to circulate air around the backside)...

...and now it's just sitting on a towel in the dark - drying in the shed.

I'm going to let it air dry completely (not quick dry but no cure) and then my wife can give it a taste test. I'll report what we find (besides uncured harshness!).

Blueberry 1 dry/cure report later today.
It's mold and I have been losing. A lot of bud due to it.

If it's bud-rot then that bud is not getting smoked! Into the freezer it's going.

I guess the humidity we've been having lately must have caused it then. It's been pretty muggy here the past week or so (higher than usual for SoCal. I've got the fan directly on it at night and it's obviously out in the sun/breeze all day. I'm hoping that this was the beginning and the end of the brown and I took it all out. I will def keep an eye on it going forward. Not long before chop on this, I'm guessing four days max. Hope it can hold out.

Have you lost the entire plant to mold? Was it just the white cookies? You haven't posted any pics of that in a while.

Hang tight, the rest of what you have growing (including that stinky cheese beyond the fence!) is looking good!
As a beginner I am still leaning what to be obsessive about!

I know what you mean. My logs record everything because it seems like anything could be significant (plus it's fun and interesting to watch all of the different factors interact). Managing a grow from seed to harvest (to say nothing of the consumption phase) is fascinating. (And my flowers and vegetables have benefited from my improved gardening skills as well!)
It's Monday back-to-work day. Let me start by talking about Blueberry 1, which is having a hard time drying out. Total weight is at 54 grams which is only 5g less than when I started! I've been keeping the RH gauge in one jar or another and with all the airing and burping, I can't get it below 77% RH. This morning I think I figured out why. The RH in the air is 72%! It would take a long time to get the buds to give up the 5% difference just sitting by out.


I put them back in the jars before I left for work, and I'm going to take them out when I get home and leave them for a few hours, but then I'm going to put a Boveda 62% pack in each jar (consolidating to three jars) and see if that will suck out the rest of the moisture and start the curing process.

Any thoughts on that plan?
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