You know GiG, Smoke, Cyndy,Miwa, Spring 2012(THAT I REALLY DO NOT KNOW, BUT WOULD LIKE TOO),Green Knight(DO NOT, BUT WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOU AS WELL), this is one Hell of a site, now I must admit, I have NO DESIRE, to ever hear, or listen TOO Grace Again, on one of HER imagined slights, or drug induced rants, BUT CLOSET FARMER(NOT HIS REAL NAME, BTW), it just irks the HELL out of ME that He has been Summarily Removed from this Site/Thread/Magazine , my little Corner of Happiness. If we cannot speak the TRUTH, with out being judged for it, we are no better than a Gestapo, KGB, CIA type of operation!!! I say those things about GRACE, because She stepped way,way, way over the line in Her imagined rants at Me, and some other People I was informed of as well, so much for Cannabis calming the soul, at least with HER!!! But to remove a SWELL CHAP like CF,that seems to me to just be wrong, and NO ONE, seems to KNOW what He DID!!! Knoing CF, it could not have been that bad, he is a late 40ish early 50ish Man, what the Hell could he have said that was so DAMN BAD, that He got the AXE???
Me being a Fellow Marine, HAVE TAKEN THIS QUITE HARD!!! AS FAR AS I COULD TELL, HE WAS A GENTLEMAN, A MARINE FIRST(AND ALWAYS TO ME), and had some of the nicest things to say everyday about everything??? And to just about everyone I ever read a reply from Him TO. Leaves Me scratching My Head, He was truly one of the GUYS, and I sorely MISS HIM, even though it has only been a FEW DAYS!!! I say we petition and try to get Him Back!!!! I'll probably get the SLAP DOWN FOR THIS AS WELL, BUT HEY, HE IS A FELLOW MARINE, AND WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND, ESPECIALLY IF THEIR ACTIONS(AS FAR AS I KNOW ANYWAYS), do not warrant an exclusion from the site. If they ever let Him come back, He'll probably say(LIKE ALL OF US PROBABLY WOULD, Gig, Smoke,Cyndy, FC, Buck, Wayno(OOPS SORRY), OMM, Smoke2Js, miwa, BCbudd, Canuck Gal(You Red Head You)Yarrow, Me, IceMud, DPP,Jandre, any and all I did not mention, for this site, TO "GO TO HELL"!!!
When one cannot practice our First Amendment Rights, whether we insult or NOT, what the hell is really going on??? As we are all sensible Adults, well into our Adult Years, everything that is said, should always be taken with a grain of SALT, and if one cannot get over what has been rebutted them, well perhaps they are not Mature enough for a site like this
On a good note, my PTSD induced Insomnia has been dramatically reduced, to that it is almost not a problem anymore since I smoke regularly now that the Smokey Mountain Air(FOREST FIRES), has all been cleared up,and the CYPRO and Prednisone the Doctor gave Me was a GOD SEND!!! I think I must have been suffering from some weird infection for a very long Period of time, for about 4-5 years to be exact. I think I must have picked it up unknowingly sometime in IRAQ or Afghanistan, I always just ignored it, and carried on, but when I tried to Smoke, and it damn near killed Me, along with all the Poison Vapors that were in the air, I am glad I finally got to take something that knocked it on it's ASS!!!! And I have been sleeping wheeze Free Now for several weeks, and to think I suffered sleeping like a damn TB patient for a good 4-5 years!!!! Gigabane, lets get CF back, if we can without getting ourselves banned as well!!! He certainly deserves our support, as I believe He would do the same for us, I think I am gonna Consult 420 Girl or Happy Kitty, maybe we should both give it a try??? What say YOU??? I am Game, and believe Me, I have done things WAY MORE HAZARDOUS than this!!! This should be cake, and anyone else that would like to HELP, is more than welcome to as well, maybe if they let us know what happened, we might agree with them, but I really doubt it, and silence is the Hiding Place of Lies or half truths(NO OFFENSE 420 ADMINS), but that has been my experience with such matters, sorry, just stating what I have found out to be the TRUTH(I WORKED WITH THE CIA AN AWFUL LOT) and you could believe what they said about .05% of the time, if even that, and I certainly do not want our WONDERFUL 420 Site becoming like This, Please let us Know what CF did, and if you have to PM us to let us know, that is OK, it is all this SILENCE, and SECRETIVENESS that has US worried. We are all adults after all, and I believe that we can make our own decisions on things like this!!! Just let us know the SCOOP, and I am sure that we'll either agree with YOU, or at least give us the BEEF You had Problems with Him with. Maybe if He is Out Of Line, One, of Us Can Explain to Him the error of His ways(I DOUBT IT THOUGH, BUT IT IS WORTH A TRY ANYWAYS) AS I BELIEVE HE DID NOTHING WRONG, AT LEAST NOT WORTH BANNING FOR, I CANNOT MAKE THAT DECISION, NOT KNOWING WHATEVER HIS TRANSGRESSION IS, THIS AIN'T GUANTANAMO BAY FOR CRISSAKES!!! HIS VOICE NEEDS TO BE HEARD,AND IF HE STEPPED OVER THE LINE, I'LL BE THE FIRST TO APPROVE HIS BAN, FOR A WEEK OR TWO, BUT NOT FOREVER, THIS AIN'T IRAQ OR ABHUGHRAIB PRISON FOR THAT MATTER.EITHER!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN. PLEASE DO NOT BAN ME FOR SUPPORTING A FRIEND, I JUST WOULD LIKE MORE INFO ON WHAT HAPPENED, SO I CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISION ABOUT THE WHOLE PROCESS. JAMESTHEGREEN.