First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

I knew you were gonna say that lol fml I just wanna chop them sooo bad but I know if I wait it will be worth it! especially now that I've seen like new small hair clusters as I mentioned, they look like buds forming over my already formed buds. You need to give me some motivation here though, what are the benefits of waiting out the two weeks besides the obvious that they may grow slightly larger? Will it in fact increase potency? Do you feel like my THC content now is immature? Or just not at its maximum potential? I can clearly see the trichs they're long with the ball at the tip, I just hate the scope I have because it requires you to press the end right against the bud and you can see a very limited area, is this typical of all of the scopes, I would like something I can look through with both eyes as I wear glasses and have to take them off to use the scope. A magnifying glass would be awesome, just not sure if they make them in 60-100X. Someone convince me not to cut these down! Please I can't take it anymore, every time I look at my plants my mouth waters. I know I will end up waiting but not by choice! Thanks for the advice smokem, what do you think about me using more nutes, or should I just continue to flush at this point?

NO WORRIES:) Well mate, here s a bit of motivation for ya.. The new growths of flowers youre seeing are probably the calyxes swelling and sprouting new pistils.. Now as they mature, they will build and build until there is this 'Peak window of harvest ', which is usually about 2 or so weeks, for "OPTIMAL" potential, theres a page about the week s it takes roughly, for them to achieve certain ripeness, and if left too long is meant to be not so good.
Definately the smoke will be more potent, as when the buds are mature, they develop a stronger, more punchy tasting smoke:) I LIKE THAT:) And you can still get a nice head high buzz, but it may have a more body stone left to mature a bit longer, ive heard about 15% amber is good for both types of stone. My last girl, which i had crap scope - was harvested when cloudy and just a few ambers.
The smoke itself was great, some had more of a heady stone, while other larger cola's had a good stone for sleeping! Just enough to relax with out being TOO BAKED!!
As for the THC content being Immature, well from my understanding, weeds THC content isnt very high, in most strains, and it takes a while for it to get its full THC production. But see i get a little lost, as ive had a few conversations about THC etc;. and there always is a CBN or CBD remark put in there.. As the plants produce these chemicals, the THC breaks down into CBD or CBN or vice versa?? And that is part of a chemical build up which gives you a certain stone.. Its too in depth for me, all i need to know is when my plants ready to harvest and im happy with how its looking..
You are the best judge mate, and i have a scope, which has the cylinder to look thru and mounted opposite that is a tiny LED light, i can raise the viewing piece up n down for betta views, i found it easier than the kind of rectangular shaped one i saw that sounds similar to the one you have?
I may get told off for this...But if you really wanna sample your girl, take a small bud from the middle, that looks fairly ready, trim it off and slowly dry it by pegging it onto a clothes horse in front of a heater on low, about 3 feet away,and slowly dry over few hours, it will be worth the wait, rather than nuking it and killing the flavour and feel. This will give you a slight indicator of her taste and stone:)
I bet youll think, shit- If it gives me a buzz like this now - ILL WAIT THE WEEK OR 2!!!:) Thats what i did:)
But.. Dont go trimming off every day!!! Just a sample.. Then 'Put the scissors down!!Back AWAY from the plant!!' Lol
In regards to the nutes, well say you give her 2 more weeks.. You want to flush for at least 5 days- well most ppl say a week, but yeah, so id only give MAYBE a half strength dose of P,K and some molasses or such if thats what you wanna do, and thatll be her last feed, so once thats absorbed id just feed her water, let her dry that out then flush her..
Wont be long after this til you can pick up the scissors again and have SOME FUN:):)
Hope this may help ya bro, Im stressing now myself- AGAIN- This morn Cindy was fine, i went to get some work done to my car, few hours later when i got home she was all sad and droopy!! ( I was gunna water b4 i left ) Its amazing how fast she responds to things, especially for a soil grow! In Hydro it common for in an hour or 2 things to go wrong - but this soil grow is sensitive, i think its becos her roots are now ALL OF THE 80cm wide and 25cm deep space in the pot!! MY last girl, NLxWW was tough as nails, and didnt let much phase her, where as this strain IS a little more touchy than what was posted about it..
Well mate, all i can say is its totally up to you, but if she is sprouting out new growth like you said, she IS MOST LIKELY GOING THRU ANOTHER FLORAL BLOOM.. Which happens a few times toward end of cycle, thats how they get dense and add bulk.
Pateince, you must have young Jedi - says Yoda.. Buds are nearby, yes.. juicy they will be...
yeah i know what you mean about the scope...we need one of those scopes that hooks to a say the trics got balls ???what you are suppose to be looking at is the color...and that can change fast...when you start getting too many amber color and those trics with balls starts bending over...your thc is degrading..but the key word is "patience"...and flush...:goodjob:
Yes I realize its the colour of the trich your looking for, I'm just explaining that they are long and well established and not premature ( ones with balls as opposed to undeveloped ones without ) I realize after reading that again how stupid it sounds there such things as scopes you can hook up to the computer??? I want one! I can't stand looking through that tiny hole, I would love one that I can record and watch later. So you suggest to flush and no more nutes ?
NO WORRIES:) Well mate, here s a bit of motivation for ya.. The new growths of flowers youre seeing are probably the calyxes swelling and sprouting new pistils.. Now as they mature, they will build and build until there is this 'Peak window of harvest ', which is usually about 2 or so weeks, for "OPTIMAL" potential, theres a page about the week s it takes roughly, for them to achieve certain ripeness, and if left too long is meant to be not so good.

Can you post a link to the page you're
referring to?

Definately the smoke will be more potent, as when the buds are mature, they develop a stronger, more punchy tasting smoke:) I LIKE THAT:)

I definitely like that too ;)

And you can still get a nice head high buzz, but it may have a more body stone left to mature a bit longer, ive heard about 15% amber is good for both types of stone. My last girl, which i had crap scope - was harvested when cloudy and just a few ambers
The smoke itself was great, some had more of a heady stone, while other larger cola's had a good stone for sleeping! Just enough to relax with out being TOO BAKED!!
As for the THC content being Immature, well from my understanding, weeds THC content isnt very high, in most strains, and it takes a while for it to get its full THC production. But see i get a little lost, as ive had a few conversations about THC etc;. and there always is a CBN or CBD remark put in there.. As the plants produce these chemicals, the THC breaks down into CBD or CBN or vice versa?? And that is part of a chemical build up which gives you a certain stone.. Its too in depth for me, all i need to know is when my plants ready to harvest and im happy with how its looking..
You are the best judge mate, and i have a scope, which has the cylinder to look thru and mounted opposite that is a tiny LED light, i can raise the viewing piece up n down for betta views, i found it easier than the kind of rectangular shaped one i saw that sounds similar to the one you have?

Here's the scope I have

I may get told off for this...But if you really wanna sample your girl, take a small bud from the middle, that looks fairly ready, trim it off and slowly dry it by pegging it onto a clothes horse in front of a heater on low, about 3 feet away,and slowly dry over few hours, it will be worth the wait, rather than nuking it and killing the flavour and feel. This will give you a slight indicator of her taste and stone:)
I bet youll think, shit- If it gives me a buzz like this now - ILL WAIT THE WEEK OR 2!!!:) Thats what i did:)
But.. Dont go trimming off every day!!! Just a sample.. Then 'Put the scissors down!!Back AWAY from the plant!!' Lol

I literally bursted out laughing when I read that!! Haha too funny " Then 'Put the scissors down!!Back AWAY from the plant!!' Lol"

In regards to the nutes, well say you give her 2 more weeks.. You want to flush for at least 5 days- well most ppl say a week, but yeah, so id only give MAYBE a half strength dose of P,K and some molasses or such if thats what you wanna do, and thatll be her last feed, so once thats absorbed id just feed her water, let her dry that out then flush her..

Ya I think I'm going to continue with flushing only, with my floranectar and fresh water, seems to be doing the trick

Wont be long after this til you can pick up the scissors again and have SOME FUN:):)

Can't wait!! :)

Hope this may help ya bro, Im stressing now myself- AGAIN- This morn Cindy was fine, i went to get some work done to my car, few hours later when i got home she was all sad and droopy!! ( I was gunna water b4 i left ) Its amazing how fast she responds to things, especially for a soil grow!

Sorry to hear about that, can't say I've ever had that problem, like I was telling canuckgal I've been pretty lucky with my grow and strains, didn't experience any of the typical first time grower problems, knock on wood, hope you get her all sorted out, I'm sure you will

In Hydro it common for in an hour or 2 things to go wrong - but this soil grow is sensitive, i think its becos her roots are now ALL OF THE 80cm wide and 25cm deep space in the pot!! MY last girl, NLxWW was tough as nails, and didnt let much phase her, where as this strain IS a little more touchy than what was posted about it..
Well mate, all i can say is its totally up to you, but if she is sprouting out new growth like you said, she IS MOST LIKELY GOING THRU ANOTHER FLORAL BLOOM..

Another floral bloom?! I love the sounds of that, hope that happens to every grower on her, everyone could use another floral bloom :)

Which happens a few times toward end of cycle, thats how they get dense and add bulk.
Pateince, you must have young Jedi - says Yoda.. Buds are nearby, yes.. juicy they will be...

Thanks for the response, you've been super helpful + rep for you
Hey hey:):) IM HAPPY!!! Cindy s PERKY!!!! Poor girl, i must have dried her out sooo much.. Gotta follow ya head sometimes, i always get a thought, then i brush it off - and sumthin stuffs up:(
And your scope is EXACTLY the one i pictured, i looked thru it and thoought it was a pain to use also..
Ill post a pic of mine, you can see very well thru it mate, only 45x but thats fine. Trichs can be seen easily mate!
THANK YOU ALOT FOR THE REPS MATE:):) Im limited in things i know, but i do know things!!! And gladly help out anyone where i may have some answer, not just give a guess, and suggest it, then sumone tries it and their plant dies!! ID FEEL BAD AS!!
Shit, i had 2 fans i trimmed from couple days ago just sittin on a table, now theyre dried abit, theres definately a nice smell to her already:)
Yeah thats fine, stick with water and your flora nector, i dissolved some sugar into my last girls water, cos id heard of molasses etc; dunno if it helped?Lol. Anyway.. Yeah plants have i think about 3 stages of floral blooms?? Toward end of their cycles, its a couple anyway, and you will notice the difference over a few days, u should measure the diameter of a bud thats not quite there yet, and see if theres any difference in width over 3 days or so..
I dont have the link for ' Peak harvest time' or it MAY be in one of the posts sent to me? But maybe try, FAQ's or similar, or you can google it, Peak window of harvest for marijuana, it should show a few different calyxes, at different weeks of growth, and how they look and gives a 'PEAK HARVEST TIME' suggestion and just describes what to look out for and you can compare how your calyxes look.. But yeah, IMO you still got a little bit, but you will definately get an increase in either bud size,or weight and strength of the smoke after this time:)
CONGRATS ON HAVIN SUCH NICE NUGS!! And SOON, cant wait to see all the resin stuck to your scissors and fingers when you trim her up!! That resin is nice to smoke, so try accumulate what you can!
Later bro, have a good one! SMOKEMUP;)
Here s my 45x scope mate, it s just basic and very effective, just adjust the sight to required height and place it on ya buds:) But yeah, your one was dearer than mine, cos its stronger magnification but i liked this one..
I am in luck!! I have an old microscope (42x) packed up in the garage!!! Its amazing how I have started finding items I can use for my grow laying around the garage or in junk drawers. I just recently snatched the small hanger chains off my wife's pool chairs! Ill have some explaining to do when she realizes.
Here s my 45x scope mate, it s just basic and very effective, just adjust the sight to required height and place it on ya buds:) But yeah, your one was dearer than mine, cos its stronger magnification but i liked this one..

I like yours much better, the eye hole seems to be twice the size of mine. My eye hole is like the size of a pea, where'd you pick that one up if you don't mind my asking?
thanks for all the kind comments everyone,
i harvested the 2 headed nl x bb today, it had got 20% amber trichs, and you know what shocked me, i was so shocked at how quick the trichs change from cloudy to amber, when i opened the grow room door today to do some cleaning i looked at the nl x bb and noticed the sugar leaves had an orange look to them, i never noticed this before, so i got my scope out and had a look at the trichs and all over the plant it had 20% amber trichs, so down it come, ill put up pics of the harvest tomorrow so you can all see whats going on.

LST, the only lst i did this time was to pull branches out the way to let the light in, i did not bend the plants over to train them apart from the 2 headed nl x bb, and with this i pulled the main branches to opposite side of the pots, doing this then made all the growth at the nodes grow up towards the light, but the question is does it increase yield, well who knows,

as for the lst to the other plants, all i did with these is put a pipe cleaner around the branches and poke holes around the pot and then all i did was pull on the branches to open the plant up to let light in, this had a clear affect and the inner growth grew a whole lot quicker and the smaller inner branches grew a lot bigger and turned pop corn buds into buds i can use to smoke.

the fruity chronic juice is not far off done, but im a bit confused with the pistils, the trichs are 100% cloudy but the pistils are only just starting to shrink into the buds, they have not changed colour yet, so ill be keeping an eye on this.

@grogreen, hi mate, chances are your plant is fox tailing, what this is doing is growing more seed pods and these are getting bigger, this then grows new pistils, so the longer you leave it the more bud you will get, the problem is the buds that are ready will start to degrade and you can get problems with bud rot, id say you could easily go 7 maybe 14 days before harvest,
if you have a magnifying glass then use that to look at the sugar leaves coming out of the buds, give these a good look and look close at the trichs, if they are clear then they will look like water or ice, they will be see through, now if they are cloudy then they will look like watery milk but you will easily tell the difference between clear and milky, try cutting a sugar leaf off a few buds at the top and bottom of the plant, then look at these under your scope, the tops of the leaves may be cloudy but under the leaves where the light dont shine they should still be clear, so if you can find leaves with both then you will clearly see the difference between the 2.

but clear trichs look like clear ice, if their milky and you will tell if their milky by using the scope then this is telling you the plant is nearly ready, the plants are 100% ready when you hit 100% cloudy on the tops of the leaves around all the buds, but this is when the plants ready how ever if your looking for more of a sleepy couch lock affect then let it go longer, what this does is degrade the thc into cbd, this is the knock out affect you get from the plant.

so it depends what you want, but the plant is ready to harvest when you have 100% cloudy trichs, or their about, but once you have harvested then the trichs will still change for a while, so if you harvest at 100% cloudy then if you hang the buds and check them a few days later you will find many amber trichs, this is why the plants are put in the dark when they have been harvested, if they are left in the light then they will continue to use the moisture in the stem to continue a small amount of growth, so having it in the dark stops any of the plants growth hormones and starts the drying process.

so at the end of the day its up to you when you want to harvest, i like to have 100% cloudy trichs with some amber trichs, but i have harvested one clone of the same plant when it was 100% cloudy with a few amber trichs per leaf, but i only harvested the top half of the plant as it was monster cropped and the inner and lower buds got no light, so it put the bottom half back under the lights and im going to let it go around 40% amber and then i can compare the 2, but the plant i harvested today is a clone from the same mother, so this has got 20% amber trichs so i have 3 samples i can try then i can compare the 3 and decide what i like and then ill know when its the right time to harvest.

every strain is different and will give different affects at different stages of harvest, but if your growing a sativa strain and want it as a day time smoke then id harvest when it was 100% cloudy or their abouts, but if you want a night time smoke thats going to help with sleep or relaxing then you would be best with an indica and let it got till its got plenty of amber trichs,

the cloudy trichs are the thc, letting the trichs turn amber then shows the thc is degrading and this is when you get higher cbd and more of a couch lock affect,

id im wrong then im sure someone will correct me, ill be putting up some pics tomorrow of harvest and im pretty happy with what i have got from it, the 2 main buds are bigger than i thought and i thought id have a lot to trim off but i never, and as it was 2 headed and i lst the branches to either side of the pot, this then made sure i never had any small buds as all the growth at the nodes grew into long branches and gave me decent sized buds,
no problem mate, their cheap and works well, and i have used to before to take pics of the trich, i managed to get the lense on my camera to look through the scope and take pics, now you need to remember this is a tiny scope, its would fit in a match box, but it works well and does the job, it has a switch on it that turns the led's on, it has 2 white leds and it has 1 uv led, its a money detector pen for checking for fakes, got mine for nothing really, i think the postage was 99p and i got the scope for a penny, i ordered 3 and only paid 99p postage as it combined it, so i got 3 scopes for 3p plus 99p postage, so in total i paid £1.02 for all 3, my kids use 2 of them for messing around with, keeps them quiet for ages, always looking at stuff outside,

so their cheap and work, i thought they would be bigger but when they arrived they came in a small box the size of a match box and each scope has its own plastic like case, so easily fit in your pocket, their chinese imports,
so have a look on that site and you should find loads of them, you might find other scopes for around the same price so have a good look, but the scope i use does the job and you can adjust the lense up or down to change the magnification, but i have found you cant pull the lense out to much else it goes out of focus, but it works and its how i have been harvesting, and the best thing about it been small is that you dont need to cut the sugar leaves off to check them, you can take the scope to the plant and use it without cutting leaf blades off.
hi all, below we have the pics from the nl x bb, this was the 2 headed plant,
all these pics are the harvest from that plant, 80%cloudy and 20% amber trichs,







im not to impressed with the overall yield of this plant, the next plants that im all ready vegging will be vegged longer this time round, i have got clones growing and seedlings that are getting to big for the small cupboard so as soon as these have been harvested ill be moving them in to the big grow room and they will be vegged under glr till im happy with the size, i want to have 4ft plants next time round, then ill be moving onto a hydro grow, this will be my first hydro grow, but after seeing teSmp's harvest im planning on setting up a hydro scrog, but it wont be till these have been harvested and my next lot of plants have been put into flower, so as soon as i switch the other plants to flower ill be setting up a hydro grow and see how i get on with that.

the plant above that i have harvested is been re-vegged, i left tiny shoots on the 2 main stems so i should be able to re-veg it and grow it a lot bigger than it was before the harvest,
feel free to make any comments or questions, i did not weight it when it was wet but not expecting much, if i get 14g ill be happy, feel free to guess the end weight, i had some trim popcorn pieces and these are in the trim box drying and will be added to my collection of trim for hash making, ill wait till i got enough trim to do a decent amount of hash, not sure what method to use, was thinking either silk screen and shake it or use the trich bags and icy water method, but i got some time to think about that before i actually go ahead and start making some nice hash for myself, im pleased with the fast dried buds i got, not harsh at all and to be honest id say the quick dried stuff tastes exactly the same as the slow dried from the last grow of this same plant, this was a clone from the plant i harvested last time round, i think i need to do a longer veg to get the yield im after, so the next plants to go in and the plants i choose to re-veg will be vegged longer,

the fruity chronic juice or what ever it is smells so nice, when i move the plant i get this very nice smell. cant wait to harvest and try that.

im not sure whats going on with the juicy fruit and the kush but both have got cloudy and amber trichs and to me look ready, but the pistils are still white, not really sure whats going on with it, but the longer i leave it the more amber the trichs will be, so do i wait till the pistils have changed or harvest when the trichs say the plants ready.
@grogreen, hi mate, chances are your plant is fox tailing, what this is doing is growing more seed pods and these are getting bigger, this then grows new pistils, so the longer you leave it the more bud you will get, the problem is the buds that are ready will start to degrade and you can get problems with bud rot, id say you could easily go 7 maybe 14 days before harvest

Hey guys ive been away from the computer for a couple days, thanks for the info and I think your right master Don! It looks exactly like a foxtail! All fresh new white pistils, my buds actually look like they did in the beginning stages again, I have pics but im not at home right now, ill be sure to show you guys when I get home, bud rot is something I definitely do not want! What do I do to avoid that? I tried what you mentioned about checking sugar leaves, on the widow the trichs are still id say clear and milky, two or three amber, and this is the one that is fox tailing, on my jock theres some evidence of new pistils but not near as much as the widow, and the trichs on there ive seen clear, milky and a couple amber, so im a little confused? shes ready, or real close? and weirdest thing, i checked my space queen just for shits and giggles, and ive seen quite a few amber trichs, maybe 10-12 on one sugar leaf? but all the pistils are still pure white, and this is the plant I thought was not even close to harvest, buds are still quite small, so im confused what to do, i feel the buds still have a ways to go but the trichs are telling me otherwise......can anybody tell me what the HELL is going on here??? I dont want bud rot, and i dont want sleepy night night weed, should I pull now?
ok so i uploaded photos on my phone, check out the new growth! i was thinking about pulling them last week, then this happened. If you look close you can see where the old growth stopped and new growth formed! These buds just continue to blow my mind, I dont think they ever want to stop growing!

This is the white widow x big bud, anybody who is currently growing or thinking about growing this strain will not be disappointed!
@smokemupm8, i got that exact same scope, its for checking bank notes, has white led and uv led, i paid 1p for mine off flea bay

Lol.. Mad.. Ill try get a job checking for fake notes:) Ill say, " Mate, Ive been checkin trichs for years - IM PERFECT for the JOB!! Ive made this scope my bitch!!
But yeah well i didnt kno it had 2 kinds of LED s on it, i thought they were both the same? This may be why it gives a good view of color in trichs yeah? A cross of both lights.. COOL INFO! Cheers DonPaul!
ok so i uploaded photos on my phone, check out the new growth! i was thinking about pulling them last week, then this happened. If you look close you can see where the old growth stopped and new growth formed! These buds just continue to blow my mind, I dont think they ever want to stop growing!

This is the white widow x big bud, anybody who is currently growing or thinking about growing this strain will not be disappointed!

FARKN MAJIK!! They look geat.. Well they do seem to be swelling still? But they may be going thru the floral bloom as i said, whether this is the 3rd or not i dont know. If it is then over the next 1 - 2 weeks it should be gettin close to being ready IMO.. IM NOT 100% Bro, that big bud strain seems to be a good choice to have with a cross strain of Super skunk:)
MAJOR SKUNK BUDS.. HEAVEN.. Some REAL sticky icky icky!
GREAT JOB.. I could nt see any scissors in them pics!! Patience my friend, all we need is just a little patience! Lol.. Catch ya , Smokemup
Wow that unbelievable! Those ladies look beautiful! I want to stick my face between her luscious buds. Haha I bet the smoke will be great

As for the harvest, I'll estimate 18 grams as is, with the stems, keep me updated on the final weight!
Hey guys ive been away from the computer for a couple days... should I pull now?

Ok fine, I'll be that guy.

Dude you need to start your own journal and let us follow DonP.

I promise we will still help you, post the link to your journal here, and we'll come see how you're doing. In fact, it would be a ton easier to give you help, if you had your own journal, more people will see your questions, and you'll get advice from many 420 Vets!

Just my two cents, because i feel like you are taking away from DonP's pride an joy in this journal..
FARKN MAJIK!! They look geat.. Well they do seem to be swelling still? But they may be going thru the floral bloom as i said, whether this is the 3rd or not i dont know. If it is then over the next 1 - 2 weeks it should be gettin close to being ready IMO.. IM NOT 100% Bro, that big bud strain seems to be a good choice to have with a cross strain of Super skunk:)
MAJOR SKUNK BUDS.. HEAVEN.. Some REAL sticky icky icky!
GREAT JOB.. I could nt see any scissors in them pics!! Patience my friend, all we need is just a little patience! Lol.. Catch ya , Smokemup

LOL no scissors, but they are very close by, and anxious to go to work! I will look into that strain thanks for the tid bit. I dont think I want to grow anything except the biggest fattest healthiest nugz out there, anybody have opinions on the highest yielding plant out there? I want plants with buds so big they cant hold themselves up and touch the floor! But quality is also important, Im more of a sativa lover too, i like a functional buzz, any suggestions from all you experienced growers?
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